
Despicable: capable of being despised.

Capable?  I pay for the privilege.  Hi – I’m Servitor!

Captioned images of female domination (what else?) follow.

Strict teacher silence
Ah, now, you can say what you like about Miss Taylor, but – oh, hang on.  No you can’t.

OWK prison stay caption hello Google
The phrases “thank you mistress” and “piss off you evil cow” can sound very similar to the untrained ear, too, so do be careful.  Well worth studying before your visit, although if like me you do find yourself accidentally in for seven months hard labour, you’ll probably pick a few words up.


Femdom wife wants politeness
Doesn’t she look sweet?  I’m sure she hates having to do all those horrible things to you.

Consent in BDSM
I’m still quite sore from the last discussion we had to be honest.

Female supremacy politics
Oh no.  I hate political chat.  They’re just going to sit around all night, discussing supremacist theory, local council elections, castration methods for rapists – that kind of thing. I’d go out and leave them to it, but I’m grounded for the next month. 

0 thoughts on “Despicable”

  1. So . . . what exactly is appropriate attire at Female Supremacist discussion group? Nice dressy clothes? Casual attire? Naked except for your chastity device?

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