
A word used mainly with “love” or “surrender”.  Or – best of all – both.

Never seen her scrubbing her back with the bath brush, though. 

Still, he’ll have a unique souvenir of what looks to have been a memorable session.

Yes, M’m, thankee M’m.

And so does everyone else.  Not that they care.

Yeah, that would be awful.  Let me know if you see anyone like that reading the blog, OK?  I’ll kick them right off.

Now do you want to dance, or do you want to bite?

Not that I approve of many more of the lyrics.

Wow – big decision, huh?  Thank goodness she’s already taken it so you don’t have to.


I had a rectal examination on my last trip to the doctor’s. So embarrassing!  I’m not taking that bus again!


Perhaps they could vote on it.


Wow.  She’s pretty easy-going, huh?  I wish my SO let me just beg for things whenever I like, like that.


Trick question – you’re doing both.

Pride comes before a spanking

Positive reinforcement – quite motivational, I find.


Decisions decisions… oh dear.  I thought the whole point of this sort of relationship was that I wouldn’t have to make decisions any more!


Yes.  That would be awful. Erm… we said just a half hour session this time.  Didn’t we?


That’s a relief. All the relief there’s going to be, by the look of it, but better than nothing.


You can watch a whole half hour, if you’re good. Just remember to thank her.

Maternalistic society



Oh, Gigi Allens is so lovely.


Hey, it’s a free country. Well, except for the slavery, obviously.


She does respect your opinion – but only when it is the same as hers. That seems fair.
Yes, you’re right, it is Jean Bardot.  Well spotted.

Remember: you can’t be humiliated if you have no self respect to begin with.



As if it wasn’t bad enough having to sit through a 9-hour flight on a well-caned bottom.

And he loves it when she beats his brains out

(he’s pecked to death but he loves the pain)

She’s not talking to you.


I think you’re about to get a free session.
I think we can all agree and rejoice that this is the lovely Jean Bardot, can we not?


Hmmm.  Two captions in one post about a domme actually hurting someone who doesn’t want to be hurt.  Servitor – reprinting the same old shit since 2011.


I like an unhurried session.  For example, I’ve got a humiliation scene going that’s been building nicely for… oooh, about 47 years now.


Bloody typical!  Doesn’t ask me how my day was, does she?  But to be fair, it’s hard to say at this stage whether it’s been a good, bad or howlingly agonising day.  Not until she’s decided.

Warning: implicit sexual content

… it’s the only kind you’ll get here.

So… not a threesome then? And indeed, from next week, no more onesomes either.  Oh well

Well, since you mention it…

The delightful knees and firm hands of Ms Gigi Allens!

And during too.

No comment.


Yum yum.


…but the price goes up the less time there is to go.


Phew.  Just in time, eh?


Hmmm. Kurt’s night-night “kisses” can taste a bit disgusting, to be honest. If only I were still allowed to kiss him on the lips.


Yes, I should be thankful for small mercies.  They are the only sort I get.


One day you’ll laugh about it. Everyone else does, after all.
Mmm… that does sound humiliating!




Actually, he’s lucky.  The bricks are  little bit irregular.  If it wasn’t for that to engage his interest…well, he’d have had a pretty boring time of it over the years, I can tell you.


She’s trying to make this work – why aren’t you?


Actually, you can make a fuss if you want.  It doesn’t really matter.

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