Weekly allowance

Here you go. Actually, it’s usually twice a week.  But don’t tell her or we might not be allowed.

They are really very lovely blue shoes. I hope they’re cruelty-free.


Just try to enjoy the view.


Hmmm – I wonder who that’s going to be?


Low self-esteem can be greatly under-rated in some situations, actually.


Do you have to bother her with this sort of thing all the time?

Lick my filthy boots you pathetic little slave!

Occasionally I feel the need for a headline that takes us back to femdom basics. Not everything has to be ironic all the time.  Does it?

Better do as she says.


Sounds very sensible.  You get what you don’t pay for.


You’re going to experience some of her choices too.


Oh, OK.  I just like to know.
My head is currently very, very fucked!


It’s a tonic for the troops!



Women, eh? Sometimes there’s no pleasing them.  You try to apologise, and they just run you over with a tank anyway.  Still… I guess we wouldn’t have them any other way, eh chaps?


Cathie might need a new lawyer in her stable.  She gets through slaves quite quickly – doesn’t look after them properly, truth be told.

She has a plan.
 This is the delightfully delightful Miss Tiffany Naylor. ‘A dominatrix based in Milton Keynes.’ To be honest, for me that’s a hard limit right there.  But it would be worth it, to meet her.

I suppose there’s little chance of either being a blow job? No? Worth asking…

I suppose any Radio 4 listeners amongst you will want to point ou that I got the apostrophe in the wrong place.  Radio 4 listeners are like that.

The rest of you have no fucking idea what I’m talking about, have you?  I don’t know myself sometimes, to be honest.

And he loves it when she beats his brains out

(he’s pecked to death but he loves the pain)

She’s not talking to you.


I think you’re about to get a free session.
I think we can all agree and rejoice that this is the lovely Jean Bardot, can we not?


Hmmm.  Two captions in one post about a domme actually hurting someone who doesn’t want to be hurt.  Servitor – reprinting the same old shit since 2011.


I like an unhurried session.  For example, I’ve got a humiliation scene going that’s been building nicely for… oooh, about 47 years now.


Bloody typical!  Doesn’t ask me how my day was, does she?  But to be fair, it’s hard to say at this stage whether it’s been a good, bad or howlingly agonising day.  Not until she’s decided.

Boots boots boots boots

…marchin up n down agin…

Thought I’d try a themed post.  See if you can guess!

Men can be so messy.


It’s good to have a goal in life.
This is the lovely Princess Neive. Isn’t she?


You should see where the other one goes!  Of course, he won’t.


How hard can it be?


Well, that’s a relief. It’s good to have an easy-going domme, who won’t mind if you moan and plead in fear, or scream helplessly with terror for that matter.

I think most regulars here will; be well aware who this is.

Worshipful company


If it’s any consolation, she certainly does care about how well you do the chores.


There’s plenty of boys.
It’s amazing, what computers can do these days.


I asked a domme once for a session in which she would treat me with utter contempt the whole time. I waited for hours in the rain, and she didn’t turn up, even though I’d pre-paid by credit card. Do you think perhaps she misunderstood?


Don’t worry, if anyone sees you they’ll probably assume you’re a devout pilgrim doing penance as part of a religious observation. Which, in a sense, you are.

These lovely boots exist to drive it round the twist

The call of nature must be obeyed.



She actually has very high standards for sorryness. You’ll see.


It’s her own recipe.
Hmmm… edgy blackmail play.  Got to love it.  No really, you do.


Love her, love her cane, I suppose.


She has her own way of dealing with problems.

I have to praise Her

…like I should…

Whipped to orgasm

Although to be fair, it takes him even longer.  Months, usually.

Terminal OWK - very poor taste
Oh don’t worry – it’s just a caption, she’s not really that unfeeling.  Anyway, she got another one, so it all ended up well.

Female led marriage
Marriage – it takes some getting used to.  Just deciding to eat whenever you feel like it, thinking only of yourself, entering or leaving a room without permission, owning things – you just have to gradually accept that you don’t do that any more.

One femdom swallow does not a summer...oh Im not going there
Refusng to swallow could turn out to be quite hazardous to your health, though.

Muzzled by his domme

Devotional images

Squirm in front of two lovely lesbians
Isn’t it nice to be the focus of attention by not one but two lovely ladies?

Slovakian slavonian slovenian let's call the whole thing off
Slab psiček!  (possibly)

femdom caption oh no please don't stamp on my face!
…and then thank her afterwards, of course.

Yummy muddy boots
I’ve alwsys assumed that’s a British-English phrase, but Kurt Vonnegut uses it (his critics can take a flying fuck at the mooooon!).  Oh, sorry, aren’t you here to read about etymology?

Stocks and fair shares femdom caption oh you know the rest
Maybe one weekend, if she’s feeling kind, she’ll move it so it faces outwards?  But she’s not known for feeling kind.
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