Try to see it Her way

Femdom bride of course
Quite a moment here, in your marriage.  Because it’s the last time you’ll hear “fetch the canvas bag” without experiencing that stab of fear.

Domme hunt
Nothing wrong with a healthy day’s sport.  Really, they’re just helping Nature to keep the numbers down.

Another femdom castration caption?  Dear me
Hmmm… she’s rather pretty isn’t she?  It’ll be fun fantasising about her when you’re lying in bed after your operation.  As long as your throat doesn’t ache so much you’re not feeling in the mood, anyway.  Something to look forward to!

Lesbian twosome is the closest youll get
God, it can be agonising waiting for a woman to come sometimes, can’t it?  Especially when you’ve started drawing blood.  Oh well – better get on with it.

Femdom mercy or merci
Really, you can scream and beg as much as you like.  She doesn’t mind at all.

I have to praise Her

…like I should…

Whipped to orgasm

Although to be fair, it takes him even longer.  Months, usually.

Terminal OWK - very poor taste
Oh don’t worry – it’s just a caption, she’s not really that unfeeling.  Anyway, she got another one, so it all ended up well.

Female led marriage
Marriage – it takes some getting used to.  Just deciding to eat whenever you feel like it, thinking only of yourself, entering or leaving a room without permission, owning things – you just have to gradually accept that you don’t do that any more.

One femdom swallow does not a summer...oh Im not going there
Refusng to swallow could turn out to be quite hazardous to your health, though.

Muzzled by his domme

Safe words

“Sorry” is usually fairly safe, I find.


“Yes Mistress” is generally quite harmless too…

Not sure I know of any others.

Breakfast whipping
Another day, another, err…

Femdom gender sensitivity training
I used to think it was a load of nonsense, but then I went on a gender sensitivity course and was surprised to discover just how sensitive parts of my body could become.

Oh dear femdom scat
I have nothing to say.

Remote control slave
Isn’t technology wonderful?  Just a few fingers swiped across this simple device and all the household chores are done and there’s an extra €10,000 in her bank account.  Amazing. 

Lovingly bruised by Mistress
Nothing wrong with a few visible signs of a good healthy loving relationship.

Marks for bad behaviour

Dominatrix guardresses oh my
What was his offence?  Oh – reading porny blogs on the Internet, I think.  Eighteen months with hard labour  – he got off quite lightly, wouldn’t you say?

Edge play domina
Mmmm.  A new experience!.

Humiliated husband and son
Just like a mother to remind you of those embarassingtimes over her knee, eh?  Last Friday, for example, just before the wedding. That was a bad one.

Femdom prison guardresses again!
Freedom is slavery.

D-I-V-O-R-C-E - find out what you mean to her
Well… at least you’re talking.  That’s good, right?

A facility for correction

This wonderful lady certainly has one.  Thank You, my Lady.

Small penis humiliation yet again
‘Dainty’.  Isn’t that a nice word?  All dainty down there.  And kinda cute.

Fake femdom whipping
Oh – and for the orgasm shots they use a body double. 

Finding his feminine side
Fortunately, all my girlfriends assured me that I never suffered too much from that particular complaint.

Marital orders
Are you going to let her order you about like that? Are you?  Well?
Mouthsoaping femdom yum yum
Funny, that, because it always tastes exactly like soap.

Screaming when she comes

I usually find I do.

On with the captioned images of printed circuits.  Sorry, I mean female domination.  Long day.

Femdom welts
And there he was thinking he’d got off lightly for once.  Good thing Linda came home.

Femdom death - well eventually
It’s nice when something you thought was finished gives you just a little bit extra like that.

Femdom humiliation without even trying
But you have to pay her €500 first.

I think this is one of those times when it’s just up to you to decide how to take it, you know?  On the one hand you could get angry – let’s face it, it was a pretty mean trick.  But on the other, you could just be pathetically grateful that they noticed your miserable existence at all, couldn’t you? 

Actually, to be entirely accurate, you won’t be able to leave one small corner of the basement.

The truth can hurt

…but so can lying.

The belt from a domme wife oh my
Actually, he was wearing two belts.
Femdom general knowledge
Men’s brains aren’t good at remembering dates, but they do have a really good nerve connection to the genitals, so it’s a perfect match.
Castration lit yummy
“Snip-Lit”.  It’s going to be the next big thing after 50 Shades of Grey, you’ll see.
Dental domme delights
She’s not actually a dentist.  She did admit that on his fourth visit, to be fair.
Female dommed relationship
I think this is one of those marriages where the arguments always end up with screaming and tears, don’t you?

Her obedient servant

Whipping beauty
Hurry up, she wants you suspended and well flogged before going out – and the dinner reservation is for eight!

Hunting femdom
Dave season starts today!  Actually, that’s not true.  Every day is Dave season.

Hard day femdom
Just try to empathise.  Men aren’t very good at it, but women know that and often make a particular effort to make their feelings known.

He can’t tell Coke from Pepsi, but he can tell Paolo from Antonio.

Oh well, never mind.  You’d probably have been rubbish at it anyway.


Feral males can be such a nuisance, especially in urban areas, don’t you think?  These ladies could sort all that out.

Femdom military discipline no less
The ladies in the picture do actually seem to be carrying canes.  Isn’t that great?  swords.  Not canes, swords.  Oh well..maybe a quick 20 with the flat… hmmm?

This is the Chilean army according to the divine Ms Ayesha, so there we are.  Chile.  Long and thin.  Very much so.  I’ll admit I don’t know much else about Chile… but I know what I like.

A bleak lonely and miserable caption about kinky sex
If he only realised it, the triple whipping he gets occasionally is for his wedding anniversary.  But men – they always forget, don’t they?

Lobotomised for love of a woman
I think it’s a bit cruel. It’s not as if most men have that many brain cells to begin with.

Dominatrices keep you guessing
Of course, she doesn’t use spurs and riding whip.  Not on a pony.

Chastity cuckold honeymoon stuff
Easy for her to say.  She didn’t have to spend the night sleeping in the hotel corridor.

Restraining orders

Yes please.  Those.

These too:

Bikini briefs and pet play
The leash is invisible, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t one there.

Money domme makes good
Rather a thoughtless gift, as she can’t drive, don’t you think?  I expect he’ll be punished for that.  When she can be bothered.

Pain inflicted lovingly and steadily
Pain-killers don’t work, anyway. I was taking some, for a minor condition, but when I went to visit my Significant Other the nipple clamps still hurt like hell.  I’m thinking of complaining to the Adertising Standards Authority.

I cant remmebre what this femdom caption was about
Yes, being caged up for that long is pretty scary.  But not as scary as Lucy.

Hathaway with my heart
That would be really helpful, actually.  I find that almost every day, there are some moments when I catch myself not thinking about Anne.  Of course, it doesn’t happen often, but it’s still a bit worrying.
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