Supremely confident

Thank goodness he’s around.




My SO can be quite inconsistent on this.  If a tawse or cane she was hoping to use goes missing – or on one memorable occasion the batteries from her favourite cattle-prod – she instantly suspects me and we ‘have a little chat’ about it.  But if a key isn’t where she’d expected it to be it’s ‘just one of those things’ and ‘is bound to turn up in a month or two’.  Women.  Eh? 




As anyone deeply familiar with the OWK photographic record will testify: describing an OWK slave as ‘that one with the stupid moustache’ isn’t really specific enough.  They might have to have a lot of slaves punched to be sure to get the right one.  Still, no real harm done if so, I suppose.


Am I the only male sub whose first experience of toilet slavery was during the interval during a fully-booked theatrical performance?  I suspect not.




…which is actually true of a lot of things, if you think about it.  As I’m sure you have.  Pervert.



0 thoughts on “Supremely confident”

  1. Just supposing the Lady with the crotch panel were a dominatrix. She might very possibly have worn the clothing she has on now on request. Why if She hadn't she might have taken less time to get out of her clothes and he might have less to swallow. Every second counts. And he might be getting seconds. Femsup

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