When sorry is the easiest word to say

Femdom wives know best
She can be quite merciful, actually.  Just never when you really need her to be.

Trimmed to perfection
That’s a bit unfair.  I mean, it’s already quite a dainty one to begin with, isn’t it?  Not many excess ‘unsightly inches’ down there, even now.

Geek domme
And then tomorrow you can move on to Riemann manifolds, because it’s Saturday.

Chaste boyfriend
True friendship.  That’s got to be more important than some shallow, meaningless relationship based on nothing but sex, right?  

Love among the tears

Marriage is an institution, but who wants to live in a – oh, hang on, never mind.

All rather domestic this time.  Lovers of evil dominatrices in black leather…goodness I enjoyed typing that, let’s go again… evil dominatrices in black leather, look elsewhere.  The very next post, frinstance.

Femdom travel and stay at home husband
Look on the positive side of things.  You and her mother have never got on – let’s face it, she hates you.  This might be the time when you really get things sorted out.

Humiliated bridegroom
Just as long as it’s not Nadine.  Oh please don’t let it be Nadine…

Domestic chores and domestic discipline
Ah…recently married couples.  So sweet.

Slave husband no opinion
You’ve got hers, so why would you want your own?

Wormy little slave
It’s a good point, and one she’s made before. At the wedding reception, for a start.

The act of divine worship is the inestimable privilege of man…

… the only created being who bows in humility and adoration.

Hosea Ballou 1771 – 1852

Crazy name, sensible guy!

On with the pictures of not-nekkid leddies:

Silence is golden says femdom wife
Don’t forget to say ang ooo.

Spanked to agreement
On reflection, you were just going to ask if she wanted a nice cup of tea, weren’t you?

Sexy car crashes now ooh my oohh my
Ah the smell of burning rubber, the screams, the sounds of sirens…  What’s that?  Bad taste?  Hey – YKINHK, right?

Sexy castratrix work talk
Hey – don’t knock it.  Imagine having a girlfriend who handles mens’ genitals all day for a living.  Hmmm? 

Strangled into submission
But later she overdid it and found that his attention disappeared completely.  Never mind.  Plenty more fish in the sea.

It’s all my fault

Nothing in particular.  Just generally.

Branded for wife
Come on now.  That’s got to be a hard limit.  Just look her straight in the eye and tell her you won’t let her.

Fear of femdom
Actually, fear and trust can go hand in hand to make the relationship fly.  Like love and contempt.

caned on the thighs too
Phew.  Let’s hope Miss Chalmer is in a kind mood too.

Slave tracker femdom
You should be grateful to her for making the effort to control every single aspect of your life.

Sweet dominant wife
Aaah…  Isn’t that nice.  It makes me think of our honeymoon.  Raoul was a real pig that whole time, too.

When sorry is the hardest word to say

or at least, as hard as any other word except “NNNNggghh!  NNNnngghh!  NNghh  nnngghh NNNGGHHHH!”

Femdom lesbian suffocation oh my!
Don’t worry, it’s not like they’re going to kill you. Just inflict permanent brain damage. 

Caned when required
She’s working to make this marriage a success – maybe you could give a little too?  Y’know, occasionally hand her the cane and bend over even without an order?  It’s those little things that matter.

She’s always been playful. There was the time she made him grind his own face in dogshit only to discover it was a trick: fake poo.  And that other time, when it wasn’t.

Cruel heartless domme - whats not to love?
I think she looks cold.  Don’t you think she looks cold?  I’ve been looking at all that exposed flesh for a while, and I’m pretty sure she looks cold.  Especially the buttocks…and those long, firm thighs, and…

Tart with a heart?
I should point out that this is just a work of fiction on my part.  I have never, ever paid a prostiute for sex.  They always hand the money back when we get undressed, and say they’re not in the mood.  Of course, I respect their decision but what are the odds, eh?  Seven ladies in a row!  Just my luck.

On the fourth day of Christmas

My Mistress gave to me
…four across the buttocks
…three across the knuckles
…two hours in the corner
…and an hour being spanked across her knee.

Lesbian lust oh my
I expect they’ll find something to amuse themselves with. I wonder if Amanda has any hobbies?

Schoolgirl with a cane oh my oh my
Their grades have been quiite poor, actually.  I think your professional integrity requires you to resist revising them for as long as possible.

No more femdom fantasy
Ironically, being married to her is a bit more expensive too.  Still, too late now.

Beat the shit out of him first argue later
Yes Ellen.

Wasn’t it nice of her to ask him?  And isn’t Anne Hathaway just the most…., just the… oh words fail me and I’m not even fit to be unworthy of her.  Sigh.  SIGH. 

Dealing with feelings of guilt

I’d like you to meet some ladies who are really good at that.

Femdom wife says no - agin
Don’t worry, you’ll show her.  Just go and get yourself a lawyer and – oh.  OK, so if you save your pocket money for about two years, maybe you can afford a really cheap lawyer, and then…

Beaten for her pleasure oh my
Maybe you choose tonight.  Then she can choose again tomorrow.

Hot lesbian girl on girl action, no less
Let’s just hope the little wife doesn’t ever mention that you call her ‘the bitch’.

Girls guns and attitude
Unconditional surrender.

Instruments of torture - part 36
Nice to see her soft and affectionate side, for a moment, before she really gets started on you.

Feeling her pain

Oh, you will.

Does my bottom look caned in this?
He should be more sensitive.  Fortunately, parts of him are, so she can start working on those.

Money slavery
It can’t be for clothes, because she buys them for you.  And you’re not allowed alcohol or cigarettes.

Beaten senseless...again
She calls it “head-spanking”.  Isn’t that cute?

Americans call it a trunk I understand
Of course, it’s just possible they’ll take a bit longer than an hour.  So – best to stop all that frantic banging and wriggling about.

Just a trim please
Won’t your wife be pleased when you get home and show her?

The importance of terror in a healthy relationship

Often undervalued, don’t you think?  It’s the chill of fear striking deep into my stomach, as I watch the minute hand creep closer to the appointed hour, the hesitancy with which I approach the door and the tremble in my hand as I reach out for the doorbell that – for me – makes it more than just another way of getting bruises.



Domina takes all the money
Don’t be fooled by that severe exterior.  She’s actually a very kind person.  Why did you know, she gives 20% of all your money to animal charities?

Domme schoolgirl becomes domme grownup
Of course, she’ll need training.  The Headmistress reckons that Mr Jones, the maths teacher, might be available to assist.

Zapped slave
Apparently, the new one has voice recognition.  You have to train it to recognise your voice, though.  So you say “Clean the floor.” If it doesn’t do it – press the red button to zap its balls.  Then repeat the command.  It’s quite uncanny how accurate and responsive it can become.

Raoul's back
That Raoul has always had a wicked sense of humour. Remember that time he told her you’d called her a bitch? 

Superior wisdom
What a lucky man you are that someone so attractive takes the trouble to despise you.
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