Blessed art thou among women

There seems to be a discontinued Christian blog, that had the same name as this one.  I occasionally like to run headlines like that, to make a few minds explode.

Rather naughty, I know.  Fortunately, it seems I’ll be getting a beating quite soon, so there will be penance.

More sinful pictures below:

Riding ladies with horsewhips...yum
Bet you’re glad you didn’t look at their bottoms, aren’t you?  Oh.  Oh dear.

OWK ladies love to starve you
Actually, the way the ones who are already thin react to the starvation diet can be even funnier.

NO escape from the domme
Come on – don’t be such a baby!  It’s not as if she hasn’t whipped you before!

Over her lap yet again
My favourite place.

Anne gives you a faceslapping
Another little service you can do for her.

It’s a good thing exhibitionism is not my fetish

Hmmm.  My stats counter says I got 50 hits yesterday, and just 2 today, when I normally get over a thousand these days (still not much, I know…tell your friends about “CtD” as I rather snappily call it).

I don’t think the ‘magazine covers’ post was quite that bad, so I put this down to the stat counter rather than you all going away and (sniff) leaving me all alone.  Locked in this cage, with my hands fastened cruelly to the bars, and a chain around my…sorry, I was miles away.

Anyway, I reckon blogger has stopped counting.  Does this sort of thing happen often?  It does feel a bit like shouting into a darkened room, without stats that work.


Oh well.  I just caption the femdom images anyway, because I enjoy it and no one tells me not to.  Might as well post them here, whatever is going on.

Captioned image of femdom wife with cane
Look at those shoulders.  Powerful, and – no, I said look at the shoulders!

rather dangerous looking schoolgirls eek
I thought of spelling out what it is they’ll actually do, but I think I don’t need to.  I mean, just look at them!  I think these two look a lot scarier than most of the leather-clad dominatrices that I often feature.

Dominatrix proposes to repeat the whole caning
Need to do a few harder-edged, less ‘funny’ captions from time to time.  The ‘I think we’d better just repeat the whole punishment from the start’ idea has always been an exciting one for me… and once my Significant Other did it for real.  I didn’t think she’d go through with the whole thing, as I thought she’d realise I couldn’t ‘take’ it.  She did go through with it, and eventually I took it too. Ow.

Wife would rather you stayed in chastity
Oh well, worth a try.  Let’s hope the person she finds for heterosexual sex is also only interested in heterosexual sex.  Otherwise things could get messy (and sticky, and really horrible-tasting too).

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