0 thoughts on “Bandwagon”

  1. Honey we need to talk, ok? You know you mustn't worry about Covid-19. Some really clever people who understand about these things are developing a vaccine. My friend, Victoria, is working on it in her lab. They have about 20 guys who have "volunteered" to be guinea pigs. It's all super complicated and I am not sure I can dumb it down sufficiently for you to understand.

    Any questions? Well no you are an essential homeworker, honey. You know the house couldn't be run without your input. I really don't know how you do it but you seem to like cooking, cleaning, shopping and gardening. Well if you caught the virus I'd have to send you to a sissy colony to be made better. I would then hire a temporary sissy slave to do the work you do. What do you mean what if I preferred him to you? Well I guess I'd have to decide what to do. It's unlikely to happen because I love you and no one could replace you.

    My friend, Mary, said you are such a sweet sissy that she wanted to take you home…isn't that kind darling?

    Anyways get on with whatever it was you were doing before I popped home for a sandwich before my meeting via Zoom this afternoon.


  2. What do you think you are doing, honey? You know you are not allowed to watch TV without supervision. Let me see what you are looking at. I don't believe it. You are actually watching TV Gynarchy News. How could you do such a thing? You know I specifically told you you do not understand enough to watch a news programme. They are for senior members of the family only. That is me, our daughter Anna, your mommy and my mommy….ok?

    Now stand in the corner until you understand why you mustn't watch TV without permission.

    Are you sure you now understand, Honey? I don't want to be too hard on you but you must not tax your brain too much. There are things you are not equipped to comprehend, such as the Covid pandemic. It's hard enough for me to understand but it must be impossible for you.

    Now go and start supper, that's a good boy.


  3. Very wise advice, Ms Zoe. My own SO volunteered me to be part of a testing group for an experiment to establish whether transmission of the Covid virus could in any way be related to males having testicles (far-fetched, you might say, but males do experience higher rates of infection – thank goodness – and it is worth exploring every possible cause). She was a little disappointed that they assigned me to the control group and tried calling the scientists in charge to have me moved to the treatment group, but they were all 'scientific method yadda yadda' and that was that. Still: glad to have done my bit to help.

    And always glad to see contributions from Ms Zoe, who really should start her own advice blog as she is wasted down here. I'd link to it.

    Best wishes


  4. Males are very lucky that there are ladies out there prepared to dommesplain the world to them. I used to watch the news but then I realised that not only was it all rather alarming, it actually had almost no bearing on what matters in my own life. Interest rates, wars in the Middle East, space missions to asteroids – none of it determines how long I stay in the corner, or how much my bottom hurts when I am there. She does, and that's what really matters.

    Best wishes


  5. It would be nice to think that Contemplating the Divine could provide a haven, a sanctuary from the Covid worries of the real world, devoted to happier topics such as torture, humiliation, slavery and the innocent pleasure females can take in brutal oppression. One day those things can be blithely celebrated again, but for now the long shadow of what I call The Thing darkens even this joyful corner of the Internet.

    Thank you for commenting.

    Best wishes


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