It Came From Outer Space

And this is how the message ran…

She should put him in the stocks. ‘Cos the sonic doesn’t work on wood.


I believe there are still traces from which civilisation could be reconstructed, under the guidance of the Galactic Community.
I think you’re about to experience their rigorous clinical testing procedures personally
I would just like to point out that as an arachnophobe, I did not at all enjoy searching Google images for the picture on the right hand side in the background there.  I suffered for my art.  Now it’s your tur – oh, I did that one already, didn’t I?
I don’t really understand how anyone can be an atheist, in a world that contains Arianna Grande.   
What’s that you say, blog ‘reader’?  You don’t think this one fits in with the overall science fiction theme of today’s post?  Oh yes, it does.  You see: this is your future.


0 thoughts on “It Came From Outer Space”

  1. The World belongs to Dominant Women
    This blog is dedicated to fantasy and reality of female domination. Dominant women are genuine goddesses who only need to become aware of their power that comes out of female domination … and the sky is the limit. Thus, they will find more submissive men who become most willingly their slaves, servants and underlings who serve adorable goddesses in business, in private and public life. The world belongs to dominant women. I still have a Blog on Blogspot:

  2. OK, good for you. A bit spammy but I won't delete this one.

    Wouldn't it be better, though, if our blogs are about similar subjects, for you actually to comment on the material here on this blog, and mention your own blog at the same time? Rather than just reposting the same text here, as you seem to do from time to time?

    Best wishes


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