Try to see it Her way

Femdom bride of course
Quite a moment here, in your marriage.  Because it’s the last time you’ll hear “fetch the canvas bag” without experiencing that stab of fear.

Domme hunt
Nothing wrong with a healthy day’s sport.  Really, they’re just helping Nature to keep the numbers down.

Another femdom castration caption?  Dear me
Hmmm… she’s rather pretty isn’t she?  It’ll be fun fantasising about her when you’re lying in bed after your operation.  As long as your throat doesn’t ache so much you’re not feeling in the mood, anyway.  Something to look forward to!

Lesbian twosome is the closest youll get
God, it can be agonising waiting for a woman to come sometimes, can’t it?  Especially when you’ve started drawing blood.  Oh well – better get on with it.

Femdom mercy or merci
Really, you can scream and beg as much as you like.  She doesn’t mind at all.

Femdom story: Locked

Well, I’ll bet no one has ever written a femdom story with that title before!  Anyway, here’s my take on it.


 “Are you all right,
Mrs Taylor?” the doctor asked, stepping quickly to the side of the tall blonde
lady standing over the hospital bed.

Janet nodded dumbly.

“Yes…yes.  I’m
fine.  It’s just a bit of a shock, that’s
all.  Seeing him – like this.  I mean, it’s just as you described it, of
course.  But somehow it’s different
seeing it for real.”

The doctor nodded understandingly. “Locked-in syndrome takes
quite some getting used to”, she said. 
“But he’s still in there.  It’s
still your husband.”

“Alan”, Janet murmured. 
“Yes, it’s still my Alan in there. 
But he can’t move a muscle?”

“Well…” the doctor replied. 
“His internal muscles like the heart are all in good working order.  And look – you see? – he can still blink his
eyes.  That’ll make it a lot easier to
look after him – no need for eyedroppers to keep the eyeballs moist, you
see.  But otherwise, no muscular control
at all.  Yet he can feel everything.”

“Mmmm” Janet said, reaching out and gently running her
fingertips up the inner thigh of her immobilised husband.  “And he can see as well?”

“Oh yes” the doctor replied. 
“Although of course he can’t control what he’s actually looking at.  But you can move the eyeballs – no, here, let
me do it.  It’s best to wear gloves.”

And she deftly reached out and with a rubber-tipped finger
flicked each eyeball round so that Alan was staring right at his wife.  The effect was a little uncanny, but Janet
forced herself to smile.

“And you can hear me too, can’t you Alan?  Every word.”

She sighed slightly, and reached out again, this time
pinching a small roll of Alan’s flesh between her fingers.  Steadily she compressed it, letting her
elegant nails dig deeply into the flesh. 
She watched the tiny buds of blood appear as she gently sawed her nails
from side to side, and smiled again in satisfaction.

“Oh, we’re going to have such fun when I get you home.” she
murmured, and put her hand to her mouth to taste the blood.

“Well, you can take him home whenever you like” the doctor
shrugged.  “Everything’s fine; he’s fully
recovered from the operation.  Those
marks on his wrists and ankles will go away in a few days.  They’re just from where he was struggling
when he was restrained.”

“Oh yes!” Janet replied. 
“It seems so strange now, seeing him so silent and peaceful like
this.  The last time I saw him he was
thrashing about and screaming and begging so frantically…it’s a good thing he
was so firmly tied down.”

“Yes, well they usually react rather vigorously when they’re
told what the operation is really for” the doctor replied.    “I
used to prefer them to be anaesthetised, but I’m quite used to it now.  As long as the head and upper body are held
quite firmly, I can operate no matter how much of a fuss they’re making.”

She turned Alan’s head, leaving it to flop sideways, the
eyes now looking away from them, and showed Janet a small, neat scar on the
back of his head, just above the neck.

“Is it difficult?” Janet asked, with interest.

“It’s a bit fiddly”, the doctor replied casually.  “A few years ago, we were just paralysing the
whole body, and that was pretty straightforward, just a quick cut through the
spinal cord and it’s done.  But tailoring
it so that he can still feel, is very delicate work – and leaving the eyelids
operational is a skilled job.  It took
over four hours for the whole thing, and he was conscious all the time.  Nowadays I rather enjoy the screaming and
pleading, so I leave those nerves until last.”

“You don’t remember what his last words were, by any chance,
do you?” Janet enquired.

The doctor paused, thinking hard, then shook her head.

“I’m sorry, I really don’t. 
It was mostly just pitiful pleading at that point. ‘Please don’t do
this.  Oh please, please.  For pity’s sake.’  That kind of thing.  Is it important?”

“Oh no” Janet replied. 
“I just wondered.”

“Of course, keeping it reversible adds to the complexity”
the doctor remarked.  “We have to tie all
the cut ends up neatly, so we could reattach them if need be.  Are you likely to want to bring him back?”

“No, not very likely” Janet replied.  “But what I thought I might do – are you
listening to this Alan? – what I thought I might do, is roll two dice every
year, on the anniversary of the operation. If he gets a double six, I promise
I’ll bring him back and he can be fully restored.  For a month. 
Then I’ll put him back like this.”

“So you’re giving him some hope” the doctor nodded.  “Every year, he’ll wonder whether he’ll be
able to move and speak again.  A one in
36 chance each time.”

“That’s right” Janet replied.  “I wanted to give him a little spark of hope
that it won’t be forever.  It’ll make the
misery of his existence just that bit harder to bear.”

She smiled again.

“Of course, he doesn’t have
to wait for the dice.  If I chose to, I
could let him out at any time!”

“I think his chances are probably better with the dice!”,
the  doctor smiled back.  “But it must be nice to have that control.”

“Total control” murmured Janet, and on a whim she turned her
husband’s head back again so that he was staring at them.  His eyes started blinking furiously.
“Locked.  Aren’t you, Alan?  And I have the key!”
Now this next bit won’t hurt…it’s the bit after that hurts.

Sometimes I just need a firm hand

Someone else’s, I mean.  Maybe one of these ladies might oblige?

Glamour femdom blonde
I’m sure Katie won’t mind.  She’s very easygoing.

Isn’t that a wonderful expression? Almost takes your mind off the – ooh! -spikes…

It hurts where the dominatrix nurse wants it to hurt
Just about everywhere, eventually.  But starting off with the pain quite concentrated, in a few sensitive spots, I expect.

Castratix and here little emasculation hobby
I love this one.

Wifely discipline can leave a nasty taste
Or she might just tell you to swallow.  We’ll see.

Mildly pornographic and feebly humorous captioned images relating to female domination

…well, the subtle post headers don’t seem to attract as much traffic as the more literal ones, so I thought I’d try a different tack.  On with the show:

Sexy babysitter - shame youll be locked up
Well, at least she hasn’t invited her boyfriend over like the last one.

The thighs...
Genies… just when they think they’ve seen it all, they can still be surprised, huh?

Dangerous is sexy and vice versa
I think an important lesson will be learned here, don’t you?

Pain management lessons
Don’t worry, she’s recently taken an advanced-level course in pain management.  She’s really good at it.

Another castratrix image oh my
Could you get some milk as well? Thanks, you’re a treasure.

Femdom captions once again

With apologies for the unimaginative but search engine-friendly headline.  Just supply your own feeble femdom-related pun if you’re missing it.

Oh – and if you’re a search engine?  Hi there.  Welcome.  Femdom.  Femdom caption.  Dominatrix.  Dominatrix.  Governess.  Spanking.  Bandicoots.  No, no bandicoots.  This is what we do here:

nurse Syonera oh my
Don’t worry.  She’ll be there with you the whole time.  With a bit of luck, you’ll still just be conscious when she comes – won’t that be nice?

Worshipping at her feet
He goes to confession too.

Financial total domination
She’s such a professional.  Sometimes the same caning scene will require eight or nine complete takes before she’s satisfied.

Dominatrix femdom caption blah blah
Astute observers of financial markets might realise that I created this caption a long time ago (I don’t always post captions as soon as I do them, in fact I have about 180 waiting to be posted – isn’t that nice?) – because the Euro is no longer particularly high.  I expect that was the first thing that caught your eye when you looked at this one, right?  Right?

Suck it down
Doesn’t she look sweet?  Try to remember that, because your eyes will be too sore to open quite soon.


It’s what I aspire to be.  But I expect I’ll always remain completely abuseless.  So it goes.

Lesbian sadistic lust oh my
Actually, it’s quite common for female orgasms to be accompanied by loud screams.  That’s what I always find when She leaves my gag off, anyway.

Ah…Madame Sarka.  Bestrides the world of femdom like…herself.  Doubles the traffic to my site when she’s featured here.  Welcome, welcome.

Zapped into obedience
It’s what electricity was invented for.

Schoolgirl sadism - there's a lot of it about
After all, it’s nearly time for end of term reports.  The maths teacher got a particularly poor grade last time, so he’ll certainly be keen to have improved.

Just a little memento
You won’t forget her, either.

No means no

Something too few men understand.  When a woman says no, that’s just what she means.  No you can’t stay out late.  No you’re going to stay down there until I come.  No, not after your behaviour this month.  No, you signed the contract and that’s that.  That sort of thing.  Get used to it.

Domme with a heavy wooden paddle
For some reason, that particular paddle is called “Angela”.  She might call you at work, to let you know that Angela’s going to be coming around that evening, that kind of thing.

You can lead a slave to Mistress but you can't errr
It’s nice to know there’s someone to pop in to feed them, if need be, so you don’t need to leave them any use of their hands when you’re away for a week or two.

Nurse with a cane intends to cure you
You’re allowed to discharge yourself, you know.  You just need to fill out a form.  You have to ask her for one.  And a pen.

The two beautiful stepsisters
It was such a relief to their mother, whose arm used to get quite tired in the first days of their marriage.

Your birthday only comes once a year
It’s a bit like being a kid again, isn’t it?  Those feelings of longing and anticipation for months before…and then it’s not exactly what you wanted, or it just doesn’t turn out as expected?  Still, being able to deal with these feelings is what makes us grown-ups, right?

Sweet cruelty

Shackles - the making of many a femdom marriage
They laughed when I was said I was going to start a femdom blog devoted to humorous captions and stories.  They’re not laughing now…*

Strapped down, castrated...and ignored.
They offer a choice of general anaesthetic, local anaesthetic or straps plus a gag.  Most patients prefer some sort of anaesthetic.  But it’s not the patients who make the choice.

OWK smoking dominatrices starve slaves to death shock horror!
Of course, they give them drinks of water from time to time.  Otherwise they’d just die of thirst within a day or two.  Like the first batch.

Lovely lovely lovely...

* Copyright Bob Monkhouse, approx. 1875.

Sub culture

Yet more captioned images of female domination?  Goodness, don’t you people have anything better to do?  Don’t I?

Well… no.

Balls soon to be busted oh my!
Well, you might not enjoy it but you can surely take joy in her pleasure can’t you?  Don’t be so selfish.

Now this might sting a bit
It’s a necessary procedure.  Everyone who goes in for an ingoing toenail operation needs to go through it.

Being a domme means never having to say you're sorry.
It’s a fallacy to think that dommes don’t care.  As a matter of fact, they’re really quite annoyed about this.

This is it.
Oh my.
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