Fairy tale romances

A purpose for your life – at last!

Magic mirror seems to understand his place, anyway.  I’m sure her fairy tale prince will learn the same lesson – possibly even with the threat of the same hammer.

Stand up for yourself!  Who’s the boss in this relationship anyway?

Cruella of course.  Still going strong.  And a bit of a change of scene from the bleak Northern landscapes, as some of their lovely ladies got to go to Spain recently, thank goodness.

She’s trying to make the best of it… why can’t you?


No spoilers… but I can tell you she’s determined to live happily ever after.





0 thoughts on “Fairy tale romances”

  1. Lots of occult today… but what a Woman wants, she gets.
    The last fairy tale of being by the lesbian relationship makes my own panty a bit rigid.. lol saraE

  2. No doubt. And rigidness within panties is something she herself favours too, but only when created by a metal tube.

    Thanks for commenting, SaraE.

    Best wishes


  3. Indeed. But try telling them that and they'll just strap you over a whipping bench and beat you senseless! Bless 'em…

    Best wishes


  4. Click on 'fairy tales' in that wordcloud over there and your dreams will come true! Well… some of them, partially and briefly, anyway.

    Best wishes


  5. Perhaps you'll meet a lovely witch and she'll turn you into an ice cream, Berry Vanilla. It's a brief existence, but a satisfying one, I've heard.

    Best wishes


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