They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. And so do hunger, cold, discomfort and terror. |
It’s actually the sign of a really considerate, thoughful guy not to protest when his date decides to fuck someone else whose more attractive. Sweet guys like that are the ones that the really hot girls all want to settle down with, eventually. I’m told. |
They taste much the same. Don’t wriggle quite as much while you’re waiting for permission to chew, that’s the only real difference, I find. |
He has ambitions to be a Junior Housemaid’s assistant, but I suspect that’s beyond his reach. Still, one can dream. |
If it’s sunny, he’d better wear a hat. Fortunately he has lots of hats: it’s almost the only kind of present he ever gets.* Everyone seems to think it’s such an original gift idea… it would be heartless to tell them – and despite everything, he’s not a bitter man. |
* Thank you Iain M Banks, Use of Weapons.