Decadence: the Ladies

What would this blog have been over its 10 years of existence, without its regular Ladies?  Ridiculous question, as that’s obviously where the main attraction lies.  Let’s pay tribute (no really – get yourself to an ATM and stuff an envelope) to those ‘regulars’ who all unknowingly, unceasingly, uncaringly and without regard to copyright, so often enlighten this otherwise dismal corner of the Internet.  

Some domme, some vanilla – the sole criterion today is frequency of appearance.  So here they are again (and they will all be back).  Most names are hyperlinks.

Mistress Eleise

 Not a particularly interesting caption, I’m afraid, but when the image is perfection itself, who cares?





Mistress Mina

have never met her, but her lovely, wicked smile is so much more fun to
caption than the stereotypical ‘domme grimace’ that she features here a


I have not met her either, obviously.  But I do envy her dog.

Mistress Sidonia





 Do you think we might like another picture of Gal?  I do.



The Ladies of Cruella (who took a flamethrower to my brain as a teenager in the 1990s). 

Link may not work but worth tracking down, as the guy who does ‘modern Cruella’ does seem to be the same as the one who did these all those years ago (he seems to keep re-doing his Internet sites, presumably trying to find ways to monetise this stuff – I hope he succeeds, as he deserves it).  The modern material isn’t bad at all either, but I have very special memories of furtive visits to Soho to summon up the courage to buy magazines featuring these lovelies.

NB: I once saw them on sale on the top shelf of a regular Pakistani newsagent… I could never imagine asking in a context so vanilla.  “Yeah, 20 Silk Cut please mate and erm… have you got a copy of the latest Cruella?  Oh – that’s last month’s isn’t it?  I’ll take the Goddess, then: the one with the guy licking the boot.  Yeah, thanks.  Oh – and I’ll have this Kit Kat too.”

Madame Katerina 

Whose name I have spelled many different ways over the years.  Shhh… nobody tell her, please.   OWK came in just about the end of my teenage formative years.  They published magazines for a couple of years, because they started just before Internet femdom took off.  They had advertised for a year or so in Cruella et al before launching: extraordinary, evocative pictures of concentration camp femdom.  The magazines did not disappoint, when they finally arrived.  Impressively high production values, and a convincing commitment to the fantasy.  I don’t care in the least whether it was ‘real’ in any meaningful way or not, I really don’t.


‘President Hathaway’ series would be rather shorter, without Megyn
Kelly.  I’ve never actually watched her on TV, I doubt I’d like her
politics.  But boy, does she look the part.  In fact, Fox News (now
without her) appears to feature almost nothing but leggy, imperious
blondes which is (for me) essentially its only saving grace.

And although I’m mostly heterosexual (or would be, if anyone ever let me), I’ve got to admit Trudeau does have a very spankable butt…

Nata Lee

lovely Russian model.  A lot of her content out there consists of what I
must regretfully call ‘tit and bum’ shots, which I think rather
unnecessary, given her sweet, extraordinarily pretty face.  But of
course, that’s up to her.

Lady Sophia

domme, whose in-session persona was actually very similar to this. 
Retired now, so no link – sorry, you’re just too late and that’s that.

Divine Mistress Heather

Rodea and Cindi

know, I know… Miami/American Mean Girls is a very commercial site,
nothing at all authentic about it – even some questionable content
recently too.  But unlike almost all the mean girl ‘hey loser’ content
out there, a lot of it is done very well and these two especially are
lovely: their disdainful personas perfectly matching their elegant
beauty.  ‘Goddess Rodea’, incidentally, has moved on to other things and
clearly despises the whole humiliation fetish scene.  Which just makes
it even better, ironically…

Young Goddesses, especially Irina

No link for this one because the guy who used to make them took against the whole business and links to his sites now just lead to complaints about the unprofessionalism of the ladies he had to work with, along with warnings about the perils of excessive masturbation – and not in a good way.

But there are some lovely images of some lovely Russian ladies, doing quite unpleasant things, out there.

Irina is the one on the left, showing off her trademark delightful, amused smile.  She is findable on the Internet as Irina or occasionally as Cofi Milan and she smiles a lot.

The Hunteress


and of course…

Blonde obedience

But I haven’t even asked yet!


Retractable steel blades?  Where’s the fun in that? I prefer her method.


Not really.  Sure: it would have been a turn-on.  But would that have made the beatings any easier to take?




It’s all in the wrist.



To be honest, I didn’t feel like I was running out of things to cry about before.  But I suppose she’s only trying to help.



Sweetly unreasonable

How very convenient.



‘Not tonight, I’ve got a headache’?  No?




Living a truly female-led life can involve lots of difficult choices, so it’s good there’s someone else there to make them.

Look at what?  Whatever is she talking about? Do you know?  I have no idea, none at all.



Pitiful, most likely.  I usually am.


Here’s a random and rather lovely thing, by the way.  Who needs boys, anyway?

#anne hathaway from these empty halls held our disease.


Regrettably, like most submissives I have spent much too much of my life under-ruled.

and a fur coat. From his remaining 20% of his income. Otherwise it wouldn’t count as a present, would it?

I actually find a caning can bring quite intense sexual pleasure. To be honest, that’s usually a relief because she pauses for a while when she comes.

Modern financial products developed specifically for findomme relationships are much more convenient – you can really feel in control of someone else’s finances, which can be very reassuring.

Sounds quite edgy… make sure you agree a safeword before she starts, yeah?

Perhaps she forgot to mention that before? It’s an important point of detail, obviously, but the most important aspects of the plan –  her not married any more, inheriting all your assets – those are actually the same regardless of the actual mechanics of the process.

The Garden of Earthly Delights

Obviously, anyone’s bound to feel a bit nervous before having a microchip inserted into their brains, but just ask any man who’s had it done – you’ll hear nothing but gratitude.
They’re quite smart, those ‘rate my date’ sites.  I tried sneakily entering a positive review about myself and I was automatically redirected to Where I built up quite a profile, actually, until my SO stopped all that nonsense.
One positive thing is that he has discovered he and his father-in-law have a lot in common, so that’s nice.

Mmm… edgy.  Let’s hope she doesn’t get too drunk this time.

Despite the general female-led tendency of this blog, I want to make clear that I think it is OK to have disagreements between husband and wife in marriage.   I disagreed with my SO once, very early on in our life together, and although it was painful – very painful, actually – I think we both found it to be a learning experience that made our marriage stronger.


Obviously, this blog prides itself on being fresh, original and creative unlike those awful, repetitive ‘adult’ blogs that just consist of the same thing all the time. Good captions, for instance – imagine how tedious it would be if I published those all the time.

Nonetheless, taking advantage of fact that males have short memories and attention spans, the blog does feature a few regular stars. Famous dommes, obviously, such as Mistress Eleise, The Hunteress or the OWK Ladies (especially Katarina).  But also some lovelies whose sadism and dominance is masked beneath a vanilla persona.  Each such lady has her own ‘tag’ used to label a post featuring her, but as no one but me has any idea which tag refers to which goddess, it’s all a bit pointless.

Hence this post.  Five regulars are featured below, in new never before seen captioned images.  Can you name them all?  Can you match them to their ‘tags’, listed in the labels section of this post? Try clicking that label and seeing if you were right.*

The accent’s quite important.  Clue: its not a mid-Western American drawl and if you are reading it to yourself like that, you’re doing it wrong.

It is a truth rarely acknowledged that any Tumblr featuring high-heeled leggy ladies will one day discover this goddess and post about twenty pictures in a row, all of her.  I have at least that many captioned images of her, but as so often in your sex life, I’m afraid you are just going to have to wait.**

Goddess playing a demi-goddess.  Slumming it a bit, therefore, but I am not complaining.

A new addition to the pantheon, this Goddess.  But we’ll be seeing more of her.***

Anyone who gets this one wrong, let me know so I can block you from seeing the blog ever again.  In fact, I think I should install a gadget that pokes you vigorously and repeatedly in the eye, if ever you try to visit.  Then there’ll only be two readers.

*  Hmm? No, I know you don’t see the same captioned image if you click the label, moron.  I mean you see different captioned images of the same goddess. Yeah?  These are new: I did say that.  Got it now?  

** Yes, you do have to spell her surname correctly, to win the prize.   Anyway, there isn’t a prize.

*** What?  No of course I don’t mean you’ll be seeing her nipples, you wretched little man.  Not on this blog.  I just mean you’ll be seeing her more frequently.  Why are you asking all these questions? 

Callous talk

Oh no.  Don’t tell me I married an escape artist.  Again.
Scurry scurry scurry.
Thank goodness it’s nothing personal.
That looks very motivating, doesn’t it?  I think just one of those rods would motivate me, so a whole bunch wrapped together like that… I feel motivated just looking at them.
I wouldn’t mind, but he’s the priest who married us and that just seems wrong.  Still… very nice shoes.


And make her some great Princess, six feet high!

Grand, epic, homicidal.

Armpit Fetishist Monthly is just another example of the decline of traditional media, another fine publication swept away by the Internet.  I recall their cookery page with particular affection.
…and by the way, I have posted this before even with the same comment, but… Oh.  My.  Goddess.  I have to see this  movie!
My office established a system of disciplinary procedures for inappropriate sexual activity. Which to my mind is just having your cake and eating it too… or would be, were I allowed cake.
I’m thinking of paella – perhaps a nice Rioja to go with it? And maybe Roger might like to try bastinado, in keeping with the Spanish theme.
With luck, she’ll take up chewing gum obsessively.
Love hurts and so does she.
By the way, this lady is going to feature here rather a lot from now on. Unless she takes out an injunction or something (don’t you hate it when women do that?).   Nata!
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