She looked me up and down and really put me in my place

She said: “Nice legs, shame about your face.”

Been revisiting the music of my teenage years.  Although to be honest this one provides a rather more accurate picture of my dating experience. And this one is just timeless, as far as I’m concerned.

Actually, as a former investment banker he’d probably be better at handling the financial negotiations himself.  But they each have their own role in the business, I suppose.

I hate it when that happens.  But then I hate it when it doesn’t, too.  You know?

He used to be a client.  A lot of the stuff that’s lying around did.  Some of the leather coverings too, if we’re brutally honest about things.

Especially with her reading circle coming round to discuss it that very evening.

That’s good. Because when Madame Svetlana is displeased, very regrettable things happen.

Boys only want love if it’s torture

Regular “readers” will know that my musical tastes rarely extend beyond about 1988.  But I am prepared to make an exception for Mistress Swift.

On with the rest of it… femdom captions, dominatrices, chastity, all those words that get search engines so excited, you know?

Oh no, not again.


You could try calling her tomorrow.  “Hi!  It’s William from last night.  That’s right, the one with the small penis.  Listen, I was wondering…”


NO!  Not the comfy chair!


Well… I hope someone’s asked Andy if he’s OK sharing his cucky closet, that’s all.  Some men can be a bit funny about that sort of thing – it’s their own special place, you know?


…and then if that gets too much, the electric shocks will take your mind off the pain from the welts.

Blessed art thou amongst women

We’re all blessed to be amongst women, don’t you think?  Usually, I have to pay for the privilege, but even so..

You know, that reminds me of a funny story.  The first time I visited a domme in France, she asked if I
wanted to be “blessé”.  So of
course I said “Oui, Maîtresse!” and I knelt down and waited for
divine benediction.

But, would you believe it, in French “blessé”
means wounded!  


Goodness, how I laughed at my mistake afterwards, when the
bones in my jaw had been re-set.

Funny old world, isn’t it?  And apparently in Estonian, the phrase “blow job” means “penectomy”.  Strange but true.  Could be all sorts of scope for amusing misunderstandings there, I imagine.

On we go.

Well… it’s not as if the chair’s that comfortable anyway.  Me on the ring, her sitting on the chair…we’ll see who cracks first.
 Anyone not realising that this is the divine Eleise de Lacy, or that Femme Fatale Films are absolutely superb… well, anyone like that probably isn’t reading this blog, actually.

I don’t normally credit Tumblrs, but this is from the “fuckyeahstewardesses” tumblr, which once you’re past the slightly, mmmm, crude name is actually rather tasteful and lovely.  Unlike the red glove treatment, which isn’t either of those things.

Nothing to see here, let’s move on.

She’s going to be her own, er… ex-step-mother!  How cool is that?
 Planet Femdom.  If statuesque German ladies are your thing (and even more so, if you’d like to be their thing), it’s the place you want to go right after this.
Ah yes.  Hers isn’t quite as frilly.  And, to be fair, it doesn’t say “punishment dress” on it either.  Or have the little lacy cuffs at the back for wrists.  And she can take it off herself.  Still, nice to be a matching couple.
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