Trunign ponts


Number 42 in the series, apparently! How many roads must a man walk down before he reaches a turning point, eh? OK, one, I suppose, as if he was on a second road he would presumably already have passed a turning point. OK, so not a good analogy, but you see what I’m trying to say here, right? Erm… anyway, I’ll just get on with the not-quite-femdom captions, now.

As the world turns

turning points!  That’s all.

NB: I have just realised that the default comments policy on the blog required a name and email. I have switched this off, so you can comment as anonymously as you like (but please give yourself a name, at least in the body of the comment, so you’re not all just ‘Anonymous’. Unless of course, your name is actually ‘Anonymous’ which would be a cruel burden to bear).

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