Persuasive speech

Ooh!  A potential ally. That’s rare: so few women take men’s lib seriously.

You can’t put a price on job satisfaction.


Don’t worry, I’m sure she can’t trace your IP address.  Just keep reading Contemplating the Divine… everything’ll be fine.



He doesn’t need to renew his vows to her, of course.  I mean, she’s not going to release him from them, or anything.



Oh well.  No real harm done.  You do look a bit like No. 23, actually – I don’t know whether anyone else has ever mentioned that?  But then we all look near-identical… hence the numbers, I suppose.

Hit me (hit me!) hit me (hit me!) hit me with those laser beams!

Frankie Goes to Hollywood of course.  Another memory of brief and never repeated wild sexual excitement as a teenager.  There was a music show called The Tube and this unknown band appeared on it, performing Relax… including two lovely ladies in leather dancing about with whips.* Yes, actual whips… my teenage brain exploded.** The lovely ladies did not appear to do any actual singing, which probably explains why, a few months later, when Relax became a massive hit, they’d disappeared from the band*** which had also thoroughly embraced its gay vibe. So, video at number one, leather imagery everywhere and not a female to be seen. 


Anyway, this isn’t a post about Frankie Goes etc.  It’s just an excuse to put the word ‘laser’ in the title, because it’s a science fiction post.  And if the first one today doesn’t get me a mention on 11dutch’s blog I really don’t know what ever will.

I understand there’s a latex fetish scene with a Zygon, too.

…or even an even older man from 2023.  I don’t put captioned images up as soon as I write them, you see.  Except the Billie Piper one above, because as soon as I’d made it and stopped chortling happily to myself I just had to post it.

I understand the preferred terms are ‘Trekker’ and ‘perverted little freak’.  Anyway, it’s what you do that actually matters, not what anyone calls you.

She’s bound to get found out eventually.  No robot could ever be as cruel and controlling as a real human bride, after all.

Lexx is thoroughly recommended for all perverts reading this blog.  The lady above is (in my utterly humble opinion) only the second most stunningly attractive incarnation of the character she is portraying… just think on that.

* Here’s a scene from the trailer!

** Here’s the whole thing, starting about 0.55.  

***  Ooh – here’s a whole article about them and what happened.  Called ‘the leather pets’ they were.

And a photo!  Bloody hell, it’s good this Internet thing isn’t it? So much stuff out there.


I suppose it’s polite to ask, but really she should just make herself at home.


He looks pretty trustworthy to me.  You’ll be fine.  Just think about something else for 20 minutes.



No, she’s not particular.  Well…she is, obviously.  Just not about that sort of thing.


See?  There’s always a solution if you just talk it out.  It’s like the time I finally told my SO I was finding our ‘lifestyle’ a bit difficult and in just a few minutes ‘talking it through’ we hit on the solution of shutting the fuck up and never complaining to her again.  So simple, in retrospect and it’s avoided so many problems since.



She’s definitely going to go down there and check he’s OK, though.  There’s just something she needs to do first, that’s all.



Harsh unreality

Many women are actually very good at verbal humiliation play without even realising it, in my experience.


Don’t forget to shout out your safeword if it all gets too much.  Fire ant play can be quite intense.



He reports to the Chief Prison Inspector for the region, who in turn reports to his wife – whose lover by curious chance, is the Governess of this facility.  But they are all scrupulously independent.




Sookie was doing well this month: got to day 3 without any class 1 faults.  That’s a record.




It might be a while – she has a very high tolerance for pain.




(Oh, and I just thought you might like to see a picture of the Prime Minister of Finland.)


Actually, speaking of politics (as fetish porn blogs so often will), the British Tory party has another opportunity to opt for the smack of firm government and elect Penny Mordaunt.  Let’s hope they know what’s good for them this time.

Humbling experiences

‘PIV’ (Penis in Vagina) is not the only sort of sex a married couple can try, after all.  There’s ‘SIA’ (strap-on in anus), for instance, or ‘PIALTTUIBEIADREFWTSITP’ (penis in a little tube tucked up in bed early, in a different room entirely from where the sex is taking place) too.




Thank goodness for that.



My SO and I take all the financial decisions together.  I don’t actually take part in the decision, obviously, but I’m usually there when it’s made and that’s what matters.




Findom clients are born not made, they say.  One every minute, I’ve heard.



Actually, she decided in the end that most of the guys she’s fucked probably wouldn’t get the reference (they tend not to be bookish types), so she went with something a bit less subtle on the same theme.


The nymphs tread out their ground, fa la

 .. for now is the month of MayingFa la la la la la la la.

A latex-shining session?  Pah – that’s practically vanilla.  You’ve got a proper femdom activity booked, you have, so go ahead and enjoy every authentic moment of it.

That’s a shame, as the date was going quite well up to that point.  Maybe they’ll leave you their phone numbers.

My SO is fine with me deciding for myself what I want to eat when we go out to a restaurant.  She doesn’t usually let me have it, of course.

Don’t worry, she’s only planning to shoot to wound.  Much more fun that way.

The shapely ankles and calves within these elegant boots belong to Miss Chambers, of Cruella fame.  Now if only we could see her lovely, lovely nose too.

That’s a good clause.  I have it tattooed on me, just in case I ever forget.

Oh, and as a little bonus, I just discovered this delightful thing and felt compelled to share it. 

#Chris Pine from Entertainment Weekly

All authority in Heaven and Earth has been given to her

 Extra Easter post!  Yay…. Only one actually Easter-themed, but that’s probably just as well, really.


Could maybe try a bit
of both?  Make him eat a chocolate egg or two, while he’s suspended by
his aching wrists?  Meet halfway, in a spirit of compromise inspired by the season. 
All that chocolate might help him work up even more of a thirst for the
sponge of vinegar she’ll be raising to his parched lips after he’s been hanging there for a few hours.

Yeah, don’t dwell on how things might have gone differently in the past.  Much better to think about the future and… mmm, OK, maybe better not to think too hard about the future, actually.

Naughty nursie’s getting a pay rise.  Several pay rises.

Just a normal day, like any other – normal from now on, anyway.

I suppose so.  Maybe.  It depends on the context, you know?  I don’t think there are any absolute ethical boundaries here.

Firmly-held opinions

Tsk.  And he’s hardly even made an effort to look smart, either.  Men!

A Rose by any other name…

If the weights do tear the ring out and make a nasty mess, I think we all know whose fault that will be, don’t we subbie?  Yes, yes we do.

If you don’t want to know, don’t ask.

One advantage is that only the very best nurses work in the RPU.  It’s very competitive – you’ll be in the hands of the elite; a much more professional standard of care than you could normally expect with a silly old ingrowing toenail.






Unrestrained elegance

A truly service-oriented submissive would have one ready, anticipating her needs.




They say Paris is the city of lovers.  Maybe she’ll have a several, while you’re there.



Don’t worry, the whip’s just for show.  Well… I mean, it’s mainly for the slaveboy, obviously.  But in this context, it’s mainly for show.




You’re very much at the bottom end of it, obviously, but part of the family nonetheless.

Skirts are much more convenient, as I can personally attest.


She looked like something special

 …the kind who’d understand.

Perhaps she’ll bring you a treat.

Where there’s a will – and strong pelvic muscles, restraints and plenty of lube – there’s a way.

Some valuable soft skills there, to complement the hard skill set many of the senior staff already have.

If men’s libbers feel oppressed, they’ve got no one to blame but themselves.

Raoul has a gay friend!  Sign of the times.  Maybe he’s moving on from those ridiculous old-fashioned attitudes.

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