Girl talk

More reminiscences from those sweet Central European maidens from the sadly defunct Czech vacation spot, the OWK.  

Where are they now, you ask? Some of them work as professional dominatrices but most of the others prefer to remain anonymous today, as they’ve moved on from the scene.  One – I won’t name her because I do respect her privacy – has done really well in the travel industry and now works as Service Manager for one of the major low-cost budget airlines.  She’s responsible for designing the passenger experience : all the way from the check-in queue to the seat design and on-board service standards.  A complete change in career, you’d think, but actually she says her time at OWK was very useful preparation for her current responsibilities.  Strange but true.


0 thoughts on “Girl talk”

  1. Its great to see them not just snarling or sneering but really enjoying themselves at the expense of the males. What was all the fuss about that snow globe. The snow inside would cool down a lot of the pain wouldn't it?

  2. Oh, the OWK was never all about snarling and sneering. Sure, the Ladies always behaved fiercely around the slaves but at the end of a hard session in the Queen's Prison, Madame Clara, for example, liked nothing better than to switch the shock collars to automatic, go upstairs and close the double trap-door to drown out the frantic screaming, and settle down for a few hours with a cup of cocoa and a good book.

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