Punitive pleasures

She’s right, of course.



She puts a lot of effort into giving feedback and making sure the overall messages of the review are clear. So you’ll get a lot out of it. She appreciates obsequious upward feedback too.

I expect Cruella’s employees get plenty of feedback.  As do unpaid employees or random passing gawkers at their photoshoots, I imagine.


Another lady with an interest in giving clear feedback. Shame Harold won’t have much chance to learn from it for next time.

I asked my domme once how she managed to switch from non-stop verbal humiliation and contempt to chatting in a friendly way at the end of the session. She just smiled and said she’s a good actress, but she’d probably run out of ideas if it went for more than five minutes or so.  Which I didn’t really understand because we’d had a two hour session but it was time for me to go, so I never got the chance to ask.

Hmm… Looks like you’re not going  to get a chance to impress her with that dazzling wit.  Or anyone.  Oh well, win some lose some.  You did win some, right?  I mean, at some point in your life?




0 thoughts on “Punitive pleasures”

  1. First picture. Everything about her is a delicious privilege. However I’m afraid it’s a case of don’t touch, only beg. Why am I always humiliated?

  2. Are dommes born that way, or are they made that way by life? I think they are simply sadists who get paid for doing what they enjoy. It’s win win for them they get our money and enjoy watching us suffer. Meanwhile it’s lose lose for us guys as we pay and suffer. Yet we cannot resist.

  3. Her name is Ariadna Majewska in case anyone is unaware of it… she has plenty of rather mouth watering pics on her blog and socials. Recommended!

  4. Listen guys. I prefer a “real man”who is crazy about me. I don’t need a macho man; big muscles and being tough don’t cut it for me. I’m attracted to a man who really wants ME, only me! I attract a lot of guys, no problem, but I’m not interested in a man whose interested in any pretty girl. He has to be “man enough” to want only ME, and to strongly want me, but who also puts no pressure on me, He shows his manliness in his overwhelming desire for me, and only ME! It’s not humiliation; it’s love ❤️! I just melt.

  5. I add. It is not a case of a man being submissive. It’s a case of a man having the gumption to show me how much he utterly wants me!!! Then I will lead him to the Garden of Delights !

  6. Men. Don’t humiliate yourself trying to get us women to like you. Show how much you desire us , instead. I dare you.

  7. I know that the women went to these witches meetings. They danced naked at summer solstice at midnight. The women were taught that they needed to beat the devil out of a man each time they got their period. Something about red butts for menstrual blood. Very bewitching but our butts sure hurt often.

  8. She looks like one of those “ball thieves” who seduce men. Then they either drug them or tie them up. Next they inject anesthesia in the sack, and cut the man’s balls out. Then they are quickly gone. We men have dangers everywhere.

  9. Hank, why are any of us humiliated? It's not usually a question that admits of any simple answer. In my case, on rare occasions, it is, though: I am humiliated because I pay lovely ladies to do so. But I can only do me, you do you.

    Best wishes


  10. The majestic Majewska, indeed, Mr A, many thanks.

    Just click on the 'Perfection in Poznan' tag for more captions featuring her – there are quite a few.

    Best wishes


  11. Lose-lose scenarios are win-win for some of us, Frank. Imagine being admired and not made to suffer by some lovely girl… where would the fun be in that?

    Best wishes


  12. Very pleased to hear all about that, Ms Holly. Sounds like I would not be your type: you'd despise me. But then ladies who despise me are my type. What a conundrum, never to be resolved. Which is just as well, as this blog's going to go on and on regardless.

    Best wishes


  13. I've heard similar things, Paul, but my SO assures me they're just old househusbands' tales. She goes off to her book club every Thursday night and returns just after midnight, sometimes smelling slightly of sulphur and just occasionally with little sparks scintillating around her fingers, but apparently that's just what happens to women when they discuss books.

    It's silly to worry about such things – one of her friend's husbands started imagining all sorts of weird, witchy things going on but then he just disappeared one day, so it just goes to show how counter-productive that can be. His wife was distraught of course, but by pure chance that very same day she'd acquired the cutest little puppy, and when we see her now happily dragging her dog along on its leash, you can tell that she's managed to move on.

    Best wishes


  14. Any of them in particular, Mr A? Or all of them.

    You want to watch out for those ball thieves. The police don't usually take an interest, and even when they do, it's rare you actually get the balls back. Oh well.

    Best wishes


  15. I didn't realise she had her own tag Servitor, thanks! Forgot to sign that comment….

  16. Well, those tags can be a bit obscure, to be honest, Spicey. I published a guide to the more regular ones, such as 'whimpering in adoration' which refers to Gal Gadot or – obviously – 'heart-stopping beauty', which refers to Herself. Even so, new ones arrive such as Anya Tailor Joy, tagged above as 'surprised by Joy' but also occasionally as 'pretty elf-like chess players'.

    I generally think this blog shouldn't be made too easy – or even particularly enjoyable – for its readers.

    Best wishes


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