Nonsensual BDSM

Of course, it’s more effective to kill mens’ lib off with kindness and reasoned argument.  But not nearly as much fun.

I suppose a blowjob is out of the question? You might as well ask… it couldn’t hurt.

Thank goodness she gave you a safeword.  OK, she’s gagged you and also forgotten it.  But I think that demonstrates her commitment to responsible play.

Oh, nobody still beats her own husband in this day and age do they?

Goodness, what a long one, as no one in the history of the planet has ever said to me.

0 thoughts on “Nonsensual BDSM”

  1. Nonsensual as in not sensual or as in pertaining to nonsense? I feel both are valid. Which did you intend?

  2. Thank you for commenting – and thinking about it more than it perhaps deserves! Mostly the latter but I just liked the sound of the word, really. These five were ones I thought to be particularly nonsensical, though.

  3. Ah yes that famous documentary where the dominatrix uses a cheese greater on the punters parts. From the early or mid 90's Femsup

  4. Oh, I rmember that! One of my formative experiences, before I was old enough to buy porn. She was lovely…not so much for the cheesegrater (not my thing), but she took her submissive shopping with her. Any idea who the lady was, or where to find a copy of the documentary online?

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