
Very sensible of her to discuss it straight away, so they can sort whatever it is out and get on with their marriage.

I suppose it’s good that she’s finally getting more use out of them. Normally, she puts them on once a month at most and even then she only uses one finger and a thumb of the left glove.

Nothing humiliating there… move on.

Oh, Susan will blame him.  She needn’t worry about that. He should, though.

Mind what?  Why can’t the ladies featured on this blog just say what they mean?  It’s maddening, it really is.

I wanna

be her dog?


He’ll be paying rent to her as well.  The monthly rate is a very reasonable “everything”.

Mistress Akella, there, showing how patient dommes need to be at times.

Oh, I don’t suppose Janice would mind.  She’s very easygoing.  As long as you stay on the leash, you can pretty much do your own thing when she’s not around. It’s that kind of marriage.

In OWK, slaves aren’t judged on whether they fail or succeed.  Just on how badly they fail.

She seems nice. Remember, though: it is very unprofessional to get involved romantically with your clients.  So don’t even think about it.

Gender imbalance

I won’t give away the ending. Oh all right then, I will.  The book falls off and he gets the crap beaten out of him with a perspex cane. OK?

Now I understand why they make the interns wear shorts.

erm… Translation?  Rotation?  Summation?

I’ve heard that if you insult the waiting staff in some restaurants, they’ll spit into your food. But I just can’t bring myself to be other than grovellingly respectful to a waitress.  What’s a sub to do?

One day she’ll meet Mr Perfect and won’t feel the need to enslave and degrade him.  One day.

That’s what she said

There’s a lot of give and take in their relationship, as you can see.

That one’s called ‘the tickler’.  Come on – arms up to the shackles – this is going to be fun!

libbers just need to spend more time reflecting quietly on how lucky
they are to be living in a female-led society, if you ask me. In the
corner, with a well-smacked bottom, preferably.
Just lick something at random – quickly!
With thanks to Alex Bragin for the translation.

There’s a hand gesture for ‘go away’ as well. Pray she never uses it.

Out with the old…

… in with the younger, sexier and less fucking annoying – as my SO likes to say.

This year She’s decided that my new year’s resolutions will remain Her own secret. Pretty exciting!  She’s going to make a little note every time I break one of my resolutions, then deal with it all at the end of the year.  That way I can’t sneakily avoid puishment by complying, She says.  So that should be fun!  Apparently, I’ve broken two of them already.

Anyway, with a slightly nervous twitch in case posting captioned images is one of the things I’ve resolved to cut out, here are the first captioned images of 2017!  Just like all the previous ones, huh?

I think you should stand up for yourself. Who does Katie think she is, anyway? Go on – man up.

Male class can be quite uncomfortable, but it’s a lot better than it was in the early days of commercial aviation. You’re inside, for a start and that makes quite a difference.

You see?  Now male class in the passenger section is a lot better than going airfreight as livestock, and – What’s that?  Oh. Well, it’s even better than going as cargo on a container ship too, I expect. Bon voyage.

He’s probably fine. Men’s brains can go for long periods without oxygen without loss of any useful functions anyway.

Most wedding venues keep a spanking chair somewhere around – just ask the organisers.


I think you might be about to experience a consciousness-lowering session.

I’m impressed she’s still got the energy after a 10-hour flight. Stewardesses are amazing, don’t you think?

At one point I lived near this really seedy red-light district near Spitalfields in London.  Quite early on, I explained to one of the streetwalkers that I disapproved of exchanging money for sex and she was kind enough to let me give her money and then just go away every week thereafter.  I wonder where she is now? The standing order still goes through to her bank account, so I guess she’s still around.
Because of this, obviously.  Pervy lot, architects.

Many men find it a bit of a shock at first, being married.  Just try and keep it to no more than 8-10 jolts a day, at moderate settings, and you’ll get used to it soon enough.

…and an extra one, for Paltego who enjoys photoshoots of dommes playing pool badly:


Blonde justice

Yes.  Someone needs to let her know that you just can’t get a toilet bowl really clean by licking it, either. Will you tell her, or shall I?

Mmmm… nine-and-a-half times the fun!
 I’m not generally a big fan of the US ‘mean young women’ style of femdom, but Miami Mean Girls is really pretty good.  I think it’s the same as AmericanMeanGirls too. There’s a lady called Goddess Rodea (that’s not her, above) who I think is particularly wonderful.  Worth a look.
Your kink is not her kink.  Which is just as well, or you’d have to murder her, and think how awful that would be.

Could even have a key-swapping party.  Such fun, until someone loses a key and then there’s weeks of recrimination and tears.

It’s going to be hard to carry all that shopping with a broken arm. Perhaps you could ask for the arm to be broken later, when you’re back?  What’s that?  You think that sort of impertinence might just annoy her? Yeah, probably right. Oh well, one-armed shopping it is.
Goddess Lexi of course, featured on Femdom Empire.

Before you start, you’re already beat

She’s going to play you for a fool, yes it’s true.

I wouldn’t mind.  Not that anyone would care whether I did or not.
If you’re still worried that there might be gay sex involved somewhere, they’ve offered to sign a written agreement that under no circumstances will you engage in any sexual activity of any sort, ever.  OK?  So: that’s all right.

I think it’s good that she still plays with her former boyfriends occasionally.  The ones she hasn’t broken, anyway.
  This was, and is, the lovely Mistress Mina Thorne who I am sure is a perfect professional and would never do anything even the teensiest bit non-consensual, unless you asked her to.  Asked very nicely. But she does have a delightfully wicked smile so I keep featuring images of her doing evil things.

You’ve got to learn to pick up on these little signals now you’re married. Guys: the gag means she doesn’t want to hear it, OK?
I like this one a lot… S.

I beg to differ

But I’m never allowed to, so I don’t really know why I bother.

On we go …

At first, she used to follow the approach of other dommes; in trying to put first-time clients at their ease.  Reassure them that nothing too bad would happen, you know?  But then she decided one day it was just too dishonest.

Relationships can take many different forms.  You’d be surprised how many stable partnerships are based on a solid foundation of contempt and abuse.  Works for me.

Maybe you could ask about the oral sex later.  Still worth a try, surely?

in my opinion, equality between the sexes is a very bad idea.  But I’m
posting this caption anyway, in the spirit of recognising that my
opinion is of no importance whatsoever.


Like I said, relationships can take many forms.  ‘Husband’, ‘lover’, ‘piss-slave to lesbian couple’ – they’re all just different words for the same thing, fundamentally, don’t you agree?

It’s what I go to dommes for

...you can call me crazy

(Kinky bit is 2.18 in if that’s really all you’re after. Pervert).

Of course, as long as everyone keeps quiet there’s no way she can find out who wrote it.  And it’s not as if she can cane the whole class just because one boy misbehaved now, is it?

They do need male teachers, though.  Every time they seem to have got the male/female ratio on the staff up, another lot disppear and they have to start again.  So at least you’ve got job security: there’s that to be said for it.

Cold cream?  And, ermm… not being beaten?

What a bad girl.

I wrote this caption last year, surprisingly enough.

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