It’s savage and it’s cruel

And it shines like destruction.  Mistress Lennox, of course, and her beardy boy.

There’s an important difference.  Voyeurs get sexual gratification from watching other people have sex, while humiliation freaks get sexual gratification from not getting sexual gratification.

Unlike many wives, his wife doesn’t at all mind his going to strip clubs and suchlike with his mates.  She must be very open-minded.

Actually, I’m feeling a bit queasy.  Is that supposed to happen?

Easy mistake to make: most of their ponies are geldings already.  Surprising he’s lasted this long, really.  Maybe they’ve been busy.

Oh well.  It doesn’t hurt to ask, as long as she’s in a good mood.

Stable relationships


Maybe when the two of you are married, you can talk to her about being less cruel to poor dumb animals.

Well, she should have been clearer. It took me ages…

No spoilers, now!

Don’t worry, you’ll soon warm up after Lady Sarah arrives.

He only discovered about her fetishes after the marriage.  She has quite a few. The ones not involving inflicting pain on older men are mostly about girlfriends and money.

Our youngers and betters

I suppose it never hurts to go through things again, just to make sure.  Well… I don’t mean it never actually hurts – obviously it does hurt – I just mean…. oh , you know.

The longer it goes on, the longer his pleasureable anticipation, I suppose.
I wonder what she has planned for the evening.  For you, that is.
Aww… is there a little furry… hairy, leggy, fangy.. friend in there with you? Or several.
You, by contrast, can easily go quite badly wrong.  But you’ll know when you do.

Bossy boots

See?  Told you that in the future, boots would stamp down on male faces forever.  Or was that George Orwell?  Anyway, I have pictures to prove it.

It might get a bit smelly in there, that’s the only thing.  But don’t worry: they’ll hose the crate down before you’re introduced to your new owners.

Wife and mother… it’s like two jobs rolled into one.

Don’t worry, they’ll make sure you get all the way to the top.

Looks pretty clean already to me.  You don’t suppose she’s not a real biker by any chance, do you?

Ah, Mistress Eleise.  Even dressed in her daily work clothes like this, she’s stunning.

Male In Name Only

Actually, although it’s a very specialised field of architecture, her fees are fairly low, not least because she doesn’t need to pay any assistants.


And they say castratrices have no feelings.


If he’s bad at sums, he might need a little thinking time in the corner to get the salary offer right.


I’d queue up…


I’ve always enjoyed a vigorously bisexual sex life: left or right hand, doesn’t matter to me.


Twas the night before Christmas

… when all through the night
not a penis was stirring,
all locked up quite tight.


Look, she said it, not me – OK readers?  I respect and cherish each and every one of you. But she doesn’t.

 The divine Mistress Eleise.  You might have seen her here once or twice before, I suppose.

You’ll look back with longing at this, come summer, when she’s whipping you up a hot gravel track under the merciless sun.


1.2 seconds of pure bliss.  But, you know, it’s not just Christmas that comes but once – oh, hang on.


I used to suffer from low self-esteem.  But then I just decided to enjoy it instead.
And the divine Divine Mistress Heather, too.


He should pay attention to this blog over the next few days.


The latest femdom captions

Apologies for the dull title.  But I have noticed that by far the highest viewing figures on this blog are for posts with titles like “More femdom captions”.  Anyway, I’m running out of 80s lyrics…

Nothing like hot coffee to wake you up.




It’s a living.


Yes.  I’ve been quite disappointed, just how open-minded many of my friends have been about my SO beating me.  “About time too” was the usual comment.


She means it about the running.  Don’t you dare dawdle.
Like many men of kink, I do find I have to pay for most of my fantasies to be acted out. However, I think I can honestly say that all of my unpaid sexual encounters have turned into really strong humiliation sessions, one way or another. I guess I’m just lucky like that.

Heavenly torment

Horsey horsey don’t you dare stop.


In case you’re thinking the judge was a little unfair – apparently the man in this sorry little tale had been masturbating to pictures on the Internet.  I think we can all agree that’s a good reason for him to lose everything, can’t we?  Disgusting habit.  Just ask Google.


It’s odd, isn’t it?  Some of us would bend over backwards to be in that situation.  Forwards, too.


Try to be brave. Think of her feelings, after all.


I would.

Making him pay

Ballgagged flr husband
nnnn nnnNNN  NNNGGG!  nngg nnnng!

Cane mistress looking stern...whew
Oh well.  It’ll be agony this time, around, but…it’s not as if you masturbate often.  Is it?

Femdom choices
Oddly, I understand this is one exception to the rule ‘everything tastes like chicken’.  It just doesn’t.
 This is from a lovely English Mansion clip, much of which can be found here.  I just love the way Mistress Neive (the blonde one) giggles.  ‘Hee hee hee’. Somehow the way she’s slightly self-conscious makes it even sexier.

Fail humiliation
Good thing you’re into humiliation.  You’ll be getting lots of that.

Yet another castration cap
Actually, it’ll be quite a bit cheaper than having it done back in a properly equipped facility in the First World.  More holiday spending money – can’t object to that!

Slavery, inequality, sorority

Forced bi blowjob practice
He might have his hair tugged less if he cuts it too.  He looks like a bit of a sissy with hair that long, if you ask me.
 The divine Ms Darla Kincaid.

Isn’t that sweet?  Of course, they didn’t keep the ponies for long.  They’re so expensive to keep.  But they’ll always have that memory.

Don’t be jealous that she’s so much better in bed than you are.  After all, you’re so much better at ironing than she ever was. 

I think you just pushed her own limits.  I don’t recommend that.

It’s silly to blame her for your own faults, now, isn’t it?

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