A woman is the only thing I am afraid of that I know will not hurt me

I think Abraham Lincoln said that. Which just goes to show that even the smartest guys can be really, really dumb when it comes to the unfairer sex, but there you go.

And here we go. Not an Abraham Lincoln-themed day, startlingly enough.

Men are stronger than women but chains are stronger than wrists – and steel or even plastic is stronger than a cock, so it’s all right.
Don’t blame her for being so clingy – or for the concern about your untimely death. When you think of what happened to her first two husbands, it’s hardly surprising, is it? The poor thing.
She takes a holistic approach to cleaning. It’s not just about cleaning the apartment; it’s also about cleaning up your lifeand tidying up your attitudes (and cleaning out your mouth too, if need be).
Don’t worry, it’s just a job to her. She leaves it behind every day, when she walks out of the Retributution Room and washes the blood off her rubber apron and lets the screams fade behind her. Oh – and she likes rom-coms. That’s OK with you, yeah? For some guys it’s a no-no.
Looks like another quiet evening in, then.
Much better to be the only slave in their cottage than to be one of any number of interchangeable males at the back and call of some city woman. Think of all the attention you’ll get! Plus all that healthy country air.

19 thoughts on “A woman is the only thing I am afraid of that I know will not hurt me”

    1. No, no: certainly not. And they never will be: the point is prevention, not cure. And it’s so much better to be safe than sorry, don’t you agree?

      Best wishes


        1. Ah well, it’s not as if you have to agree with me. I’m not a woman, for one thing.

          In the thorouhgly unlikely event that you ever find yourself in an RPF, I’m sure the officers would be very interested in hearing your opinion – and would probably give you their own thoughts on the subject too, so you could have a vigorous debate.

          Many thanks for commenting.

          Best wishes


        2. Just curious, at least would you see more fair a chastity belt for all adult single males?

          1. Yes, ma’am. In fact I wear a chastity device myself. That would be more fair.

          2. Globalized or generalized femdom fantasy is always hot, so this is very exciting (to continue my above reply). I’m a virginal guy wearing a chastity so I would fit right in if it was generalized.

            Who would we a young man’s keyholder in this scenario ma’am?

          3. Maria, it’s not so sexy imagining the government doing that for me. I’d rather have it in the hands of a dominant woman, myself.

            Have a great day from anon.

    1. There is. And at $30 an hour, a full day of being relentlessly beaten up will provide that man with a fair fraction of the cost of a recreational hour being thrashed by a dominatrix, so it’s a pretty good deal.

      Good to see you here, thanks for commenting.

      Best wishes


      1. Really you can get paid 30€ an hour for beating a boy?
        I would do an offer;
        Be beaten up an hour for only 15€ OR be beaten up less time, for 700€.
        You can change you option anytime

  1. I don’t understand what you mean.
    I said more like when a boy ask you certain amount of money, and you accept, in exchange of a kick for every euro

    1. Oh indeed. I was just suggesting the money he earned from that could be put to good use paying for him to be beaten professionally, rather than frittered away on food, clothing and suchlike.

      Best wishes


  2. 3rd caption: I’d be wetting myself at that menacing looking belt. She wouldn’t need to whoop me. I’ll be as squeaky clean as she expects me and my room to be if it means my behind doesn’t get pummeled by that thing.

    Last Caption: Feel sorry for that lad. He has no idea if his new owners will be any nicer than that city woman. Maybe they won’t be as sadistic as long as he does what he’s told.

    1. She may well not need to whoop you, Squaw, but I suspect she will anyway. Just in case – and it doesn’t do anyone any real harm.

      As for the last caption, you may be right. The lad hasn’t been seen since, so I guess we’ll never know.

      Many thanks for commenting.

      Best wishes


      1. 😔 Hopefully it’s because they want to keep him safe from his former owner who is out looking for him. Full on manhunt it seems. She seems very angry. So he can’t be seen in public, so they keep a tight reign on him.

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