When the weather’s fine (7)

Little recap seven days in (I know I told you before but a lot of the readers of this blog are male and let’s face it, mental agility’s not exactly our strong point, is it chaps?).  Servitor on holiday, not really here, all these are pre-loaded and that’s why I’m not replying to your comments, got it?

OK, yes, subbie, you’re right, I’m not really ‘here’ here with you anyway, in your room where you’re sitting with your trousers down around your ankles.  But I’m even less ‘here’ than usual, yeah?  Got it?


Oh well, just look at the pictures of pretty women and do what you came here to do, anyway…











When the weather’s fine (1)

 You got women, you got women on your mind.

And when the weather’s rainy and cold too, but anyway the summery summary is intended to convey the post-thing relaunch of that fine old CtD tradition: Servitor’s summer break!  Yes, no more slaving away at housework and domestic service in a cold Northern climate for me for two weeks: I’m off to the seaside to slave away at housework and domestic service there instead.

So, so so so… three captions a day (not particularly good ones), no commentary and no replies to any of your own lovely comments (but don’t let that stop you leaving them), until early September.

See ya!

Warning: immature content

 Don’t proceed past this point if you’re offended by implicit sexual imagery.


Some women won’t even let men know they’re upset.  I’m glad she’s being so forthright.

I think she’d be good at humiliation play, don’t you?  She could build on her knowledge of real clients who want real sex – and draw a few sharp comparisons.

It’s a natural gift.  That and practice.  And a lot of Gaviscon, if I’m honest with myself.

Actually, this reminds me of yet another depressing contrast between fantasy and reality I encountered in one of the very first times I sessioned with a domme, having been too nervous to do so, for many years.  (NB: don’t be like this guy!  Contact a domme!  It’ll be lovely; she’ll be lovely!).  With the wonderful lady, now retired, who stars as ‘Mistress Valerie’ in my early stories.  ANY-way, so back then she smoked (then she gave up – clever, strong Mistress).  So I did the human ashtray thing – wow, yeah, ash flicked into my mouth!  Oh the humiliation!  And then she gave me a near-finished cigarette butt to eat, and eager Servitor chewed and swallowed and… and… spent the remaining hour of that two hour session, with stomach churning, heart racing from the nicotine and generally feeling like he would soooo rather be somewhere else.  Oh well.  Did it once.  Thank you, Mistress. 

Rather like other much-maligned minorities, lesbians who happen to have jobs that involve castrating men often lean into the stereotype by embracing the otherwise offensive phrase.  One of Jennifer’s co-workers likes to wear a badge saying “Warning: castrating lesbian”.  It breaks the ice at parties and she does get served very quickly in bars. But she also has to explain to women who are annoyed with their husbands or boyfriends that she can only do it within the legal framework… unless they’re really cute wives and and girlfriends, in which case she’s been known to make an exception.

No, I just wanted to spend a few more seconds staring into those eyes…

Charming savagery

Of course, it’s not actually a threesome if only two get to come… maybe you’d better explain that to them.



Perhaps you could learn German instead.  I hear she offers lessons.



They also serve who only stand and wait.



The next bit might not be entirely consensual and safe, truth be told, but who really cares?




Always a bit tricky when she really does want to discuss it rather than just to ‘discuss it’.  Like many subs I prefer to keep my side of the conversation to profuse thanks and occasional bouts of crying, when being spanked, but my preferences rarely if ever enter into it.


NB, tonight the Servitor household are packing up the whips, canes and portable travel-cage to head off for two weeks of sun, sea, sand and sadism.  Long term readers, who were here in the days before The Thing will know what this means…


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