…aaaand you think I’m sexy…

It seems that Google has changed its image search alogorithm, so it doesn’t show pornographic pictures in response to most searches.  Unless there’s a clear request for porn.

But “Contemplating the Divine” brings up lots of my captions…

…which can only mean Google doesn’t think my blog’s sexy!


(Hurt sniffle)

I shall carry on, regardless.  As my SO likes to say, it’s a good thing I’m so stupid or I’d realise how unattractive I am.

Ms Haberman.  Lexx.  Try it if you haven’t.

Giddyup slave
It’s taken them almost four hours to get from her house in town.  Hope he’s enjoying it.

Ex wife future domme
Actually, the divorce was rather acrimonious.  But I’m sure she won’t want to bring up all those old rows now.  Not all at once.

Wait for release
Well, yes, I suppose she could shift it to another day, or quickly pull you off before you go out.  But it’s just such a fuss, don’t you think?  Easier all round just to leave it this month.  I’m sure you won’t miss it – Marie’s a super cook!


Anne teaches a lesson
It’s good when people can find personal satisfaction in their professional lives. In my job, for example, I’m completely useless and I’m always getting shouted at by people, some of whom are women.  Makes it all worthwhile.

Sometimes sorry is the easiest word to say

A really heartfelt “sorry”, gasped through the tears, that is.  Sometimes that will melt the harshest heart, and bring forgiveness, won’t it?  And sometimes not.

More captioned images of female domination follow, obviously.

Female domination is a journey
*”Trunk” for American viewers.  But I think you’ll agree that “boot” is a much sexier word than “trunk”.  Unless you have a fetish for elephants… Pervert.  We don’t want your kind here on this site.

Double dildo
What went up must also go down.

Ponyboy with money - whats not to like
They’re surprisingly economical to keep, too.

You can struggle if you like
But I want to be clear – you can ask her to stop if it’s getting too much, OK?  Just go right ahead and ask.

Just beg enough and perhaps she will
You won’t have to worry about money ever again?  Isn’t that great?

Divinity lessons

More pictures of our betters (well, my betters certainly), for edification, instruction and enlightenment.

Two dominatrices with riding crops dear me
Just out of interest – which one is Miss Evans, do you think?

femdom caption humiliation in pink skimpies
Is this someone famous?  I’m not good on celebrities.

Other World Kingdom prison on a quiet day
The astonishing Madame Sarka, who has haunted my dreams for years

Femdom caption gorgeous blonde dominatrix with chastity
Wow.  Just…wow.

Today’s captioned images

I’m beginning to find that I enjoy captioning images so much, that I find it quite hard to sit down (there can be other reasons for finding it hard to sit down sometimes too) and write stories.  Still, go with the flow I suppose so here are some more.  I hope you like them.

femdom caption blonde dominant wife sitting waiting for explanation before punishment
Once again, the incomparable Mistress Valkyrie of London, who has, I have often thought, perfected “the look”

femdom caption schoolmistress with two-tailed tawse ready for handstrapping naughty pupil
I do so love the thought (and in moderation, the practice) of the strap across the hand… Not enough of it on the Internet.

femdom caption dominant wife with riding crop teasing and waiting

femdom caption cruel dominatrix smoking and about to use slave as ashtray

New endings for some old favourites

Sometimes the endings of fairy tales need a little modification, to bring them into line with modern conceptions of male/female roles…

from Snow White and the seven dwarves

My my, such a dear little house, but you really don’t clean it properly, do you?” said Snow White.

“Would you like me to help out around the place and get it all spick and sparkling span for you?

“Yes, yes!” chorused the seven dwarves, even Grumpy forgetting himself enough to join in with enthusiasm

“Well then, here’s my dear little whip!” said Snow White, with a merry laugh.

“Now, start cleaning up this mess and if it isn’t spotless by suppertime, well, there’ll be seven darling little beaten bottoms at bedtime, now, won’t there?”

from Beauty and the Beast

“So if your true love kisses you before the last petal falls, you resume your true form as a handsome prince? gasped Belle, staring at the wilting rose.

“Yes” replied the hapless beast.

“One kiss and all of this castle and kingdom will be restored as it was before I was enchanted, and I will assume the throne. But if the petal falls first, I remain a beast for ever, without even the power of speech that I have now.”

The two gazed at the rose, in its glass case. Having perhaps been disturbed by their footsteps on entering the room, the last petal drooped gently down, hanging on to the stem by the merest thread.

“A beast for ever…” murmured Belle, absent-mindedly stroking the collar and leash that she held in her hand.

She started tapping the glass case gently with the end of her riding crop.

“But still rich, right?”

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