Sadistically significant

I rather think the romantic evening’s just getting started, don’t you?





Despite her attitude to sexists, she’s a great believer in naval tradition.  ‘Rum, sodomy and the lash’ and all that, although obviously today’s navy is alcohol-free.



Perhaps Paul and Irene could discuss it later.




Possibly several things.  There’s always something.

She looks nice. Just as well when you’re that small and vulnerable.







Scream queens

I never went trick-or-treating as a child – it was just an American thing in those days – but it’s everywhere now.  We often get complimented on how much effort we’ve made to make the house look like a spooky haunted house of torture and pain, but really it’s just the outdoor summer toys (which are occasionally used in winter too, when I’ve been particularly bad).  Halloween does have the advantage of being the evening on which I can answer the door without having to conceal my chains, I suppose, which is nice.

Nothing terribly spooky about today’s captions, I’m afraid, but I’ve tried to choose some at the darker end of what is already rather a sombre spectrum. 

Well, I think that’s disgraceful.  She shouldn’t have taken the veil if she doesn’t believe in it.  It should be a spiritual calling, not just an excuse for hot latex-clad lesbian sex while torturing naked males. Too many people just do religion for the ritual, to my mind.



Ooh – like a college reunion?  I wonder what activities they’ve got planned.

“Erm… oh gosh, now look here, errrrmmmmm!”  etc

With the birds.  Where else are they going to go?  Don’t worry, though: they’re not predatory.  Those curving beaks are just for cracking nuts.

Don’t worry, Mistress will be back soon. How long can you stay in a beach bar with a bunch of guys, anyway?

Oh go on, then: have a Halloween-themed extra that is explicitly not about Halloween.


She’s the latest and the greatest of them all

Dommes and cats… am I right?  Ever noticed that?  Dommes and cats…

And a lot harder

The simply wonderful Amy Hunter.  I once had the remarkable pleasure and the still more remarkable pain (mainly the tawse on the hands – ow!) of visiting her.

I have a purpose to my existence.  My SO has promised some day to tell me what it is.

Arachnophobia play is quite culturally specific.  In the UK it’s just a matter of harmless terror, but in Australia I’ve heard it ‘s considered quite edgy.

It wasn’t actually feeling that nervous – it’s just got one of those faces, you know? But it’s beginning to get a bit jittery right now.

Malevolent society

Possibly rather alarming, but don’t worry: she’s a kind and loving person. She has cats, for example.  Cat people are always OK, right?  She has several cats and she loves them dearly.
Fortunately, scurrying is one of the things I do best.

It’s odd, because when I bring up how little I like the idea of giving blow-jobs, she says I shouldn’t rule something out without trying it!  I’m almost tempted to agree with the sexists that women can’t do logic.  But I won’t argue about it.  It’s just very frustrating, though, you know?
Looks like you owe your liberty to her.  I hope you’re grateful.

Poor Diana. Oh well, back to lesbianism I suppose.

You make a grown man cry

Don’t worry: Janine would never let you be eaten by some cat on the street.  She has her own cat whom she loves dearly.

You can buy her gifts too.  Lots of them, to make sure there are at least a few she’ll like.

 This is the wonderful, clever and creative Lady Sophia Black, who has occasionally had the bad luck to encounter Servitor in person, but managed to come out smiling an evil smile the other side.  She is – needless to say – not at all like the personality depicted in the caption.

It’s going to be kind of like the Revenant but without clothes.  Or the bear.  And shorter.

I read a men’s lib magazine once when I was a teeanger – it was being passed around the boys at school, you know.  I didn’t understand much of it, but it suggested that readers try to discuss some of the ideas in it with the women  in their lives, so I asked one of my sisters and she explained it to me at length.

That’s the trouble with marriage problems – one day you think everything’s fine, that you’re in love and nothing can ever disturb that: then before you know it you’re hanging naked on a meat hook about to be castrated. You woinder where it went wrong, you know?  The important thing to remember is that it’s all your fault.

Drama. Queens.


I once asked my SO for a public humiliation session.  So She made me start a blog in which I had to publish all my sick, dark and bleak fantasies from my miserable life. It’s going quite well.

You could try telling her that your ‘trophy’ is barely worth collecting.

They’re going to be discussing mens’ rights quite extensively, I understand.

Don’t worry – they’re not going to throw them all at your face.  Pretty soon, they’ll move on to other parts of your body.

Merciless heavens

But don’t forget your manners: introduce her to your workmates too, as otherwise they’ll feel awkward.

Don’t worry, she’ll give you something later to wash away the nasty taste.

Better than those guys who accidentally press the button when the camera’s pointing downward and take pictures of their dicks.

Never liked blindfolds or hoods… this is why.

Not too big, not too small.

Violence is golden

Actually, I understand a day is like a whole beetle year.  So in beetle years, you’ve got, what… 6 minutes left, maybe longer?  And it’s not like you’ll be dying all in one go, anyway.
I don’t have any secret embarassing thoughts about women. They’re all laid out here, for all to see,

A little food goes a long way in the OWK.
Cherishing’s very important.  She’s going to insist on lots of that.

It’s silly to be afraid of the sea, anyway.  You know, you can drown in just a few inches of water, right?  Especially with handcuffs on.  My SO told me that once and likes to remind me of it from time to time. 
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