Don’t make her tell you twice

Attentive ‘readers’ might have noticed that the ladies in my caption are often portrayed complaining about being made to do things to the implicit male sub: beat him, deny him sexual relief, castrate him, torture him to death… whatever little domestic chore is required.  Some might find this a little odd,as you’d think in such a relationship, the decision-making would rest with them, as representatives of the superior sex.  So possibly they’re being a little unfair – which is one of the many, many reasons to adore them.

Here’s a lady who is already on her second attempt to persuade you to pay some attention to her feelings, for a change, the poor thing.  If you manage to avoid making her tell you three times – and you do a really good job – maybe she’ll forget all about it.  Or maybe she won’t.

Yes, must be awful.  If only someone would do something.  Oh well.

These days it’s still basically summer in October, so plenty of time.

His counterpart who traveled to our universe is trying to deal with being a subbie with a Nobel prize.  They don’t give them out for housework, so he’s finding it a bit difficult.

Win some, lose some.  Lube up.

Humbling experiences

‘PIV’ (Penis in Vagina) is not the only sort of sex a married couple can try, after all.  There’s ‘SIA’ (strap-on in anus), for instance, or ‘PIALTTUIBEIADREFWTSITP’ (penis in a little tube tucked up in bed early, in a different room entirely from where the sex is taking place) too.




Thank goodness for that.



My SO and I take all the financial decisions together.  I don’t actually take part in the decision, obviously, but I’m usually there when it’s made and that’s what matters.




Findom clients are born not made, they say.  One every minute, I’ve heard.



Actually, she decided in the end that most of the guys she’s fucked probably wouldn’t get the reference (they tend not to be bookish types), so she went with something a bit less subtle on the same theme.


It’s good to be the Queen

Nice of her to ask, but she really needn’t have.



Don’t judge her, OK?  Let her judge you.




Every hour is devotional time, surely?




Technically, it works just as well when he’s not conscious, obviously, but she finds it harder to get motivated.




Poor things, I hope they’re not too cold.  Thank goodness they have coats, anyway.



Unreasonable demands

She’s embarrassed now… but don’t worry, she has coping techniques for that.




Now come on – man up.  Remember what you all discussed at the last encounter group?  No, no I don’t mean the bit about ironing pleats – about standing up to your wives?  Yeah?  Right then.  Hang on – where are you going?  You can’t stand up to her on your knees!  Oh for goodness’ sake…



My SO and I have a consensual relationship.  I didn’t want to but she insisted.

They’d starve to death, I expect.  I mean, more of them would than when the Ladies actually are there, anyway.




This photo is actually a rather sophisticated optical illusion.  Many men, seeing it for the first time, don’t notice the slice of pizza, the big red cup, the bottles of water or the coffee maker – even after staring at it for hours.  Something to do with how the brain processes images, I understand.


Her whim be done

Reminds me of this amazing time I paid a pair of sex workers for the ‘two girls’ experience.  That was a lot of ironing, I can tell you – not to mention dealing with the mess they’d made of the sheets doing whatever they were doing while I was slaving away in the utility room.




Don’t worry – she’ll discover new interests when she’s married.  People do.




Women sometimes take a while to accustom themselves to just how much flogging males really need.  There’s no end to it, truth be told.





If they’re feeling kind maybe they won’t pass the ‘mad bitch’ comment on.


Do pay Cruella a visit.  Still going after all these years.

Mistress is going on a business trip in a few weeks leaving the two of you alone together, so perhaps that will provide an opportunity to resolve this nonsense once and for all?  Really talk it through, I mean.  Maybe even try to find a compromise.  She’s not going to risk a smacked bottom, after all.


Her object all sublime

And they say romance is dead.




Remarkably, it’s still valid in the UK even after Brexit, as that Convention is not an EU instrument – indeed it predates it, having come into existence in 1953. Not particularly amusing, sexy or femdommy but actually true (see – you get a lot of useful information from this blog, as well as useless nonsense).  You might wonder, therefore, whether she actually has any legal justification to ban the invocation of the Convention in session – but I advise you to take that up with her.



They have a standard service charge of 175% for pay-piggies.  But you should tip, too.


Many men’s misconceptions about lesbian sex actually have a biological basis: specifically, their brains are too small to understand it.


It’s good that she gets a chance to practice in a safe environment, where it really doesn’t matter if anything goes wrong.

Extra one that I’ll push out there while it’s still a bit topical:

Terror the human form divine

A family friend was branded by a Canadian domme.  He kicked up a bit of a fuss when she started on the French translation, but ‘la loi c’est la loi’, I guess. 



He’s sulky because when they have guests around he’s usually allowed to stay up.  But after she had to deal with a tantrum at their last dinner party, she’s decided not to risk it.





Don’t forget to look super-relaxed.

A few hours spent torturing a male doesn’t make a lesbian relationship any less vanilla, any more than cuddling together in front of the TV with a box of chocolates makes them choco-fetishists. 



I’m sure you don’t mind – you married her for her personality, not her looks, right?  And she certainly has a very strong personality.





Brought to heel


Hmm?  Oh.  Sure.


I don’t see why she would be so sure of that.  Just on this occasion he’s the expert, after all.




It’s hardly their fault – boys break so easily, just when it’s starting to get fun.



The worst of it is, she realised when he got home that one of the dresses was the wrong size and he had to go straight back to the shop to exchange it.  Someone must have put it on the wrong hanger – people can be so thoughtless and selfish, sometimes, can’t they?


That’s the thing about crush fetish play – it’s only fun for a short time.

Leading women

People think that the whole ‘femdom humiliatrix’ thing is just a minority interest but back in the day when I was dating I met so many girls whose sexual fantasy was to deny me sex – and many who mocked my small penis, too.  They’re out there if you know how to find them.


It’s actually a bit hypocritical of her to say that, because in the six months before the op, she was the one who managed to work the subject into almost every conversation.  Still, probably best not to call her out on it… you know what she’s like.

It’s very odd – according to my SO, I often choose courses of action that lead inevitably to my being subjected to intolerable pain.  But she’s supposed to be the sadistic one!  Go figure, as they say.


Erm… whatever we’re permitted to say, I suppose?

Several of the prisoners in the nearby underground prison tearfully begged Madame Jana not to make him do that again, saying they preferred the whip.

And finally, any Swiss fans of the World War M series might want to note that their opportunity to serve their country in those crucial mobile laundry units has finally arrived.

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