Arbitrary power

It’s the best sort.

Cassie Hunter is wonderful
It’s the personal touch that counts.
The awesome Hunteress, also known as Mistress Cassie.  But you knew that! 

Slave quarters for Mistress
Summer on the roof, winter in the cellar…and you get to see how she lives in the rest of the house twice a year, when you go up or down.

Beaten by Mistress repeatedly
It’s worth taking the time to get these things right.

Slave cave
Don’t worry – you won’t have the apartment to yourself for long.  It’s not like you’re her only slave.

Castration femdom caption yet again
One form of castration is much the same as another, I reckon.  Just get on with it – that’s what I say.

You can get more with a harsh word and a whip

… than you can with just a harsh word.  To misquote Al Capone.

Femdom objectification
And perhaps not.  It really doesn’t have any say in the matter anyway.

Boxed slave
I wonder what’s in the box?

Caning mistress
Very practical.

Double domme
Anyway, it’s not really a problem if he does suffocate: she’ll still come.

She has my attention already.

Servitor says: new widget!   Try the new lucky dip feature, over to the right there.


That’s today’s new word!  (And it begins with ‘i’!).

Apparently, ‘intersectionality’ refers to multiple overlapping systems of domination and oppression, and can be best described through a ‘matrix of domination’!  Sounds like fun, huh?

I’m going to get me on one of them gender studies courses, right away.  I could enter this blog as my thesis… although I expect some narrow-minded academic would probably consider it to be politically incorrect.

Oh well.  Let’s have some pictures of sexy young women posing for the camera and holding fetish objects in a threatening way, shall we?  Nothing politically incorrect there.


Actually, I think you’re on precisely the right side of the river. Why would you want to go anywhere else?


Actually, it’s simpler than that.  He hasn’t left the aircraft – and he won’t.


If you can’t keep twenty-eight simple vows, then what on earth are you doing getting married, hmmm?


Sometimes it’s worth all the screaming and begging for mercy just to have made the point of priciple though, isn’t it?  Isn’t it?


Oh, I have no problem with authority at all.  Not when it looks like Mistress Eleise de Lacey.

She has a new website, you know.  Hooray!  It’s because she’s moved to Canada.  Nooooooo!  Western Canada!  Aaaaaargh!  Vancouver.  I don’t even know where Vancouver is!  But it’s far.

Fatale attraction

Normal service is now resumed.  And I can use the letter ‘i’ and everything.

Impalas!  Intrepid!  Vicissitude!  Inimitable!  Mississississississipipipipitipie!

Oh god, that felt good.

On we go.

Bloody nose femdom
It’s not a good idea to make her cross.

Femdom dress code
That’s right, Dave.  Stand up for yourself, mate.

First time domme
Oh, it’ll be OK.  Everyone has to start somewhere.  Big whip, huh?  Small room…

I asked my SO for a regular date to be fixed for my masturbation day.  She chose 29th February.
She can be cruel like that.


Yeah, don’t beat yourself up about it.  That’s her job.
(joke copyright the Addams Family movie.  It’s better when Angelica Houston says it.)

You captured my heart, and now that I’m no longer free

…make love to me (in stereo!).

Even cowgirls
So hard to choose…

If I knew you were coming
That’s a relief.  I was feeling a bit unmotivated there, for a moment.  But I expect the whip will sort that out.

Errand cuckold
How humiliating it is… not to have enough of your own money to buy condoms for your wife’s date!  Sigh.  Better fetch the purse.

Personal history embarassment
Nothing to worry about at all.  I’m sure they handle all sorts of different online payments.

Denial again
Grr,  She had a headache last month, too.  I’m beginning to think she might be faking it.

Her whim is my command

Of course, this blog is strongly opposed to real bullying.  Just keep it for play, in session, that’s what I say.  Not that She ever listens, when I do.

It’s odd the things women find sexy, isn’t it?  For some it’s chunky jumpers, for others it’s brutal, relentless torture.  Mars, Venus, whatever – you know?

Opinionated husbands forbidden
That sounds fair.  I’m certainly not going to argue.

She deserves a night off, I reckon.  She can always pick it up wherever she left off, tomorrow morning.

femdom random clickbait caption here
It’s not a good thing to go around with suspicious, negative thoughts about any relationship.  If you start thinking ‘What if Mistress murders me?’ each time, then you’re just not going to enjoy the session, and who does it benefit anyway?  I mean, really?

Slap happy

You know what you deserve… but here are some pervy pictures instead.

Wearing wifes dresses
Oh I do hope I get to wear that one.

Painful perversions
And paying them for it.  And thanking them afterwards.  And then in a few months doing it all again.  Here, in my case.

And this?  I mean – do we have to put up with this sort of thing?  Yes.

Russian femdom petplay
Actually, slave-fighting’s illegal in most civilised countries. And he can definitely sue if he has his balls bitten off, so really he’s got nothing to worry about.
 This image from Tyrannized, like it says.  Very good if you like your femdom in bright, primary colours.

I think you’re about to find out how ridiculous you look.  And if I know Angie, so’s everyone else.

Iterated domination

I took a course in game theory once.  I was doing fine, but in the final exam there was a question about about ‘the prisoners’ dilemma under strictly dominated strategies’ … and for some reason after that I started thinking about something else, I just couldn’t concentrate and it all went wrong.  I managed to scrape a passing grade by sucking up to the examiner, but that’s another story again.

More captioned images of female domination.  I know you know, but the search engines need constant reminders, poor dears.

Wonderful cruella mistress
Women, eh?  When they say they ‘want a talk’ it usually means we’ve done something wrong, doesn’t it?  Oh well… better let the little woman have her say, or we’ll never hear the end of it!
 The image, of course, is from a very wonderful Cruella photoshoot from…oh, at least twenty years ago.
Spanking mistress no less
Yes, Ma’am, that spanking has made me think.  Is there anything in particular you’d like me to think?  Just say – I’ll think it.
 This lovely lady is Miss Audrey Knight.  No idea who he is.  Some bloke.

Cruel wife food play
I don’t know how she catches so many.  Yet there aways seem to be more when she locks you in the basement for the night.

Multitasking… it’s a woman thing.
 Another Cruella shoot, more recent.

You’re not a sweaty loser are you?  No, didn’t think so.  And I’m not a creepy pervert.  So that’s all right, then.

La belle dame sans merci

More images of female domination, captioned ones.

Nazi dominatrix oh my
Just scream to let them know when it’s back on, would you?

If I want to keep those stats up, I guess I’m going to have to start offering housework tips here…

Mmm…well, that was fun.  Schoolboy session next month – four hours in detention writing lines, wasn’t it?  Something to look forward to.

Men – being crude and ignorant – need to train themselves to watch out for these subtle clues.  Or women need to train them.

Yes.  Then they’ll definitely be gay.  And married!
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