
Just a short one…too long for a caption.


Well, she thought, that had gone even more smoothly than she
had expected. He’d practically begged her to tie him up. She wondered whether he’d
played kinky games like this before, with one or other of the women whose
existence she’d discovered using his phone at the weekend.
He can tell me all about it later, she thought, stretching
luxuriously. Every last detail.
She smiled, and poked him gently with the heel of one of the
kinky boots. They’d been a good investment anyway, even if she was going to
wear them only once. And the corset.  Ridiculous,
uncomfortable things. In a moment, she’d go and take them off and come back
wearing something a lot more comfortable. She wondered whether that would be
the point at which he’d realise it wasn’t a kinky sex game?
Or maybe it wouldn’t finally sink in until he caught sight
of the tools she was planning to use on him.

I know when I’ve been beaten

and sometimes the neighbours do, too.

Keira hands over control
Actually, that whip she gave him is pretty take-charge too.  But it doesn’t hurt to make sure.  Well..I mean, it does hurt.  Obviously.

Bullwhip femdom sarcasm
A little light spanking?

Mean cheerleaders
Yeah, come on.  She’s right.  Sometimes you just have to trust people.  What’s the worst that can happen?  Hmm?  Oh – well apart from that, then.

Other world kingdom maid or was anyway
Her very first maid-boy!  Bless.

Good hard thrashing dammit
Business.  It’s all about relationships.  This particular relationship is female-led and abusive.  Welcome to the team. Worm.

Smack addiction

I’ll admit it, I have one.

Branded with pride
How can you resist those eyes?  Go on – it’s only agony.

Boot cleaning fetish fetish
He’ll soon discover that she plans to satisfy his chastity fantasy in a rather literal way too.  Well… when I say “soon”, I mean he’ll discover that over a period of several months.

Caned for future misbehaviour
Of course, she knows it’s all superstitutious nonsense really.  But it’s better to be safe than sorry, don’t you think?  You never know – there might be something in it.

Schoolroom femdom
So…just in time to spend the rest of the lesson being beaten for being late.  Perfect timing, really.

Dominatrix delight
But she does them a small kindness by blindfolding them first.  It does give them just a few more seconds before they realise what’s about to happen, and start screaming hysterically in fear.

Premature ejaculation

That’s what you call it when you come before she’s given you permission.  It can be quite painful.

On with the show:

The fabulous Miss Hunter
Days with a “y” in them, for example.

Dual key chastity
Now two men aren’t having sex with her.

Ballbusting party no less
But in the event she decided the next morning not to marry him.  Wanted a man who still had his testicles, apparently.  Women!  Eh?  You just can’t please them.

Femdom image caption caption caption and so on
It’s very kind of Sarah to do this while she’s away.  After all, she really doesn’t like men – quite the man-hating lesbian, really.

Consent.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: it’s the most important word in BDSM.

Contemplating the corner

Tumtitum.  Bad servitor.  Don’t look over here, just look at the pretty pictures please.

Thank you ma'am
It’s probably because you don’t really feel very grateful.  Don’t worry, that’ll come with time and effort.  And pain too.  Obviously.

The boots!  The boots!
What’s the time, Mrs Wolf?

Caned to sensitivity
He’s a sensitive man.  Very sensitive, right now.

It's what the riding whip is for
Women riding horses?  Frankly the whole thing just strikes me as too perverted for words.

Mistress starvation diet
Serves you right, you fat bastard*
* Unless you’re not.  In which case it doesn’t.

BDSM (Beauty, Devotion, Supplication and Matriarchy)

Maybe a spanking...almost certainly a spanking
Ahh… You know, I don’t think I could stand waiting the two minutes.
He was like, totally tortured
She like totally pwns you, dude.  No, really, she does.

Kick me baby
You can kiss as many times as you like of course.  But it’s one kiss, one kick.  Only fair.

Oh to be crushed into the mud beneath her boots
Blmmmble oopple gllmmmhhh….

I winder what shes going to do
You’ll find it quite easy to write the letter of apology.  Because believe me, you will be truly, truly sorry by then.

Obedience is bliss

Willpower…I lack it, She has it in abundance.  There is a deal to be done here.

She makes the rules and enforces them too
He has so much to learn…

These boots were made for licking
I think it’s the healthy outdoor air that’s the main attraction.

A whipping from each guard and then another
Silly really, because he’s paying a fortune to be there for the month – and there’s such a long waiting list to get in.

What are you going to give her for her birthday?
I don’t want to give the impression that anything too extreme is planned here.  It’s just play.  Fantasy.  She would never really do it.  Not without your consent, anyway.  So just relax, and let her play.  And if she asks for consent, and you’re not comfortable with the idea of being castrated at that time, you just say no.  OK?  And the next time she asks, well if you still don’t want to. you can say no again. No problem.

So, the secretary messed up, but you’re the one getting a spanking.  Is that fair?  I mean, just because they are the superior sex and we are insignificant maggots.  Honestly, it makes me so angry.


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