Even more femdom captions than that – and some found femdom

Hey, has anyone out there noticed how much femdom there is in ZZ Top videos?  I was watching one for the music (I do, secretly, occasionally use the Internet for looking at things that are not porn – hope I never get found out), and was transported back to happy days in front of the TV as a teenager, desperately hoping for something pervy.  Anyway there’s this.  And this (give it time – or skip to 2.00 or so and look out for the treatment of the guy in the pullover at 2.20!).

If you like power-dressing 80s babes with big hair that is.  Oh, I do.  I really do.

Then there’s this, in a very different style.  You have to get near the end to work out what’s going on.

Hmmm.  ZZ Top.  Beardy perverts, eh?

Anyway, on with the show:

Cash, carry and serve
Actually, even if you don’t recycle them it’s still better than all those nasty plastic bags.

Domme gets a haircut
He graduated top of his class in hairdresser school.  After all, he had mastered the art of studying in med school.  Being whipped for poor performance helped, too.


Whipped silly by two divine dommes
It wouldn’t be so bad, if the things she said about him weren’t so personal – you know?

Well whipped slave is done for the day
It’s her favourite part of the day.

Anne knows just how to cheer you up
Actually, when you really think about it there are lots of reasons why life might be easier without balls, around Anne.  There’s Tuesdays for example.  She usually comes back from the studio feeling rather grumpy.  That’ll hurt less after tomorrow.

0 thoughts on “Even more femdom captions than that – and some found femdom”

  1. (I do, secretly, occasionally use the Internet for looking at things that are not porn

    Eewww! That's just freakin' weird!

  2. Oh, and the 80s music videos were the next best thing to the fuzzy late-night HBO porn that you could almost but not quite make out. I grew up in the 70s, but the 80s were my fave decade.

    A few of the ZZ Top videos had these of strong or empowered women. I never thought of it as femdom, except in a very general sense.

    If you *really* look at the video stories, ZZ Top themselves come across as fairy godmothers. 🙂

    BTW, you may not know, but the 4th pic (IIRC) is another blogger, maymay of (Male Submission Art on Tumblr, and Maybe Maimed).

  3. Servitor-

    Yes, I did notice back at the time. My first comment was left before I noticed your links to the videos.

    Legs is full of FemDom symbols, and I recall how I was so hot for the woman in white with the gloves and OTK pirate-style boots. How the sultry blonde had the too-tight, too-short black leather mini.

    I never saw the video before for Give Me All Your Lovin', but it, of course, is a veritable anthem to Cougarism and FemDom.


  4. Thanks Tom Allen. I didn't say I was proud of what I do. Actually, it's amazing how much of the Internet consists of sites devoted to things other than porn. I'd swear it's getting on for almost half. Every subject you can imagine seems to be the object of someone's non-fetish. It's very sad – and a terrible waste of bandwidth too.

    Yeah, ZZ Top are the fairy godmothers, but it's possible they belong to the three girls, no? Beardy slaves…

    On a more serious note: if maymay would like me to take down the picture, for whatever reason at all, then of course I'll do so, by the way.

  5. Saratoga –

    Yes indeed, and oddly I'd remembered Sharp Dressed Man as the most pervy one, but rewatching it, it seemed less so than those others.

    I remember one extraordinary occasion as a teenager when the BBC started showing "The Dominatrix Sleeps Tonight". This before I had ever, ever seen a real femdom video. It practically was a real femdom video! And the bastards stopped it about 30 seconds in. Talk about coitus interruptus. Took the invention of the Internet before I finally got to see the rest. Grrr.

    There was a good Eurythmics one too. Not to mention Frankie Goes to Holywood. I'm inspired now, time for YouTube…

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