She says…

now baby just you shut your mouth.

Not complaining.  It’s just that I usually make it through the first three minutes without one, that’s all.

Try to be reasonable.  She is. She sees good in everyone actually – a rare gift.

Obviously, it’s all perfectly consensual.  She asked for her husband to be beaten. And she’s got a safeword – you know, just in case it goes too far. 
My SO and I are actually playing what I’m fairly sure is the longest game of tease and denial ever right now.  We started on our wedding night and it’s just amazing.  I tried calling the Guinness Book of Records people but they said it didn’t count because I am such a sad little loser.

Downton domination. More of these to come.

Pet sounds

Let’s hope she’s not trying for a multiple orgasm today.

If they do a good job, she’ll probably want to buy the monthly pass.  Works out a lot cheaper.
Hi Belinda.  You know, about pain play… I’ve been thinking. 

And then he has to sow the wheat but after that he can take a bit of a rest until harvest time.  Apart from practicing for the competition at the Country Fair, obviously.

Oh dear.  I hope she’s not too disappointed.

Consent, given freely

OK, deep breath. Now, I suspect that for 98% or so of you this warning and disclaimer is not necessary but the Internet is a big place and most of the readers here are male, so the average IQ isn’t so high… and I do just occasionally worry that someone might misinterpret (or, in true Internet outrage style, get offended on behalf of someone else who might misinterpret etc etc etc) what is posted here.

So… just to be clear, this blog is basically intended to be funny in a slightly surreeal manner as well as sexy, even if it often fails to be either. Got it?  It is not intended to be realistic or a guide to safe BDSM play.  Or complicated ropework or the politics of BDSM, just like the disclaimers say, OK?

If this information is in any way new to you… if you’ve previously taken the posts here to be an accurate depiction of aspects of the BDSM scene, then  I’d suggest the following. Firstly, don’t read the captions below.  Secondly, contact a domme, book a session.  In my experience They are all really, really nice and understanding, OK? Nothing to worry about. You’ll have a great time. Anyway, tell Her you’d like a humiliation session, maybe school-based, in which She berates you for being such a dumb idiot, calls you a moron, all that kind of thing, OK?  Mistress and very stupid slave play, basically.  Because – and it’s just a guess here – I think you’d be really, really good at that.

Rest of you still here?  Jolly good. It’s a themed post today – read them in order.

The basic theme today, by the way, was somewhat inspired by the wonderful work of Miss Irene Clearmont.  Very few femdom books are worth actually buying on Amazon (hey – great name!).  Hers are, in my humbled opinion.

She’s often inclined to borrow somebody’s dreams till tomorrow

You’ll lose your mind and play.

Obviously, I don’t approve for one moment of non-consensual BDSM play.  I’ve made that very clear to my SO, and She in turn has explained that she doesn’t give a fuck what I think.  So we have an understanding.

It’s not going to be like having actual sex, of course. There won’t be all that “What the fuck?  Already? Is that it?” business at the end, for one thing.

I’m very suggestive.

What’s the vibrator got that I haven’t, I’d like to know?

He’s probably feeling very relaxed already, knowing he’s in such safe hands.

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