Charming savagery

Of course, it’s not actually a threesome if only two get to come… maybe you’d better explain that to them.



Perhaps you could learn German instead.  I hear she offers lessons.



They also serve who only stand and wait.



The next bit might not be entirely consensual and safe, truth be told, but who really cares?




Always a bit tricky when she really does want to discuss it rather than just to ‘discuss it’.  Like many subs I prefer to keep my side of the conversation to profuse thanks and occasional bouts of crying, when being spanked, but my preferences rarely if ever enter into it.


NB, tonight the Servitor household are packing up the whips, canes and portable travel-cage to head off for two weeks of sun, sea, sand and sadism.  Long term readers, who were here in the days before The Thing will know what this means…


0 thoughts on “Charming savagery”

  1. Max darling, what are you doing? Well, why are you in the sunroom? This area is for senior members of the family and so you should not be here unless, of course you are serving drinks, or vacuuming or dusting or have been granted permission to worship feet.

    Are you doing any of those things? I know it is very very hot today, nearly 30c. But you must still complete your chores, ok?

    Why are you asking whether Richard is visiting this week-end?

    Oh, that is right, he is your new admirer. He loves your long tanned legs in that skirt, darling.

    He is coming on Saturday to watch the cricket. You can see him then. But, no flirting. He is all mine. Do you remember when I let you sleep with me and I compared your tiny c**k with my brothers? A tiny tiny one, so sweet. I'm so sorry I laughed darling. Well Richard's is enormous. I get quite sore, you know, down there. Can hardly walk for a while. So funny, darling.

    What's that? Can you watch the cricket? Well, let me think! What do you think?

    That's right, no you cannot babe. Pardon, do I mind you flirting with Richard? I must admit it is wearing a bit thin, darling. I think you should stop doping that now. You should apologize to him too, I think.

    Good boy.


  2. “Keep standing there.. ok, hands on your head” — mmm, that escalated quickly. And expertly!

    I can often talk during my spankings… only it’s punctuated with my screams.

  3. Ah, now I'm luckier than your little Maxie, Ms Zoe, as my SO loves nothing better than staking me out in the sunroom and letting me get some strong summer sunlight onto my pasty white flesh. She's not a believer in using any form of sun protection, although she does apply liberal quantities of aftersun to the red and blistering skin that results – or rather, muscle warming cream which she says is basically the same stuff.

    Personally I've never understood why people say that whole experience is so relaxing but each to their own, I suppose.

    Best wishes


  4. Must be quite embarrassing when you get a haircut. But then there's nothing wrong with a good dose of embarrassment.

    Best wishes


  5. Thank you SaraE

    It does tend to escalate quickly. then escalate some more, and then a whole lot more than that. All part of the fun.

    Best wishes


  6. The coffee one pushed my buttons delightfully. A theme you've referred to before, a brief casual sentence from Her and She gets on with Her life, while i get to waste my time in an uncomfortable silly position not even allowed to perv over Her deliberately teasing pose… instead of getting on with the chores, which i must now do later, when i was hoping to rest or do Manly stuff like Watching Sportball. Would you allow me to put it on my FetLife profile, properly attributed of course, by any chance?

  7. Of course, you are very welcome indeed to do so, simon. Glad you liked it.

    I myself probably would not be doing manly stuff were I not placed int eh corner, but it hardly matters what we'd rather be doing, does it?

    The casual exercising of power is definitely a hot button theme for me too.

    Best wishes


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