It’s a sign of devotion

You made everybody else seem so tame.


After a lifetime with a full head of hair, it seems I am finally going bald.  Next Tuesday, apparently.  She’s invited some friends around to watch.



I hope they play nicely.


A very important part of any session.

Speaking of devotion… this is Lady Sophia Black.

Actually, it is more accurate to describe Sissymaid Sylvia as ‘gender uncertain’ as its Mistress hasn’t come to a final decision on the matter yet.

0 thoughts on “It’s a sign of devotion”

  1. Its great that you can put yourself in the superior sexes minds and can almost be as good. The teacher and student and the legal eagle. Femsup

  2. Like many males, I work hard to try to write things almost as well as the superior sex could write effortlessly. I usually fail. However, most of my captions are just observed from ordinary life, so fortunately I don't often have to.

    Best wishes, Femsup (or possibly fake Femsup – but this one reads like the real thing, in my humble opinion).


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