Penile servitude

Aooooarrrahhh-oooo, eeehhhhuuuh!



I’m sure we’ve all been there.
That’s true, actually.  I mean, I certainly don’t experience pain the way my Significant Other does. I experience it a lot more frequently, for a start.


“Just” in the sense of “only”

Hmm.  16 orgasms in less than a minute. Quite a performance.  Let’s try not to repeat it.


More unpleasant things

…of the usual sort.

Don’t worry, she always reaches orgasm eventually. She won’t give up. 
(The lovely, Divine, Mistress Heather.)


If you pay extra, she’ll do tease and denial too.  That’s where she asks you if you’d like to come, before telling you to fuck off.


Actually, she does get occasional complaints. But they’re always retracted, with a heartfelt apology, before the end of the session.


Technology… oh dear.  As if I wasn’t already obsolete enough.
In space, no one else can hear you scream.


Probably best.  A little crying and pleading is OK, but after an hour or more it can start to get quite irritating. I’m sure you’d want to spare her that.


The trick is to turn the slave all the way upside down.  But I expect she’ll work it out eventually.  Some dommes use scissors, but that’s cheating really.


No fool like an old, emasculated fool, eh?


I’m not so sure he was all that gentle… but I guess we can agree to differ.
It’s going to be his special night, too.

Don’t question why she needs to be so free

…she’ll tell you it’s the only way to be.

Dinner parties can be such hell, can’t they?


Seems fair.
This is the lovely Mina Thorne, in a very fine video for Men Are Slaves (well of course they are)


Hmm.  Maybe there’s some hidden food and when I find it I’ll also find a way to kill the cockroaches?  No, that’s not it…


You’ll feel a lot better once you know you have no secrets from her.  Well – when the welts have died down, anyway.
If you look very carefully, you can just see one of his toes poking out, I reckon.  He’ll get in trouble for that if she finds out,though, so keep it to yourself, OK?

Back on track

Well, the consensus seems to be that Google has backed down, so here we go again.

Have a double-length post to make up for it. Oh – and for the next three weeks or so there will be an additional caption each day on the Tumblr site, that will not appear here (because my filing system is too disorganised to find the right ones, if I delete the Tumblr queue).

****ing Google. 

Don’t worry.  You don’t have to do anything she doesn’t want you to do. In fact, you mustn’t.


Who says men are useless, eh?


I expect you’ll manage well enough without.


It’s bound to be a bit painful at first.  But you’ll get used to it.


I’ve always had this ability to make women laugh. I think I was born with it.


When he left school, he wanted to work in IT. And he does – he usually stops by that department just before lunch


I think we’ve all been there.  Just the other day a market research company rang up and asked if I was interested in taking part in a survey about web use. So I said sure, but after about five or six questions about my browsing habits, they just rang off without any warning!  Bizarre, huh? I mean why did they ask if they don’t want to know the answers?


Something to look forward to.


That’s good of her.
Another thing to tick off her bucket list. 

A marriage of obedience

A problem shared… 




She’s just helping you put it in context.  Don’t forget to be grateful.


Worth it all for that one night of passion, though, huh?  Huh?


Best just to be passive and forget the aggression.

This is the lovely Gigi Allens from ClareSpanksMen and many other places.  More about her – mostly made up, but illustrated with lots of pictures – here.


If it isn’t hurting…

…then you’re wasting your money.


Actually, I think she just wants to see you get beaten up.


The rule is that only the lower brown stripe can still be visible, before the traffic stick treatment can be considered complete.
It’s good that she’s so broadminded.  I’ll get me coat…


It’s what your right arm’s for.

It’s amazing the things they can do with CGI special effects these days.  They can actually make it look as if flesh is being burnt off with a red-hot brand, you know.  But her method’s better.

Coming out

You know, I read somewhere that many men spend their whole lives in the closet.  I think that’s horrible – a tragic waste.  I’m glad to say that I’ve never been put in there for more than five hours at a stretch.  Just lucky, I guess.

Shall we have some captioned images of female domination now?  You up for that?  Great.

The first twenty years are the worst, I’ve heard.
Cruella, from many many years ago.  But still one of the best photo sets ever.  The accompanying story was even about castration, you know.  Happy days, for the adolescent Servitor.


The problem is, these sorts of prejudice just seem to be inherent in the male sex.  In fact, that’s one of the reasons she’ll be removing it.


She’s right, you know.  Women are, you see.
Burble…gibber incoherently…sigh…

Outer space now belongs to…

Anne!  And it’s got some stupid title but anyway it’s the Anne in space film!

Here are some publicity photos, and a sneak preview of the dialogue – well, monologue – from one of the best scenes.

Houston?  Crewmember
Brand here for Janus 9.   We have an
emergency. Oxygen levels are now at 43% nominal and dropping fast.  I am in my suit and my status is green, but
Commander Cooper and Crewman Benlow are out of their suits. Please advise, over.

Negative, Houston. 
The Commander and Crewman cannot en-suit at this time, because they were
engaged in sexual congress and the Commander cannot disengage.  Over.

Yeah – it’s kind of a forced bi thing I was making them
do.  We’ve had a bit of a femdom scene
going on up here, and I thought it would be funny to make the Commander fuck the Crewman up the ass.  They begged me not to, but I’m in charge in here.  Over.
What?  Well sure it’s relevant to the emergency, dickbrain!  Ahem, sorry, the Commander’s sexual organ appears to be
unusually engorged, Houston, probably due to the sudden drop in capsule pressure.  Consequently he cannot disengage from the
Crewman.  Over.

Houston, do you copy?  Oxygen at 31%.  Rate of depressurisation constant.  Over.

Negative, Houston, the Commander is unable to join this conversation.  It’s just on my suit channel.  I’m not broadcasting it through the cabin, Houston, because they’d be really embarrassed and they might hyperventilate.   Right now they’re breathing fast and shallow, like we did in training for emergency depressurisation.
Request permission to detach
the Commander’s penis from the rest of his body and thus enable both
crewmembers to suit up. Over.

Houston, do you copy?  Over.

Houston, awaiting response.


Glad you’re back, Houston.  You went kind of quiet there.  You want me to say again? 
Sure.  Can I castrate the
Commander?  He really doesn’t want me to
but I think it’s the only way.  I’ve got
a scalpel right here.  Oxygen now at 23%

Say again, Houston? 
Turn the oxygen back up?  No, I
don’t know how to do that.  I’ve heard
it’s kind of complicated.  Over.

Negative, Houston.  I
can’t see a dial that looks like that.  
I could look for one, but it would take a long time. But I’ve got the
scalpel.  Right here.  Please advise, over.

Oxygen levels now at 19% nominal, Houston.

Your call.

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