Lowly thoughts

Ah yes.
It’s no one’s fault but your own, you know. Well… I expect they’ll blame 216 for it, too.
Many brides get nervous, before their wedding nights, especially when, like her, they’re not very experienced with men. But really it’s the groom who should be scared.
More howly for a start.
They have an office policy on sexual discrimination and harassment: it’s quite detailed.
Just wait it out… are you master in your own house or not? Anyway, she’ll probably do the ‘half”…’a quarter’ thing.

Mislaid gratification

I hope the poor things manage to find something to amuse themselves with, without any men around.
My SO gets very angry about how widely accepted it used to be to tell sexist ‘mother-in-law’ jokes and I can’t say she’s wrong. I wish I could go back to the 1970s and just explain to those ‘comics’ how much pain their thoughtless and unfunny insults could cause.
In case you’re wondering how four fully grown women can stand on someone’s back without causing unacceptable injuries, there is of course a trick to taking a photo of this kind of pose: they used a male that no one cares about.
OK, that’s ‘the little talk’ over then. See? I told you she’d listen.
Don’t worry, he’s still going to pay for a steak. And leave a nice big tip (200% is standard, but his Mistress was feeling generous that night so she rounded it up to an even 1000).
Sometimes lifestyle changes can be the best way to deal with a bad back, but if you don’t get to decide on your own lifestyle, obviously that’s a non-starter. Incidentally, after this photo was taken the stupid baldy twat you can see kneeling down there had to be whipped for not expresing enough sympathy for her poor old Nan. Men can be so unfeeling.


Yes, just imagine how awful that would be. But don’t imagine too hard, or the spikes might start digging in painfully. Oh – too late? Sorry.
It’s amazing how modern technology can take the drudgery out of life but to a sufficiently determined woman, there’s still plenty of drudgery to be found.
I expect it’ll turn up eventually… and while it’s missing, you might even find out you could have done without it all along. It’s often that way.
Oh dear. And her feet too! Sigh. Scurry.
Don’t be so selfish – or possessive. In fact, it’s probably a good idea to get out of that last habit, now you don’t have possessions.

Intended consequences

I wonder why she didn’t get much sleep? Probably worrying you might be cold out there, the sweet thing.
Good to know it’s nice and strong. Nothing worse than the feeling that one of your bonds is working loose , when you’re screaming, thrashing around in agony and pleading for mercy, is there?
I often accompany my SO to the hairdresser – the girls there have a kind of competition to see who can give me the stupidest-looking cut.
I think she’s getting the hang of ‘it’the domination sex thing’. The trick is not to get hung up on the ‘sex’ bit.
Tsk… any time you’re ready, ladies!
Maybe she just lacks confidence, the poor thing. Doesn’t want to embarass herself by not being quite the accomplished lesbian, when it’s finally time for you to watch in mute frustration. Fortunately, she’s always been a quick learner.

Power and glory

For ever and ever…

The star jumps are the worst part.
Oi – don’t you know it’s rude to listen in on other people’s phone calls? It’s the taste of her shoes you’re paying for, not her private life.
It would have been a messy divorce. This solution is much neater.
Cum is actually quite healthy – very low fat. Just ask anyone who’s had to try to survive on a diet of nothing else.
Oh well, it’ll make a refreshing change to stand in a different corner afterwards.
My own wedding night was exhausting, I have to confess. 60 guests can leave a lot of mess.

Degraded images

She’s going to take her time – no rush, is there?
Oh well, it’ll make a change from the chewing gum those big-city dommes pick up.
I must say, thiose bridesmaids are taking their duties very seriously. At my wedding, they were only there for the ceremony – although my best man stayed around for quite a while, now I come to think of it.
I used to think my SO was mixing up her two remotes, but it turns out she just set the TV control up to give me an electric shock every time she changes the channel or adjusts the volume.
It’s amazing the things medical science has come up with these days. You know, back in medieval times dommes engaged in medical play would put leeches up their clients’ bottoms? We’ve come a long way.

This lovely lady is Maitresse Blanche, based just outside Paris, whose medical skills have from time to time been employed in trying to sort out the many, many things that are wrong with Servitor.

Ah… lesbian femsubs. Many male submissives fantasise about their mistresses taking on a pretty little submissive but the reality is less ‘threesome’ but more doing a lot of housework around a rather giggly ‘twosome’, twice as much laundry and fewer ‘onesomes’ than ever. Not that I’m bitter – or complaining, obviously.

When life gives you lemons…

 …strap him down to a table, clip his eyelids open and squeeze the juice into them.

Too unpleasant for you?  Then you definitely will not want to watch this clip of women (as the title indicates) brutally torturing men to death

No, seriously, you won’t.  That clip is not some kind of happy S&M consensual game, nor are the terrified victims saved at the last minute from the evil torturers (don’t you hate it when that happens in mainstream movies?).  It is possibly the most unpleasant, brutal mainstream clip I have ever seen.  Very nasty stuff.

I mean, who could possibly enjoy that sort of thing?  You’d have to be a truly sick weirdo to get any kind of sexual pleasure from that. Simply horrible, it is.  Vile.


Anyway, on we go!


Some poor sod’s going to have to clean that up, you know.



‘Non-lethal’ is how I like my femdom play.



Yes, let’s hope Ellie doesn’t take it out on them.  She’d got a terrible temper, you know.




The people have spoken… the ones wanking online, anyway, and that’s good enough for her.





Thank goodness none of that applies to any of us, eh readers?  Imagine the (fully justified) self-loathing you’d have to feel to get off on something like this.

Their beauty and their style

He can do 100 words a minute – most of them being ‘sorry’.




I don’t see why it’s so unethical.  I mean, consent was sought and freely… well, consent was given anyway, which is the main thing.




She’s always hungry. She always needs to feed. She must eat. All she gets is nasty Orcses.



I think we can all agree that anyone doing that deserves whatever Hayley feels like handing out (and she’s a big strong girl).

Romance, revenge and healthy exercise, all in one long, happy afternoon.


Talking about pain

 Not enough couples do that.



As you can see, she takes quite an old-fashioned approach to discipline.  Most wives these days just use the app.



She can put it with all the other things waiting for him in their honeymoon suite.

I hope she learns an important lesson about bullying.  Or a few new techniques, anyway.

How very tiresome.

Ironically enough, although they put on a remarkable burst of speed, when they reached Capri there’d been an unseasonable spring storm and the blossom was in tatters.  She took it in good part, though: silly to get upset over something like that.  There’s always next year.

Sadistically significant

I rather think the romantic evening’s just getting started, don’t you?





Despite her attitude to sexists, she’s a great believer in naval tradition.  ‘Rum, sodomy and the lash’ and all that, although obviously today’s navy is alcohol-free.



Perhaps Paul and Irene could discuss it later.




Possibly several things.  There’s always something.

She looks nice. Just as well when you’re that small and vulnerable.







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