Decadence: time for birthday spankings

Ten years today.  Good grief. 

Here are some of my favourite ever captioned images.  In general, when there’s one I am really pleased with, it is because the words and photo go together perfectly.  Either because the lady’s expression seems just right – in that, once you’ve read the caption you can imagine she’s saying that, or even be unable to imagine she could be saying anything else – or just because the caption picks up some quirk in the scene.

Other people might like other ones.  Or stories.  But I adore each and every one of the ones below, so I won’t comment further.

And, of course….


… and…

…and finally, what my Tumblr stats suggest is the most popular captioned image I have ever done.  Which is quite heartening, as it’s not some fetish scene with latex-clad blondes (delightful though those are), but simply this:




So here’s to the next ten years.  Starting tomorrow with a bonus post of new stuff, to make up for all this recycled trash we’ve had over the last few days.





0 thoughts on “Decadence: time for birthday spankings”

  1. The woman in that last one looks familiar. Is she the one on those insurance commercials? Or maybe the one you see on Page Six all the time?

  2. I'm pretty sure you've done that one before some time in the last ten years, Tom. It was blasphemous then and it's blasphemous now, so you just might want to check your own insurance is up to date, if you know what I mean.

    If on the other hand it wasn't you that made a similar crack some years before, then… well then, it seems that person is no longer around, doesn't it? You might want to think about that too. We congregants of the Church of the divine Anne are not easily roused to anger but we can be vicious in packs.

    I think a bit of mutual respect is called for. Do I go around trying to wind you up with deliberately dodgy grammar or photos of vaulting horses used as spanking benches?



  3. Congratulations on a pretty impressive run. Love your work. On a separate topic, have you seen the new Estonian prime minister? Surely worth a caption or two.

  4. Aww… that's lovely.

    I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.

    (Not that it gets you out of doing penance – but I imagine you wouldn't want to).

    Best wishes


  5. Many thanks Mr N. I'll certainly try. I think if Estonia gains any surprisingly rapid military victories over the next year or few, we'll know the reason. I for one would be quite prepared to submit to their armed might. But I read they're rather peace-loving, which is a shame.

    Best wishes


  6. Congratulations on wasting so much time which could have been better spent stalking a heart stopping beauty. I have lurked around here from the beginning, peeking at the occasional petticoat. I have always appreciated the humor you bring into the sad quest for wanking material many of us are on. May there be a second decennial celebration, and perhaps the unveiling of one or two of the rules between 7 and 18.

  7. Thank you for delurking, Maid, although I hope you asked your employer for permission first.

    Kind comments: there is indeed joy and splendour even in sad, lonely little lives like ours. Petticoats help.

    As for the rules, who knows… In any case, they're more in the nature of guidelines, as dommes aren't big on rules, except as applied to other people. Bless 'em.

    Best wishes


  8. Congratulations for ten years of stories, captions and overall kinkyness.
    I have been intently reading since 2013 and I have to say your work is quite impressive. Although it must be rather tiring writing so much about so many beautiful women being so cruel.
    Hopefully you got some kind of treat from your kind female overseer.

    Here's to 10 more years of wonderful femdom content!

    –A humble anonymous commentator.

  9. Many thanks, HAC. Indeed, you have been humbly and anonymously commenting here for most of that time as well and it is always appreciated.

    Tiring? Well, perhaps. But then as my SO says: men are lazy and feckless and need to be driven to a constant state of exhaustion, so I really can't complain about that.

    Best wishes


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