Through the window


Oh, hi Mr Travis!

Are you leaning out just to say hi to me, or are you –

Oh dear. Again?  Oh poor you.  I think it’s awful the way she makes you bend over the window sill like that when she’s going to beat you. It must be so humiliating! I guess that’s part of the punishment, huh?

So what did you do this time?

 Did you?  Oh. We girls are quite particular about the way we have our dresses ironed. Ask your lodger next time – I might be able to give you some advice. Pleats are hard, though.

So is it the paddle again? I had a friend who used to get the paddle from his dad when I was a kid.  He used to say it hurt like hell.  One day his dad caught him saying that and paddled him double for profanity.  Kinda fair, I guess.

No? Oh.  I thought you got the paddle.  What are you getting then?

A what? A “quirt”? What’s that?*

Oh. You mean, kind of like a whip? Oh boy, that sounds pretty rough. You get that just for messing up the ironing?  Gee, you get whipped just for pleats not being straight.  Your wife is kinda strict, huh?

Second time? Oh, OK. I guess you got the paddle last time, huh?  Well, didn’t that make you kinda take extra care, this time, – and –

Yeah.  Well, pleats are hard.

OK. Well anyway, I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. I mean – I guess you’ll feel uncomfortable enough pretty soon! I’ll just swing here for a bit. I’ll try not to look at you, when –

Oh, hi Mrs Travis! How are you?

Yeah, pretty good. Isn’t it great that the sun’s out again? I could just be out here all day.

Hmmm? No, no he hasn’t been round with the lawnmower for a while. Well… yeah, he did say he would. But it’s OK. I quite like the grass this long. Any time’s fine.

No really, I don’t mind! I’m sure he had other things to do and – well, all right. I guess he’s your husband, huh?

Oh – and if he’s coming round anyway?  Do you think he could cut back some of the bushes, going back to the garden house?  Only they’re growing over the side and it’s… Well, I guess I could just ask him.  But I thought I’d check with you first, because – oh wow, is that the ‘quirt’?  Boy, I’m glad that’s not for me.  Wow, that’s pretty serious, huh?  What’s it like when it –


Oh my god! Did you just – ?  Wow, that was a real crack, like a – oh my god.  Are you sure he’s OK?  He looks kinda – oh are you gonna do it agai – Oh MY GOD!

(Hurriedly) OK, well, I can see you guys want to get on with it so – OH! Wow!  Three.  That must really hurt! – yeah, I’ll just… actually, I left my book inside.  See you!

The end

* this:

Worm’s eye view

Do worms actually have eyes?  Or a point of view?  I know I’m not allowed one of those, not about anything that matters.

Ah well, on we go.

Oh well.  Never mind.
 This of course is Princess Kali, whose perfect balancing of sweetness and cruelty presses all the buttons I have.  It’s the little tiara that always does it for me. Aaaahhh.

Oooh!  Maybe Steve’s going to get a blowjob too?  How exciting.
 The lady in the picture is Ashley Edmonds.  She’s fantastic.  Don’t know who the males are.  But who cares?  Just males. 

I can imagine being very polite.  But I expect she’s right.  She usually is.

Well, that’s very kind.  She’ll stop being kind soon, don’t worry.
 Domina Irene Boss, of course, whose boots I am not fit to lick (I mean, even more than those of most ladies).

Must be awful.  Don’t you think?

Little things that make her laugh

Scenes from Servitor’s so-called life (Part 1 of rather too many).

I have to say, it was very disappointing, on my first date with Alice, that she not only laughed at my manhood, she pulled out a ruler and insisted on measuring it, right then and there.  I just think that was a bit unnecessary, you know, especially on a first date like that.  And quite apart from the humiliation it caused me, I think it was pretty unfair to spoil the evening for all those other diners.  I still haven’t been back to that restaurant.

Ah well.  On with more of this:

Lesbian femdom marriage ahhh
Ahhh.  Isn’t that sweet?

Wife whips off the blues
Well, she doesn’t always bother to tell him about it, not the detailed causes anyway.  She’s just looking to share the pain, not for any suggestions he could come up with.  It’s a Mars/Venus thing, you know?

Looking good mistress
Let’s hope she doesn’t go home with someone this time, as the nights can get pretty uncomfortable.  As long as no one at the club tries to pick her up, you should be all right, though.,


Mean girl femdom booo
My mother always used to say that, when I was growing up.  And when I discovered girls, in my teens, I understood what she meant.

Well, that’s very kind of her, isn’t it?  Very understanding.  Not like Alice.  Remember Alice?  It’s a blog post about Alice…

But I would walk 500 miles

And I will walk 500 more
Just to be the man who walked 1000 miles
To fall down at your door

da da dah tah, da da dah tah, da da dah tah, da da dah tah, da da dum dum tiddly um dum tiddly um

da da – oh, sorry.  Just singing with my headphones on.  But the lyric is kind of on-topic.   And so are these:

Even a cricket bat can be a penis whip.  You just have to try.

Wow.  Sounds that like a pretty happy marriage to me.

Bleak and depressing captioned images of female domination.  You only get it here.  Hi! I’m servitor.

Do you think he knew?  I think he knew. 

Too small to satisfy anyone…

I know when I’ve been beaten

and sometimes the neighbours do, too.

Keira hands over control
Actually, that whip she gave him is pretty take-charge too.  But it doesn’t hurt to make sure.  Well..I mean, it does hurt.  Obviously.

Bullwhip femdom sarcasm
A little light spanking?

Mean cheerleaders
Yeah, come on.  She’s right.  Sometimes you just have to trust people.  What’s the worst that can happen?  Hmm?  Oh – well apart from that, then.

Other world kingdom maid or was anyway
Her very first maid-boy!  Bless.

Good hard thrashing dammit
Business.  It’s all about relationships.  This particular relationship is female-led and abusive.  Welcome to the team. Worm.

Safe words

“Sorry” is usually fairly safe, I find.


“Yes Mistress” is generally quite harmless too…

Not sure I know of any others.

Breakfast whipping
Another day, another, err…

Femdom gender sensitivity training
I used to think it was a load of nonsense, but then I went on a gender sensitivity course and was surprised to discover just how sensitive parts of my body could become.

Oh dear femdom scat
I have nothing to say.

Remote control slave
Isn’t technology wonderful?  Just a few fingers swiped across this simple device and all the household chores are done and there’s an extra €10,000 in her bank account.  Amazing. 

Lovingly bruised by Mistress
Nothing wrong with a few visible signs of a good healthy loving relationship.

Screaming when she comes

I usually find I do.

On with the captioned images of printed circuits.  Sorry, I mean female domination.  Long day.

Femdom welts
And there he was thinking he’d got off lightly for once.  Good thing Linda came home.

Femdom death - well eventually
It’s nice when something you thought was finished gives you just a little bit extra like that.

Femdom humiliation without even trying
But you have to pay her €500 first.

I think this is one of those times when it’s just up to you to decide how to take it, you know?  On the one hand you could get angry – let’s face it, it was a pretty mean trick.  But on the other, you could just be pathetically grateful that they noticed your miserable existence at all, couldn’t you? 

Actually, to be entirely accurate, you won’t be able to leave one small corner of the basement.

They who must be obeyed

The title based of course on the splendid in concept (but disappointing in realisation – just ask a frustated 13 year old desperately looking for femdom material in the early 1980s) nineteenth century novel She, by H Rider Haggard.  There’s actually a sequel too, called Ayesha (although I always thought it ought to have been called She’s Back), which puts me in mind of a remarkable lady with a more serious and worthy blog than this one. She has introduced me and others to the concept of “saudade“, which makes me think that I am perhaps spiritually Galician-Portuguese. 

Anyway, this isn’t getting those captioned images of female domination onto your screens and into your brains, so we’d better get on with it.

Judicial caning x2
Or don’t keep calm.  That bit’s up to you.

I think she’ll come to appreciate the gift in time.  Young love is all very well, but experienced wives know the value of a good leather whip.

If you’re considering asking for a refund, do bear in mind that she is still holding the whip.

Public humiliation and respect
I don’t know why some men pay for public humiliation.  It’s easy enough to get it for free, I find.

Littls snuff scene here but tastefully done
She genuinely doesn’t want to drown him.  There was such a fuss about the last one, after all.

Evil leather-clad dominatrices

You know, I enjoyed typing that title so much, that I thought I had to have a post just about it.  But marriage creeps in here too, as I guess it always will.

She likes them bruised
Hmmm… Sounds like you’ll shortly be sexually compatible!

Forced drinking
It’s not the worst thing you’ve ever tasted is it?  Oh, is it?  OK, well something has to be.  Anyway, you don’t want to keep her waiting.  No really…you don’t.

Shocking truth about femdom
Phew!  Lucky escape there.

Time to die
Possibly even less than three or four years – she can be quite moody, after all.

Marriage is an institution
I think that’s rather sweet.  Just because the marriage is over, doesn’t mean a couple should stay apart for ever.  I expect he thinks about her all the time.

Even more femdom captions than that – and some found femdom

Hey, has anyone out there noticed how much femdom there is in ZZ Top videos?  I was watching one for the music (I do, secretly, occasionally use the Internet for looking at things that are not porn – hope I never get found out), and was transported back to happy days in front of the TV as a teenager, desperately hoping for something pervy.  Anyway there’s this.  And this (give it time – or skip to 2.00 or so and look out for the treatment of the guy in the pullover at 2.20!).

If you like power-dressing 80s babes with big hair that is.  Oh, I do.  I really do.

Then there’s this, in a very different style.  You have to get near the end to work out what’s going on.

Hmmm.  ZZ Top.  Beardy perverts, eh?

Anyway, on with the show:

Cash, carry and serve
Actually, even if you don’t recycle them it’s still better than all those nasty plastic bags.

Domme gets a haircut
He graduated top of his class in hairdresser school.  After all, he had mastered the art of studying in med school.  Being whipped for poor performance helped, too.


Whipped silly by two divine dommes
It wouldn’t be so bad, if the things she said about him weren’t so personal – you know?

Well whipped slave is done for the day
It’s her favourite part of the day.

Anne knows just how to cheer you up
Actually, when you really think about it there are lots of reasons why life might be easier without balls, around Anne.  There’s Tuesdays for example.  She usually comes back from the studio feeling rather grumpy.  That’ll hurt less after tomorrow.

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