Slap happy

You know what you deserve… but here are some pervy pictures instead.

Wearing wifes dresses
Oh I do hope I get to wear that one.

Painful perversions
And paying them for it.  And thanking them afterwards.  And then in a few months doing it all again.  Here, in my case.

And this?  I mean – do we have to put up with this sort of thing?  Yes.

Russian femdom petplay
Actually, slave-fighting’s illegal in most civilised countries. And he can definitely sue if he has his balls bitten off, so really he’s got nothing to worry about.
 This image from Tyrannized, like it says.  Very good if you like your femdom in bright, primary colours.

I think you’re about to find out how ridiculous you look.  And if I know Angie, so’s everyone else.

Dealing with feelings of sexual inadequacy

Here are some ladies who know exactly how to do that.

Small condom humiliation
I find it quite hard to find condoms in my size, actually. I used to think it was because I was so unusually small, but actually a kindly pharmacist once explained to me that there are quite a lot of men this small – it’s just that they never get to have any sex, so there’s not much of a market for condom makers.  That made me feel a lot better.

Actually, that sort of failure rarely happens to me.  I usually find I can make women laugh, one way or another.
 I wouldn’t recommend a visit to the Young Goddess site these days, unless you’re really into self-loathing, as the guy who ran it got religion and decided that all of this is sinful.  Which of course, it is.  Still…I guess that means he’s relinquished copyright on everything?

Sorry.  Too embarassing a memory to talk about.  Move on please, move on.

That Raoul.  I’m sure he’s cheating on her.  Last time, I bought eight condoms and when I came round the next day to clean up, I only found six that he’d used.  Men can be such beasts…I don’t know what she sees in him.

She had to have the last one put down.  He was just too yappy.  It wasn’t an easy decision, though, and she made the mistake of looking back and catching his eye when she left him at the vet for the last time.  A tear or two was shed that night, I can tell you, as she thought of him alone in his cage at the vet’s waiting for the lethal injection the next morning.  But she’s sure it was for the best.
Quite a combination, there, Mistress T of Vancouver to the left, Goddess Lexi Sindel to the right, and Mistress Mina Thorne in the middle.  [With thanks to commenters for one identification]


Now that seems like an excellent objective in life. On with the captioned images (of female domination).

Femdom pony play with great big whips hurrah
Highly skilled people are the banking industry’s greatest assets, so it’s reasonable when times are hard to sell a few of them off.

Female led marriage money making
What a kind offer.  And they you were thinking that Emma and Laura were man-hating lesbian feminists.  Just goes to show, you can never tell who will be the one to step forward with help.

Cock and ball story
Never mind.  There are only 24 hours in a Thursday, just the same as the other days of the week.

Fake blonde dominatrix in slave husband dreams
A femdom fantasy in a femdom reality.  How about that?

Threatening femdom or just vanilla
I don’t know why I’ve included this one.  Nothing femdom about it.  Is there?

Restraining orders

Yes please.  Those.

These too:

Bikini briefs and pet play
The leash is invisible, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t one there.

Money domme makes good
Rather a thoughtless gift, as she can’t drive, don’t you think?  I expect he’ll be punished for that.  When she can be bothered.

Pain inflicted lovingly and steadily
Pain-killers don’t work, anyway. I was taking some, for a minor condition, but when I went to visit my Significant Other the nipple clamps still hurt like hell.  I’m thinking of complaining to the Adertising Standards Authority.

I cant remmebre what this femdom caption was about
Yes, being caged up for that long is pretty scary.  But not as scary as Lucy.

Hathaway with my heart
That would be really helpful, actually.  I find that almost every day, there are some moments when I catch myself not thinking about Anne.  Of course, it doesn’t happen often, but it’s still a bit worrying.

Another rather unimaginative headline featuring femdom captions

With a big hello to search engines from all over.

Now, after a headline like that, I suppose there had better be some captioned images of female domination, hadn’t there?

But also more enjoyable for her.  There’s always an upside.

Look away now please
So with this one I – ow! – excuse me, I was just – OOH! – I’m sorry, I really…ohhhh that hurts!…need to move on to the next.  No caption here.

Lesbian tease
OW!  No better!

It still rhymes with hickory switch
Right.  Think calm thoughts.  It’s funny – we give our cat the stuff in tins as a treat, and the dry biscuity stuff for normal food.  So when my wife makes me eat the contents of one of the tins, I guess both me and the cat are unhappy about it.

Be afraid of your wife
Isn’t it an awful feeling?  When you just know you’re going to have an argument. But all arguments end, you know that too.  And you’ll be a better husband for it, after all.

Sincerely hers

Goodness, it’s ages since I wrote a story.  I feel greatly refreshed.

Anyway, back to the captioned images of female domination.

Now say Ggggggghhh for me
The frantic begging for mercy can get a bit tiresome too.  Why can’t they just shut up and let her get on with it?

Eat the yummy leaves slave
See how he’s allowed to use his hands and that little brush?  I think she’s too soft on him.

A slaves work is never done
Actually, a lie-in would have been nice.  Never mind.  Maybe next year.

Dommes little collection
I don’t know where she finds them.  Looking at her, I suspect the answer might be “everywhere”.

So there's nothing to worry about
You need to build trust here.  Try offering her something, something you value greatly.



femdom caption sophie has a fellow castaway back for a meal
I’d let her lead me off by the leash…to a better future

femdom caption money slavery
Any members of the superior sex who believe this to be sexist and insulting, please feel free to leave a comment suggesting how Servitor might make amends…

femdom caption wife talks to maid petra
Sometimes a caption idea turns into a 24-volume set….

femdom caption human police dogs

Altered Images

…were a brilliant 1980s band (well, they were a four-hit wonder actually, but I liked them and anyway they had Clare Grogan).  But this post isn’t about them, it’s just more daft captioned images of female domination.

Captioned femdom image of three domme wives
I’m a traditionalist, I’m afraid, and I don’t really believe in mens’ lib.  Planning a series of stories on this, actually.

femdom captioned image of businesswoman
The notion of changing your name is just delightfully subtly submissive, and public too.  Several posts about this on other (more serious) blogs lately.

femdom captioned image human dogs
This is of course the divine Mistress Valkyrie.  Combining the best traditions of English (ow!) and Czech (thwack!) femdom.

femdom caption slightly spooky dont you think
A little off the usual trajectory for me, but something had to be done with that picture.  That artwork ‘obscure title’ by the way, is nothing like as weird as some I’ve seen.

femdom caption lesbians kissing ahhhh
Quite why anyone would even consider looking at marmalade in this situation bemuses me, but then I’m not a male maid with a housework obsession

Divine images and childish scribbles

My grovelling apologies to the extraordinary women in each of these pictures, for adding my dirty little thoughts to their beautiful images.

But I’m incorrigible.  Here we go:

Captioned image of CFNM schoolgirls
The blonde on the right doesn’t look happy.  Do you think Sophie’s just out-done her, with this initiative and she’s annoyed?  Alpha females – fear them!

Captioned image of gloriously disdainful domme

Captioned image of ridiculous and humiliated male maid serve him right.
I hope he’s enjoying his session.  Doesn’t look it.

Ladies from OWK throw one back.
This is a great photo-sequence, I recommend it.  Sometimes OWK breaks through the cliches and does something really original (and cruel!).  Human fish.  Brilliant, just brilliant.

Pet names for submissiv e guys part 1
Well you’re just going to have to look it up, aren’t you?  Try the link below.

Here are some pictures of тараканы.

Female domination on a Friday

Some more captioned images, created in a sprit of respectful homage and awe, and certainly not just because that’s what turns me on (see story in previous post).

caption blonde femdom smiling as slave humiliated
Something about that smile just says to me – isn’t it just fantastic that I can make him do these things and get paid for it?  I often wonder how it feels for all those scary OWK ladies, growing up as regimented little Young Pioneers in communist Czechoslovakia and now…beating the crap out of Western businessmen.  There’s glory.

caption femdom wife discussing castration leaflet
Well, I’d certainly trust her to make the right decision, in both our interests.  Wouldn’t you?

caption slave and mistress out in public as dog and owner
On the Internet no one knows you’re really a dog…at heart.

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