Sweet surrender

Actually, I find it works rather badly and her boots need extensive cleaning afterwards. Luckily.



Pro-domination is such a difficult business – I am frequently in awe at the skill and grace with which dommes carry off the ‘pretending not to despise me’ bit post-session.




Should be a Rule 18 but I’ve been overdoing those posts lately.


 I suspect her client would enjoy these illustrations by that genius Sardax, the beauty of which is enhanced by the gracious presence of the lovely, wonderful Alice Malice of London.




Worth a try.  You might even enjoy it but let’s hope not.

That’s going to cause some funny looks in the office – after all, ‘Bring your gimp to work day’ isn’t for another three months.


Slavish desires


Don’t worry too much about it: I’ve often noticed the women in my life using ‘if’ when they really mean ‘when’.  ‘If’ I decide to punish you… if I bring a guy home… if you fuck this up again… and so on.



They should be more charitable towards her, even if she does have some odd ideas.  After all, she’s a grieving widow, the poor thing.



It was maybe considering a little pleading whimper, but it won’t even try, now.



Medical researchers have made huge strides in pain management in recent years, as her husband will soon discover.

Abandoned gimps seem to be everywhere these days, it’s a modern plague.  Fortunately, very few people care.


All is vanity, nothing is fair

As no doubt the quote from a nineteenth century novel in the title will have forewarned you, Contemplating the Divine once again takes a step back to the gentler, but no less unkind, femdom of regency days*.  It was one of the first themes ever to feature on the blog, and remains to this day one of the most thoroughly unpopular, with few if any readers ever having a good word to say about it.  But then if I got off on compliments, I wouldn’t be a humiliation freak, now, would I?

Either that, or I’m too stupid to take a hint.  Whatever… here come the hot chicks in empire-line dresses yet again.












* and before anyone rushes to comment that at least some of these scenes are clearly from the early Victorian period, I should point out that I am – of course – using ‘Regency’ to indicate a general focus on period drama and costumes, rather than strictly confining the topics to the years between 1811 and 1820.  OK?  Goodness, femdom porn sites like Bitches with Whips or StraponSquad don’t pay so much attention to these historical details, I’m sure, and I don’t suppose they get that kind of abuse.

Decadence: just the pictures

 So… to celebrate 10 years of ruining otherwise lovely images of ladies, by sticking witless captions on them (but never, ever overlapping the ladies themselves – that’s a rule) I will be putting up some of my favourites over the next few days.  Yes: we celebrate 10 years by putting up repeats that you’ve already seen…

Today: some of my favourite images I have posted, selected without worrying too much about whether the captions are any good or not.  Some are, some aren’t: but occasionally the pictures are so perfect that they have to be captioned even if I don’t have any particularly good ideas.

I just like their expressions.

like their expressions too.  If they aren’t saying something hurtful
and humiliating, and enjoying it as much as they appear to be, well they
damn well should be, that’s all.

again, although here the likelihood that they were actually saying
something hurtful and humiliating is perhaps a little higher.

think this might be my favourite femdom image of all time.  It’s not
specifically a femdom image, of course.  When you search for it, you mostly
get sites relating to workplace bullying, which is probably an activity
that’s less fun in reality than in fantasy.  But… but she’s just
shouting… right in his face!  Isn’t it lovely?

Again, it’s the look.

Her expression… and the general situation.  Four of them… face it, you are going to be way out of your depth, even if the two at the back are more interested in each other than in you.

hard to say what it is I like about this photo.  Maybe the framing, or
the perspective?  It’s probably some kind of technical
photographological stuff like that, anyway.  Definitely probably
something like that.

Jenna Coleman, on a break during filming Dr Who, I believe.  We need
more pictures of beautiful actresses dressed as Victorian governesses. 
Many more.

I occasionally feature male dominants or others into heavy, macho S&M gear here – usually dressed something like this.

And, of course…

So true, so true.  And I have many pictures of her.

Last of the thing?

I’ve done a few posts about the thing… The thing that’s been doing its thing all this year. Anyway, thank goodness female participation in STEM subjects has been going up, because there seem to have been anti-thing vaccines invented in record time… although, to be fair, the men involved deserve some credit too, I’m sure, as the scientists probably needed a regular supply of coffee at work, and supportive hubbies back home too.

So… this may well be my last post about the thing.  But we’ll see.  Maybe there’ll be another thing.  Whatever happens, I will be here, with a painfully contrived femdom take on the situation.


Lots of people are finding life very frustrating at the moment.  She understands that.



Some of her male patients have actually become clients, since, I understand.  It just goes to show, doesn’t it?  

He doesn’t need to self-isolate because they already did that for him.

My own domme is doing occasional sessions, despite being in tier 2.  When I arrive at her dungeon, I don’t see her straight away. I strip, then I have to coat myself all over in sanitising gel, insert a thick rubber dildo gag and then climb into a thick latex bondage bag before she’ll enter the room.  Then she sits about three metres away, reading a magazine, occasionally mocking me or prodding the bag with a long stick.  So… no different from a session in normal times.  I’m lucky.


Actually, the police already know where he lives, because he’s the Chief Inspector.

Dumb hearts get broken


I just hate feeling useless…




Actually, the little hole can be opened up wider.  But not for food.



Pookles is beginning to wonder whether he should put his foot down in this relationship. Or just throw himself on the floor and scream uncontrollably.


Don’t try to understand women’s sexuality.  It’s more complex and subtle than the male variety.



Maybe she’ll let you kiss her feet afterwards, before dragging yourself from her presence.



And a little bit of found femdom for you. This is the webcomic Fluffy Bunny, which seems to be quite old but I had not encountered before.  Mostly it’s a bit too cute for my tastes, but I did like this one:





Scream queens

I never went trick-or-treating as a child – it was just an American thing in those days – but it’s everywhere now.  We often get complimented on how much effort we’ve made to make the house look like a spooky haunted house of torture and pain, but really it’s just the outdoor summer toys (which are occasionally used in winter too, when I’ve been particularly bad).  Halloween does have the advantage of being the evening on which I can answer the door without having to conceal my chains, I suppose, which is nice.

Nothing terribly spooky about today’s captions, I’m afraid, but I’ve tried to choose some at the darker end of what is already rather a sombre spectrum. 

Well, I think that’s disgraceful.  She shouldn’t have taken the veil if she doesn’t believe in it.  It should be a spiritual calling, not just an excuse for hot latex-clad lesbian sex while torturing naked males. Too many people just do religion for the ritual, to my mind.



Ooh – like a college reunion?  I wonder what activities they’ve got planned.

“Erm… oh gosh, now look here, errrrmmmmm!”  etc

With the birds.  Where else are they going to go?  Don’t worry, though: they’re not predatory.  Those curving beaks are just for cracking nuts.

Don’t worry, Mistress will be back soon. How long can you stay in a beach bar with a bunch of guys, anyway?

Oh go on, then: have a Halloween-themed extra that is explicitly not about Halloween.


Craven cravings


It’s not that Robert can’t do his own, obviously.  But you’re so much better at it than him – and so much worse at sex.  It just makes sense all round.


You’ll notice she hasn’t said you have to decide quickly, as she’s getting a lot of interest from other potential occupants?  That’s because she isn’t and anyway, she’s already decided.



A cover’s probably best.  They’re quite compassionate, the two of them, so having something unpleasant like that in sight could ruin what they had planned to be rather a special moment.



Ah… back in the time when the gimp suit came off at the end of the day. I miss that stage of our relationship, but times change, I suppose, and we move on.




It’s best not to quibble about the word ‘enjoy’.  It’s like the word ‘slavery’ – means different things to different people.

Inferior sex

It’s the only kind I’ve ever provided, according to my SO.  Although how she can come to such a firm judgement after only one (barely even one, technically speaking) occasion escapes me.  Oh well.

Dommes can be surprisingly clumsy, for such elegant goddesses. I once spent a few hours tied to a cross on the floor of a BDSM club and it was just astonishing how many ladies managed to walk into me.  And all from the same direction.

It’ll be all right on the day.  She’ll make sure of that.

If you read that caption and ended up feeling almost unbearable envy for Pookie, then you’re in the right place.

The lovely Maya Sin, who once slapped and humiliated Servitor for a few hours, providing much-needed certainty.  She seems temporarily(?) to have disappeared from the Internet but here is a page about her.

All of them?  Or should they come up in threes?

She had the right to remain silent, but I understand she waived it.

Crawl space

Actually that’s not true – she takes the keenest interest in making your knees hurt and derives great pleasure from it.

I’m actually really good at fetching sticks.  On dates, I usually try to work the conversation around, so I can casually mention it.
I tried ‘coming out’ by telling some female co-workers about my true sexual nature and I have to say I didn’t get anything like this understanding reaction.  Actually, the entire experience was utterly humiliating and very painful.  So that was nice.

It’s odd – when the lady who’s now my SO and I first got together, she always (well… both times, anyway) complained that I came too soon. Nowadays, apparently I take too long and she never has time, even though I’m pretty sure I’m quicker than ever.  Women, eh?

The Divine Mistress Heather, of course. Divinity lessons have never been so intense.
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