
Probably best.  A little crying and pleading is OK, but after an hour or more it can start to get quite irritating. I’m sure you’d want to spare her that.


The trick is to turn the slave all the way upside down.  But I expect she’ll work it out eventually.  Some dommes use scissors, but that’s cheating really.


No fool like an old, emasculated fool, eh?


I’m not so sure he was all that gentle… but I guess we can agree to differ.
It’s going to be his special night, too.

Hopefully devoted

It might sting a bit.  More probably, it’ll sting a lot, actually.


She’s not a big fan of mens lib, to be honest. Just old-fashioned that way.


Sounds a bit edgy. Still, what’s the worst that could happen?


It’s a perspective thing – like that dress the Internet went crazy about.  If you’re looking at this picture and thinking about your own cock, then her strap-on bound to look huge, isn’t it?


I wonder what they’re expecting to happen? I mean there’s just you, a bare concrete cell and a strange scratching and scrabbling sound from behind that grill to your right there…

Hymn to her

And she will always carry on

It’s been a while since I did this, but I believe that you begin with the examination of conscience.  Oh, and penance is involved somewhere down the line.  Quite definitely.


Hmm.  What makes me think the answer by the end of the evening will turn out to have been ‘both’?


As far as I know, there aren’t any countries that provide constitutional rights to have a tantrum.  So you’d better just bend over.


Tantrums featuring a lot today.  New husbands are prone to them.  Experienced husbands, less so.  You’re about to become a lot more experienced, by the look of this!  Many happy returns of the day.


And although she seems to be looking away, it’s probably best not to pout when she’s given you this information, if you still have hopes of next month too.

Relationship management

I don’t really have much of a managerial role in our relationship, actually, so I don’t know too much about that.  This is what I know about:

Female led silence
It’s not easy being newlyweds – so many things to learn about how to live together.  Thank goodness for whips, eh?

Oh – and for some tips about marriage?  Try Servitor’s seven secrets series.  You’ll never see marriage in the same way again.

Punctured lung femdom - yummy!
No indeed.  He’s only got one left, and he’d hate to lose it.

Unsafe sex
Now I want you to know that Mistress Eleise, who features so beautifully in this image, would never really use a coathanger as a sound.  Not unless it was strictly necessary, anyway.

Tattoos and beating
Why do I imagine that what they decide to do about it will also involve beating…?

Rubber nurse fun
It’s actually quite hard doing open-heart surgery when you’re having an orgasm.  Fortunately, it’s only a man they’re operating on.

Words of discomfort

Honey blonde
And of course, you do.  It’s a question of how much you want it.  Or rather, how much she does.

Female led in the right direction
It’s good that he feels he can get these things out in the open.  And good, as well, that she feels she can beat the shit out of him if he does.

Lying slave
Who’d have guessed?

…and then?
You mustn’t assume from this that they cruelly starve all their slaves to death, because that’s just not true.  Some they fatten up for slaughter.

La belle dame sans merci

More images of female domination, captioned ones.

Nazi dominatrix oh my
Just scream to let them know when it’s back on, would you?

If I want to keep those stats up, I guess I’m going to have to start offering housework tips here…

Mmm…well, that was fun.  Schoolboy session next month – four hours in detention writing lines, wasn’t it?  Something to look forward to.

Men – being crude and ignorant – need to train themselves to watch out for these subtle clues.  Or women need to train them.

Yes.  Then they’ll definitely be gay.  And married!
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