Generic Contemplating the Divine post

… with comment immediately after the headline, often referring to unrelated music videos.

Occasional attempt to attract attention from search engines, by spamming words like mistress, femdom, dominatrix and so on.  Text in Georgia Medium.

Then some reference to the captioned photos that follow:

Alt label embedded in photo to attract search engines
Additional caption providing comment on or extension of caption theme.


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Additional caption providing comment on or extension of caption theme.


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Additional caption providing comment on or extension of caption theme.


Alt label embedded in photo to attract search engines
Additional caption providing comment on or extension of caption theme. Quite often, this will contaibn a typo.


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Additional caption providing comment on or extension of caption theme.


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Additional caption providing comment on or extension of caption theme.
Alt label embedded in photo to attract search engines
Additional caption providing comment on or extension of caption theme.
Short side-comment identifying a known pro-domme and encouraging readers to visit her web site.


Additional caption providing comment on or extension of caption theme.


Additional caption providing comment on or extension of caption theme.

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Additional caption providing comment on or extension of caption theme.


Alt label embedded in photo to attract search engines
Additional caption providing comment on or extension of caption theme.


Alt label embedded in photo to attract search engines
Additional caption providing comment on or extension of caption theme.


Alt label embedded in photo to attract search engines
Normally, the additional caption to a picture of Anne will just consist of some inarticulate cry of adoration. 

Occasional additional message to ‘readers’, from Servitor.  (NB The word ‘readers’ will often be placed in inverted commas, to imply they are not really reading but just looking at the pictures and masturbating.  Unlike many blogs, this one often contemptuously insults its visitors, because it is assumed they share Servitor’s desire for humiliation.)

Love not given lightly

Femdom hard limits
Now if it gets too much for you, just cry out at any time, OK?  She likes that.

Femdom clickbait goes here
Now that’s the kind of expression I usually have, when I’m in session.  Sort of “oh shit”.
This picture is from  You guessed, didn’t you?

Carla Brown wedding
Well, I think she shouldn’t have.  It’s ridiculous.  I mean, the elevator guy only has to press a button.
 This is the delightful (sometimes too delightful – but I like to imagine her being mean) Carla Brown.  So I guess that makes you Mr Carla Brown.

Mean mistress
Oh – and it does count, even if your fingers are crossed.  So don’t think you’re getting away that easily, boy number 3.

Anne obsession
Yes.  Yes it will.

New year, same old…

Actually, in most conversations it’s good to have a hairbrush handy.  Just in case.

Quite right.  What’s the worst that can happen?
 I don’t know who this lady is, but if anyone does, please let me know and I will crawl to her in person to beg forgiveness… and also credit the picture.

Actually, all her dungeon equipment is.

 This is Mistress Bella, presumably to be found at  I wonder what that site’s about?

Philosophy.  It’s a girl thing.
  And these lovelies are from a video by popular musical group White Flame. Easy enough to find. Harder to like.


But when you are tied to your mother’s apron…

As I’d love to be…still, this blog talks about castration anyway.  Quite a lot, actually.

Femdom hell is heaven
Sometimes, they are even the same aspect of the same place.

No talking
That’s a relief.  It would be a bit embarassing to have had to reply “a small cupboard” to any questions about where you spent your honeymoon.  And you know her rule about always telling the truth.

Not a castration caption
Oh, OK.  Maybe we’re not talking about castration today, after all.  Maybe we’re not talking about anything.

Not quite a castration caption
I suspect ‘we’ will.

I hope so too.

Here is Belladonna, the Lady of the Rocks

The Lady of Situations. 

Here is the man with three
staves, and here the Wheel,

And here is the one-eyed
merchant, and this card,

Which is blank, is something
he carries on his back,

Which I am forbidden to see.

Sorry – just thought we needed some better poetry, after my recent efforts.  On with the show

Hard maths domme
She’s quite strict, too.  Try to get the sums right.

Actually, it’s the beatings that are about you that are the worst.

Resistance is futile.

Actually, a remarkable 23% of drownings occur at home.  I think this is probably how.  Stay safe – always do your chores to her satisfaction.
 This is from the English Mansion and features Mistress Sidonia von Bork and Mistress Vixen, I believe.  Oh – and ‘Unknown male cadaver #14, recovered from the river Trent at 05.25, 17 September 2013.’ according to the Police report.

No.  I wouldn’t.  I’d want to stay there forever.

The divine



“Actually, I have a weird story about that.  I got an email once from a guy called
Servitor who has some sort of kinky sex blog all about whips and chains and
stuff.  Anyway, he said he worshipped me as a goddess!  Really worshipped.  And he asked for a signed
photo, so he could kneel and pray before it each day.  Well, I was in a funny mood, so I thought OK,
I might as well make one little life a bit less sad, so I sent
one to him.  I didn’t sign it but I wrote a note with it to say that when he knelt in prayer to it, he had to
kneel on broken glass every day, as a penance for his sins.
Hmm?  Oh I don’t know.  Like I said, I was in a kind of funny mood.
And then about a week later, he sent me a picture of him doing
it!  Actually doing it!  Can you imagine?  And his knees were all bloody and…eurgh.   He called me ‘Mistress Anne’ and begged for
permission to stop.  Said he could hardly
Weird huh?
Oh no, I didn’t reply. 
I mean, that’s how you get stalkers.  Actually, I gave his picture to my security
guys, just in case.

Hmmm?  No, that was
a couple of years ago now.

Yes, I suppose he could still be doing it.  Wouldn’t that be freaky?  Maybe I should tell my security people to
watch out for a guy hobbling along on crutches.

There are some real weirdos out there, aren’t there?

So, let me tell you about my new movie…”

Crying behind the tears

Never mind.  They can’t spend the whole two weeks discussing your sexual inadequacies, now can they?

And you can play out ‘small penis humiliation’ scenes even more effectively!  You like SPH, right?

Plenty of time.  Brain damage sets in quite quickly, but it’s a few minutes after that before any vital organs are affected.
Male servitude
Well, she seems very determined.  Just as well, at those hourly rates.

This is of course, the divine Eleise de Lacy, of Femme Fatale fame.  Wonderful lady, wonderful site. 
Divine contemplation
Time to pull out that faded old copy of the pre-nup and refresh your memory about some of the other terms she insisted on putting in.  I’m fairly sure many of the more painful ones are illegal, though – maybe you could have a word with the learned lady from the previous picture?

The dignity of labour

Hi honey!

Listen – I was talking to my accountant the other day, and I was telling him all about how humiliated you feel, out of work all this time, and entirely dependent on me – and he –

– Oh don’t be silly. I don’t have secrets from my accountant! –
Anyway – he had the most brilliant idea! He said, why don’t I set up a company and employ you! I mean, I can easily afford it. I get paid more money for one day’s filming than you used to earn in a year, after all! It’s nothing to me, really. Just loose change.

Hmm? Oh I don’t know, it doesn’t really matter what you do, does it? He said he could run up some meaningless forms, and you can spend the day filling them in or something.

And he’s found an office across town where you can do it. Quite a way off – you’ll be commuting for a few hours each day. Just like having a real job! Isn’t that exciting?

Oh no, too late to pull out now. He’s already bought the office block. It was just a few millions, and apparently there’s some kind of tax dodge so it doesn’t really cost me anything.

And he’s already found someone we can pay to be your boss. Hmmmm? Oh, I don’t know. Some awful sweaty old guy, I think. He’ll be on your case all the time, apparently. That way, it’ll feel more like you’re really earning your money, won’t it?

So – you’ll have your own money, and you won’t have to depend on me for everything! Won’t that be great? Minimum wage, of course, but we’ll get a performance management system set up, so maybe you can earn bonuses and promotions for working extra hard – that kind of thing.
Of course you can still live here, sweetie! But I’m going to charge you rent!  So you’ll feel really independent and self-sufficient.  And I’ll tell the maids to stop cleaning your room.

But I still get to buy you presents, OK? You’ll let me do that?

Great. Maybe I can keep on choosing your clothes, just like now. I like doing that.
Hmm? No, you don’t need to buy new clothes for the job. You have a cute little uniform. It says “Hathaway Enterprises” on it. Isn’t that sweet?

And if there’s ever anything you really want to buy – that you can’t afford – you can always ask.  You know that don’t you?  It’s not as if the money means anything to me, but for you it’ll be a big deal, now you’re paying for yourself, won’t it?  So maybe when I do buy you things, now they’ll be that much more special!

Oh, no, don’t worry about that, darling!  Like I said – it’s really just pocket change for me!  If I just do one more commerical in Japan, or something like that, apparently it’s enough to employ you 9-5 every day for the next ten years!  Isn’t that amazing?  So don’t worry about the money – I know it seems like a lot to you, but it’s nothing for me, nothing at all.  The important thing is that we need to build up your self-respect!  That’s all that matters!

Just think how proud you’ll feel in a year’s time, if you’ve worked hard and I give you a pay rise!

There must be an angel

(playing with my heart)

Edgeplay shave
It’s amazing what you can achieve with a little thoughtfulness and the daily touch of a razor-sharp blade.

Wife goes away but husband won't play
When the cat’s away, the mice will.. well, do their chores and write lines, by the look of it.

Naughty words
Sometimes these things are just, well, involuntary aren’t they?  It’s not that she wants to burn your hand with the iron – she just feels a compulsion.

She’s probably joking.  Don’t you think she’s joking?
There are more hot chicks in empire-line dresses right here, if that’s your thing.  According to Google, though, I’m the only person in the world for whom “hot chicks in empire-line dresses” is a thing, so maybe not.

Cruel and usual punishment

Don’t you think it’s odd?  That men who say they regard women as superior, also believe that being treated like women is humiliating?  Isn’t that weird?  I mean I feel like that.  And I’m not weird.  Odd, like I said.

I don’t really believe in horoscopes anyway.  “You will visit a pro-domme, and be made to dance to k-pop wearing a pink tutu while Mistress and her friend laugh at you, and then make you eat cold courgettes with curry powder.”  I mean, it’s just generic stuff that could apply to everyone, right?

It’s a good thing we like being treated with contempt, nicht wahr?

You’d better read the whole thing through, because I’m sure she’ll have got ‘minuscule’ wrong, and she usually forgets there are two ‘p’s in ‘disappointing’.

Actually, you don’t really even have to ask.  If she hasn’t already bought it for you, you probably don’t really need it, do you? 

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