Words can never hurt you

 …but these ladies can.

You might think it a little unfair that only one of the submissives in this relationship does all the housework – but remember, she needs to rest during the day after a busy night looking after Mistress’s sexual needs.


Let’s just say I’ve had time to get my hand in.

They should be more careful with their property.

Unlike regular sex work, paid femdom doesn’t have to involve hanging around on cold rainy street corners, wearing nothing but a latex miniskirt, tiny top and uncomfortable high heels – but if that’s what my dominatrix says is going to happen, I usually don’t argue.

Don’t be alarmed; her mother may be a bit bossy but at least she likes you.  She described you as ‘very suitable’ when you were first introduced to her, remember?

Work harder, not smarter

That was my SO’s advice to me, soon after we married. As with all her advice, following it has made my life a lot easier.

And if at first she doesn’t succeed, no harm in trying again.



Make sure you empty the bath with buckets and carry the soapy water back down to a proper drain when you’re done, OK?  It’s more environmentally friendly.  Or just remind her to make sure you do it – that’s probably going to be more effective, actually.



Thank goodness someone’s there to keep up standards.


Don’t worry – she’ll be keeping an eye on the situation, via the livestream. She’ll step in if she decides it’s all too much.

Superior sex

 She is it, and she also has it.

Perhaps you should discuss her salary expectations soon, as I think right now they are increasing rapidly.

She uses ‘cruelty free’ cosmetic products but I’m afraid that attitude extends only to animals. Non-human animals, I mean.

The system is open to abuse by women seeking to save money on nursing care for their elderly male relatives unfortunately. But a recent inquiry into the prevalence of false accusations of crminal sexism concluded (a) that it was not so very high and (b) that the old bastards probably deserved it anyway. So that’s all right.

Imagine putting her to so much trouble. And he calls himself submissive…

The lady visting OWK in this pastoral scene is Goddess Sophia, whose cages, canes and (most memorably) gloriously swishy rubber dress Servitor has had the honour to experience – and can thoroughly recommend to UK-based subs. She may or may not still be in business and is not the lady of the same name in Portsmouth, who I am sure is equally lovely.

I imagine Douglas knows many things they don’t… lots of secret little thoughts.

Pretty woman don’t make me cry

What’s that?  Oh, I ticked ‘make me cry’ on the session negotiation form?  Oh yes, so I did.  Sorry, my mistake: go ahead then.


Just hand me the lipstick and stand aside, little lady.  I got this.

Very public-spirited of them to help out, I say.


You might worry that if she just gets high grades without effort, she might end up with no skills and in a low-wage dead-end career.  Don’t worry: she’s developing lots of skills and her future in a high-paying professional career is almost guaranteed.

What, did you think she just… I dunno… abducted guys and skinned them in her basement? You’ve been reading too much lurid fantasy.  Relax, OK?

I wonder why she went too far like that?  She’s supposed to be a professional.





Sexual wealing

Interestingly (well… as near to being interesting as anything gets on this damp and flaccid excuse for a blog), the word ‘weal’ means both ‘a ridge or mark on flesh raised with a blow of a whip’ and ‘wealth or happiness’. Which to my mind – like the fact that ‘stroke’ means both a caress and the lash of a whip – just goes to show that there’ve been subbies around for as long as the English language has existed.  Chaucer’s ‘The Ffyndomme’s Tayle’ being a case in point, I suppose, or Shakespeare’s ‘Loves Labours Forced.’



Interestingly, that rather racy outfit she’s wearing is modeled on that worn by Playboy’s Playmate of the Month from October 1842.

Attentive ‘readers’ will obviously have recognised the compassionate and sweet-tempered Cassie Hunter, the Hunteress.  You can tell she is feeling particularly merciful and forgiving, on this occasion, from the gentle smile on her lips. 




Honestly, if her sissy were a bit more familiar with orgasms himself he might have realised how totally inappropriate that request was.  Not that I’m excusing his selfish behaviour, you understand.



I’ve never really understood what ‘SPH play’ really consists of.  I mean, if we’re not doing ‘SPH play’ what’s she going to talk about – the weather?




Sometimes she puts a little extra in.  Other times she takes a little extra out.

What, all of them?





Miss guided

Remember: it’s only humiliating if you try to cling to any vestige of self-respect.



Although this one would do just fine, obviously.



Yes… it’s very easily done.  I do hope she’s careful.



She seems quite new to this: don’t forget to explain the importance of consent.




Swift retribution.  Har-de-har.


Asexual gratification




Why not both?



Busy busy.  Still, at least when he’s screaming under the relentless high-paced whipping, he can console himself with the thought that it’s not as bad as he’ll be getting later from Madame Sarka.  We so rarely just pause to count our blessings – don’t you agree?



Ah, young love.  I remember my first really vigorous reaming as if it were yesterday.


She might say that she’s not really into the weird femdomination stuff, but actually she could probably be persuaded to try a little chastity play too – or even rather a lot of it.



Lashing out

In case you’re wondering, I’m not doing April Fool’s Day stuff.  I have before.  

One year I warned people in advance that the blog was going to feature occasional fem-sub content, then came up with this.  And then a year later, ran a feature on those mis-understood (and modest and humble) members of our BDSM community: male doms.  Believe me, Contemplating the Divine going M/f is about as likely as the Catholic Church embracing Wicca or a video found on Pornhub being, y’know, any good.

Then another year I did this, which was a bit rubbish but had lots of lovely pictures.

But not this year.  No, really.  This isn’t some kind of self-referential ‘tell them there’s no April Fool joke but then there is’ thing.  Sorry.  Just the usual crap.


So much hell to dish out, so little time.  People think the life of an OWK Lady is all lazing around eating peeled grapes, but really it’s all go, all the time.




You want know what I think? I think these are very good ideas and she’s right about this, as she is about everything.  That’s what I think and I’m determined not to think anything else.




The food’s not as good as at a traditional British boarding school, but other than that the lifestyle’s pretty similar, I understand.



That’s her sweet ‘girl next door’ look.  She has some very scared (and lucky) neighbours.


This is the sweet and vanilla Melisande Sin, to be found in a few places in Poland (which Russia would be well advised not to invade because (a) NATO and (b) her).

Still, at least she remembered your anniversary this time.






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