To make no mistakes is not in the power of man

But fortunately correcting them is in the power of woman.

The only ‘JOI’ I’ve ever needed is “Oh all right, then, I suppose so but be quick and don’t make any mess, OK?”
It is – brutally – simple.
They tend to be nervous, skittish beasts, understandably as they are right at the bottom of the food chain.
If none of them will own up, I guess she’ll just have to beat it out of them. Or at the other extreme, they might be brave and have an ‘I am Spartacus’ moment.
Go on, don’t be churlish. Look: she’s even colour-co-ordinated the accessories.
It’s not the despair. I can take the despair. It’s the hope I can’t stand. John Cleese, Clockwise.

Love conquers all

So it’s best to offer unconditional surrender.

He will. Happy place.
He needn’t worry that his session tribute will, increase, though: instead she has a completely different financial model she intends to apply.
My SO told me on our wedding night that our intercourse had lasted almost exactly 45 seconds too long for her to enjoy it – which I thought odd, as it had only lasted 45 seconds in total. Just the first of many misunderstandings, but we’ve come to understand one another very well now.
They won’t be fresh of course… in fact, by then they’ll probably be rank and fetid. Yum. I hope she’ll warm them up, though. Nothing worse than cold sweaty socks.
I’m sure if she could bend the rules on this occasion, she would. But she doesn’t make the… oh, hang on.
And afterwards it’s easy enough to keep you tight by just moving up one strap-on size each time. It’s surprising – and a bit uncomfortable – how big they go. But Anya has strong pelvic muscles, as she says, so that’s OK.

Brisk and to the point

Obviously, males are perfectly capable of performing useful tasks unsupervised, but in doing so most will struggle with their natural laziness and incompetence.
Seems odd, after putting it off for weeks now to be in such a hurry.
Just do what comes naturally; you’ll be fine. She’ll do all the actual work, anyway.
A little unconventional, for the woman to be the one proposing marriage, but at least you’re in the traditional position, down on your knees.
In all seriousness (for this blog), I’ve often wondered about this. I mean, when I session with a domme, she’s always very firm about timings, confirmation and so on. Must be much harder for sex workers who can’t just order their clients about… maybe another reason for all female sex workers to go into domination, I suppose.
Another sub who doesn’t need to do anything, while other people do all the work. We’ve really got it made, haven’t we?

Feminine ferocity

Why spoil the surprise? It’s good for boys to be terrified. Anyway, it won’t be for long.
Together they can stand tall to fight oppression. Or not.
It doesn’t matter on so many different levels, that it’s a little odd she’s asking. If she really needed my opinion, she could beat it out of me, after all.
Makes you long for those long summer days, when she used to pick up tanned guys on the beach.
Remarkably, for both husbands it is the one thing they could reasonably claim to be good at, so it’s a real clash of titans.
You will report any staring violations, won’t you? Yes: thought you would.

The lovely and sadly retired Lady Sophia Black.

Her opinions

 …although I share them, obviously, even the ones I haven’t been told about.


She’s taking this very casually at the moment, but don’t worry: I’m sure it’ll come up again in the next weekly reminder session.

Best to get it over quickly.  After all, the whole point of chastity play is the chastity, not the orgasms.  Some men don’t get that, at first.

Deniably, that is.  I’m sure she could think of many, many things he could die of, were it not for the pettifogging legal system.

As it turned out, he did indeed ‘experience fresh challenges while continuing to deepen his existing skill set’ in his session with Strict Madame Lydia, so that worked out well too.

She gets a lot of job satisfaction.  Not just the pain she gets to inflict, obviously, because she’s a professional with a keen interest in social rehabilitation.  No: it’s the humiliation and the misery, too.

Sourness and light

If any of you do have any nasty little habits – particularly if you happen to be indulging them right now – I suggest you visit a specialist like her.  That’s what I do.



Lesbian slavegirls don’t really understand male sexuality, of course, which is probably why so many of them featured on this blog want to suppress or even abolish it.



Think of your retirement as a second childhood; that’s certainly how the staff see it.

Choosing the first option is likely to result in very drastic, rapid weight loss.

How did the conversation get onto this topic, anyway, what’s what I want to know?




Words can never hurt you

 …but these ladies can.

You might think it a little unfair that only one of the submissives in this relationship does all the housework – but remember, she needs to rest during the day after a busy night looking after Mistress’s sexual needs.


Let’s just say I’ve had time to get my hand in.

They should be more careful with their property.

Unlike regular sex work, paid femdom doesn’t have to involve hanging around on cold rainy street corners, wearing nothing but a latex miniskirt, tiny top and uncomfortable high heels – but if that’s what my dominatrix says is going to happen, I usually don’t argue.

Don’t be alarmed; her mother may be a bit bossy but at least she likes you.  She described you as ‘very suitable’ when you were first introduced to her, remember?

De-toxifying masculinity

I suspect she’s already got the job on the basis of her proven leadership potential.




At least twelve years… and that’s subject to good behaviour.  Admittedly, almost every single inmate is on his very best behaviour every second of every day, from about day two or three onward…. but nonetheless, somehow very few of them manage to qualify for early release.  I suppose the wardens are just being careful, bless them… protecting the public.



Not sure permission to kneel was actually formally given, there, was it?  Hmmm.


It must be a lot of fun having an underground swimming pool – this rich couple I know had one constructed, and I’m not sure I’ve seen the husband since it was completed.  Apparently he spends all his time down there.




Oh, right.  Well, if Raoul has needs, obviously that’s different.  Sigh.



A good hard marriage

… that’s what most men need.

She’s getting mixed signals here.  Fortunately, the ones she’s giving are entirely consistent.

Thank goodness for that.

My own SO avoids this problem by only fucking guys who despise me.  Fortunately, that doesn’t restrict her freedom of action at all.

Honestly, given the choice between fucking her and fucking you, it’s hard to see how anyone could prefer not to play it straight.  But some guys have weird sexual preferences.  I’ve heard.

Actually, I have a funny story about a pair of masturbation gloves and some nettles.  Well… it was funny at the time, anyway.  For her.

Destructive criticism

I was about to say they don’t get very many complaints but I looked into it and apparently they do get lots and lots of complaints, but they’re invariably withdrawn later.  Sometimes by the patients themselves, sometimes by their legal guardians if they’ve been declared mentally incapable.  So that’s all right.


Better do what she says.  Really.



You do have a safeword, of course.  Just use it if it all gets too much, and she’ll stop whatever she was doing immediately and do something else.  This, for instance.




Looks like it’s going to be all talk and no action!  What a disappointment.




You know, they gave him equal billing with her?  Sometimes the world makes no sense at all.



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