… that last being ‘not to be taken seriously’.  Anyone actually thinking this blog is serious in any way should erm… well, should try and take themselves out of the gene pool to be honest.*

So, here is the second installment in Servitor’s completely non-sensical, non-serious series on non-consensual BDSM play.  Enjoy.

* Although in practice most of the males reading this blog are unlikely to
be contributing much to the next generation’s gene pool anyway.  I
mean, no offence, guys, but have you looked in a mirror?  Eugh – and that’s before you start explaining your sexual preferences to the partner who’s rapidly pulling on her clothes and thumbing for an Uber.  The only pool of genes you’re going to be contributing to is that dried up stain on the floor, just beneath your computer.  Sorry – but I’m only telling you this because I’m your friend, you know that, right?

0 thoughts on “NC NSFW and NTBTS”

  1. Or you can just visit a local army surplus shops (there must be a lot of army surplus material in Russia, right?), as they have all sorts of useful toys and implements, that are perfect for that special evening in for some intense NC play with the vic of your choice…

  2. And such a good documentary feature on say the One Show. Some fascinating angles on the growing industry of NC abductions and more. Of course not all the vics are abducted. Like how they are objectified as vics and not human beings with feelings all of them very hurt.Femsup

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