They can beg and they can plead

…but they can’t see the light.

Are you sitting uncomfortably?  Then she’ll begin.

You’re actually already halfway through the session. Might as well finish off.

Good.  Good.  I expect she’ll be chucking away all those dusty old wine bottles in the cellar and filling up the racks with some nice fresh sparkling wine with cheerful labels, too.

If it’s any consolation to him, after her friend has finished the face-slapping session tomorrow, he will look like a house elf.

As it happens, the second guy from the front is the Financial Director of one of the biggest German pension and insurance conglomerates.  He’s wondering whether he should say something here – but by now he’s probably got more sense.

Whip service

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness…Oh well, at least you’re still alive, right?

They still call him ‘Fatso’: the name they gave him when he arrived.  I think that’s unnecessarily insulting, to be honest.
BDSM can be an excellent way of relieving stress, while also increasing it.
Why does femdom have to be so complicated?  Can’t I just have my ‘happy ending’?  No?  Oh, OK. 

There’s lots of animal roleplay – no need to just limit it to ponies and puppies.  My SO likes to play ‘annoying bluebottle’ for example.  The swatter’s fun, the electric zapper’s edgy but since she started spraying the flyspray into my mouth, I’ll confess I’m finding it harder to get into it.

Controlling passions

You can invest in ethical slaves too – taking the pay packets of men working in charity organisations and suchlike.  The returns aren’t as high, obviously, but you know you’re doing good whenever you whip extra performance out of them, not just doing well.


Self-respect is a delusion to which males are often prone.


She’s going to want the mess cleaned up and taken away, too.  Let’s hope she’s remembered to bring a little bag this time.


I’ve heard that a lot of great writers had a habit of getting up early and putting in a good solid four hours writing.  Perhaps you could try that.


Probably facing rather a severe dressing down, by the look of it.

Power play

Ah… the abusive dommie-psycho-mommie scene.  Part of every domme’s standard repertoire.  And all you need to get started are some wire coathangers.

The previous guy found the smell a bit pungent too.  In fact, he said it made him vomit, it was so bad. But I’m sure he was exaggerating.

Everyone knows women all love sitting around having their boots cleaned and then smeared with semen.  It’s amazing dommes get away with charging their clients so much to let them do it, really.

Hee hee.  I’ve actually let it drain to 90% but I’m going to tell her it’s fully charged, because 90% is still a green light!  Pretty sneaky, huh? That’s at least 25 minutes less screaming in agony.  Guess I’ll show her!

It won’t matter to anyone who matters, anyway.

How do I love thee, let me count the strokes and thank you for each one

I wonder if it would be OK to ask for a drink of something to help wash it down.

Position 53… 53… erm, like Position 14 but arms crossed, right?
Still, I have to say I got my money’s worth for the session.
She’s too soft-hearted.  Fortunately, Mr Travis isn’t.
I think he’s not a morning person.  Nor’s she, truth be told, but there’s so much to do and only so many hours in the day.

The wrongs of man

are self-evident but can be sorted out by the smack of firm government in the right hands.


She sounds like she knows what she’s doing.
Another day, another dollar.  Well… not a whole dollar, obviously.  That’s just a saying.  In fact, they only spend a penny each time.

Huh! I’d like to see him do better.
Maybe try another topic of conversation? I mean – you got her attention. That’s a good start.

See, there he is while she’s telling him how upset she was about his thoughtless gift and all he can think about is how his lungs are burning.  That’s what men are like. It’s a good thing there’s femdom to help set us right, that’s all I can say.

Movie night!

To be honest, I’ve never much seen the point of the Oscars.  

It’s always such a disappointment, so many awards being handed out to people other than Anne.  I’m not even going to watch it this year, partly as a result of that manifest unfairness, also because my TV privileges have been withdrawn for six months, for being uppity.

Obviously, I’m not saying She should get all the awards. I suppose that they have to go through the motions of giving a
few of the prizes to other people, but they
don’t have to make such a fuss about it.  They could have a separate ceremony
at, I duuno, 10 in the morning or something and hand out a few things for
best special effects in a foreign-language wildlife documentary and suchlike, then get all that out of the way so they
can devote the evening to honouring Her. 

Oh and ‘best’ actor?  Really???   I mean, come on. Why not just go out into the street and start handing out awards for best left-over kebab, or most elegant piss stain against the wall?  Political correctness gone mad, if you ask me.

Anyway, here are some movie-themed captions. Mostly sci-fi. I love sci-fi.  I also love Anne Hathaway. It’s about time I told you that; I’ve been concealing it for too long.

There’s a shocking plot twist in Arrival. I won’t spoil it for anyone who hasn’t seen the movie, but let’s just say that Amy spends a long time in that suit at one point, and someone starts getting all snarky when she orders him to clean it out.

Sneak preview – I’m actually an extra in the sequel, WAOM 2!  Well, a part of me is, anyway.  Actually, it’s a stain on the sole of one of Tricia’s boots, but I do get a credit.

Life support won’t shut down for a day or two. So you’ll have the time to make the place tidy.

I imagine everyone’s seen this movie, so I don’t suppose it’s news to anyone that the males surrender and are tortured viciously; the survivors being branded and enslaved. It’s a vison of a crushing, brutal tyrannical regime, spreading slavery and misery across the galaxy.   But then Star Trek has always been idealistic like that.

If he was a bit brighter, he might have wondered why the deck his pod is on is called “Cargo Deck 3”.  But he’s a man and men can be distressingly unobservant.

Actually, some of them have small speaking roles. Mostly crying and begging for mercy.

The power of love

Make a one man weep, make another man sing.

NB – in my experience, however, you do need a credit card (or more often an envelope stuffed with cash) to ride this particular train.

And you don’t want to be sore, as well as a loser.

He’ll be given a chance to taste the same wine she’s drinking too, in due course.

Ah yes.  My fault.  Of course.

Oh, she should try being a bit more creative.  She’s in a chemist’s shop (trans: pharmacy) after all.  I’m sure there will be plenty of things they sell that taste really nasty. Anything labelled ‘Not to be taken internally’ is worth a go. 

He’s lucky she’s not displeased with him, isn’t he?

Normal service

Right, after that little April interlude, this blog will return to its usual subject matter.  Or ‘object matter’ when male submissives feature in the pics.

I don’t really ‘get’ maledom anyway, to be honest.  I mean, I can just about see that it could be quite sexy to have an attractive woman all tied up, available for any sexual act of my choosing.  I could iron one of her skirts, for example, or tidy her tights drawer even if what she really wanted was to be brought a cup of tea or have the garage cleared out. The thought of that kind of power’s quite a turn on.  But what’s the point of my being turned on if if she’s completely helpless in the bondage – she can’t remove my chastity belt with her hands tied, can she?  In any case, how can I decide what I want to do if she’s gagged and can’t tell me?  See, I just think maledoms haven’t really thought it all through.

Oh well. Here are some things I do understand, dimly at least.

Ah, yes, the purest form of male submission: not even daring to irritate her with your presence.  I find women really appreciate it when I do that.

Then, bruised and bloody, the winner gets to have a heavy BDSM session.  Quite a day.
But you have to book.  And until you’re a ‘regular’ you’ll need to pay a deposit in advance. No exceptions – sorry.

I’m sure she respects us really.  It’s a kind of harsh femdom persona she puts on. She’s really good at it, don’t you think?
 This is of course the lovely Gigi Allens, whose boots I am not fit to lick, and whose name I don’t even know how to pronounce. Hard g, soft?  One of each?
The pre-marital agreement also refers to ‘objectionable conduct’ so don’t even think of arguing – that’s a red flag right there.

Hmm. Have I posted hat last one before? I have a system for this blog to avoid that, with ‘posted’ and ‘unposted’ folders (over 1000 captioned images presently in the latter, so this blog will be here for a while!  Keep coming back.) Unlike the Tumblr site, where I just randomly post previously bloggered images, so there’s repetition from time to time (2700 now posted, though, so it doesn’t happen often! Keep going back – although there is nothing there that has not been here so I don’t really understand why people do).  Still, the above looks awfully familiar.  Oh well, have an extra one:

Oops. My bad.

Power is nothing without control

…but together, they can be a real turn-on.

On we go.



Yeah.  Those sorts of arguments can leave quite a nasty taste in the mouth, I find.


Home-made is always best.


Think happy thoughts.  No rush.
Actually, the last laugh is on her because I’m a humiliation freak and I’m going to find this absolutely mortifying!


Let’s hope he’s forgiven you for cuckolding him.  Because you’ll be spending a lot of time together.

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