Often undervalued, don’t you think? It’s the chill of fear striking deep into my stomach, as I watch the minute hand creep closer to the appointed hour, the hesitancy with which I approach the door and the tremble in my hand as I reach out for the doorbell that – for me – makes it more than just another way of getting bruises.
Don’t be fooled by that severe exterior. She’s actually a very kind person. Why did you know, she gives 20% of all your money to animal charities? |
Of course, she’ll need training. The Headmistress reckons that Mr Jones, the maths teacher, might be available to assist. |
Apparently, the new one has voice recognition. You have to train it to recognise your voice, though. So you say “Clean the floor.” If it doesn’t do it – press the red button to zap its balls. Then repeat the command. It’s quite uncanny how accurate and responsive it can become. |
That Raoul has always had a wicked sense of humour. Remember that time he told her you’d called her a bitch? |
What a lucky man you are that someone so attractive takes the trouble to despise you. |