Boys only want love if it’s torture

Regular “readers” will know that my musical tastes rarely extend beyond about 1988.  But I am prepared to make an exception for Mistress Swift.

On with the rest of it… femdom captions, dominatrices, chastity, all those words that get search engines so excited, you know?

Oh no, not again.


You could try calling her tomorrow.  “Hi!  It’s William from last night.  That’s right, the one with the small penis.  Listen, I was wondering…”


NO!  Not the comfy chair!


Well… I hope someone’s asked Andy if he’s OK sharing his cucky closet, that’s all.  Some men can be a bit funny about that sort of thing – it’s their own special place, you know?


…and then if that gets too much, the electric shocks will take your mind off the pain from the welts.

Put your lovin’ hand out baby

It’s what she says when my hand’s been doing a bit too much lovin’.  I just say ‘Yes Ma’am’.

The beautiful Mistress Mina Thorne, whose dungeon I’m sure is entirely free of creepy-crawlies.  Except her clients, obviously.


Perhaps these things should come with instructions.


Sounds like a win-win.
Actually it arrived two days ago.  Come on – you have to tell her sooner or later. If she calls the couriers and finds out, she’s going to be very cross.


That’s very considerate of her, isn’t it?  They’re not all heartless bitches, the ladies featured on this site, you know.

It’s uncanny

I was using a thesaurus to look up synonyms for the word ‘impotent’ (I read somewhere it’s not a good idea to repeat precisely the same language in successive lonely hearts ads), and I read the following:

  • helpless

  • inadequate
  • incapable
  • incompetent
  • ineffective
  • ineffectual
  • inept
  • paralyzed
  • powerless
  • sterile
  • unproductive

It’s almost as if the thesaurus compilers had met me.  The power of words, eh?  But enough of that, let’s turn to the power of dominant women, because that’s what you came here for, right?

Everyone should have a hobby.  I have several.

I think that although ‘the overall parameters’ might originally have been consensual, it’s probably not a good idea to try to renegotiate those now, either.


Oh dear.  I think this Chuck sounds a bit overbearing, don’t you?  Maybe you should have a word.
It’s silly to think she’s denied you a last orgasm.  I mean, you had a last orgasm already, right?




It’s good to do things together, as a family.

She wants you back

You know, I’ve been thinking about what you said about how
frustrating and humiliating you find it – being locked up in that thing while I
fuck Raoul.

I think I might have the solution.  You could both fuck me!

I mean, not at the same time of course.  Not quite at the same time, anyway.

You see, Raoul’s really rubbish at foreplay.  Well, actually he can be fantastic at it, but
usually he doesn’t bother, you know? 
Just wants to get his massive cock into me and start thrusting away –
silly old bull.

So I thought maybe you could do the foreplay?  And Raoul needn’t even be there – he can be
downstairs watching the football or something. 
You could be delicately stroking and kissing me – not on the face,
though, because I want to pretend it’s Raoul, not you.  And using your tongue.  Of course, you’d stay locked up just to make
sure there are no accidents.

And then when I’m good and ready, you can go downstairs and
tell Raoul he can come up.  Remember he
likes you to call him Sir.

And then we’d lock you in the cuckold pillory and fuck the
rest of the night, just like now.

There – that should help with that horrible sexual
frustration – don’t you think?

No?  Oh.  Well, you’re doing it anyway, grumpyface.



Literally, a re-entering, so obviously it’s not to be taken literally in my case.  But here we are, back again.

Same old, same old.

But more so.

If you know what I mean.

Update: thank you all for the kind comments, while I was away.  Sorry I didn’t respond at the time, but if you check back you should find that I have now.

…and while I was away, this blog went over 3 million page hits/views whatever it is!  Many of them by automated search bots no doubt, others perhaps by worthless little pathetic worms of no importance or interest to anyone whatsoever (if you’re wondering whether you’re one of them, then you probably are, like me), but even so it’s a nice big number.  Thank you all.

Update again.  Don’t you just love the horse picture?  Not the caption, necessarily.  Just the picture.  Isn’t it great?

Silenced cuckold femdom
It’s a bit unfair, really.  I mean he makes as much noise as he likes.  Doesn’t get the fucking sjambok, either. Why do we put up with this sort of thing?

Tawse ready and waiting for naughty boys
I’ve been caught shopkeeping eleven times, now.  Oh dear… am I out of butter again?  Off to the shops…

Femdom wife humiliation and enslavement oh my
He’s taking a subtle revenge for the lifetime of humiliation and suffering she imposed, though. He’s over-salted the popcorn.  Only slightly – but enough to notice, you know?  Haha!

Prison femdom mistress
You know, people can often behave very differently at home and at work.  Although actually, she doesn’t.

Weird pony PVC fantasy thing
I love this picture.  I quite like my caption to it, too.

Useless in bed
A bonus one, because I am by no means sure this one is actually femdom.

You captured my heart, and now that I’m no longer free

…make love to me (in stereo!).

Even cowgirls
So hard to choose…

If I knew you were coming
That’s a relief.  I was feeling a bit unmotivated there, for a moment.  But I expect the whip will sort that out.

Errand cuckold
How humiliating it is… not to have enough of your own money to buy condoms for your wife’s date!  Sigh.  Better fetch the purse.

Personal history embarassment
Nothing to worry about at all.  I’m sure they handle all sorts of different online payments.

Denial again
Grr,  She had a headache last month, too.  I’m beginning to think she might be faking it.

Report an abusive image

…if you spot any of those, do let me know, won’t you?

Financial domination by Natalie
No taxation without, err….

Sounds exciting.


I always find the washing instructions on clothes hard to understand.  So did he, apparently.


It wouldn’t really be asking permission if she didn’t say no, now and then, would it?

It rarely is, actually.  In fact, I don’t know about you but I’ve always found the standard travel phrasebooks to be pretty useless in session.  I’m thinking of writing in to complain.

Divine retribution

Best to pretend you didn’t overhear anything.  Just act normal…relaxed.

I think he’s learning to be less of a dickhead.  But it’s a slow process.

It’s so rare to meet a woman who really understands…

And then you never need worry about getting lost, ever again. No matter where you are, she can always track you down.

Oh, women can be so silly.  Does she really think he’ll have changed his mind, just because his wrists are shackled to that bar?  I think someone’s going to be rather disappointed here!

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