Out and about

Well, it’s a lovely spring holiday weekend here in Notrealland: the sun is out, the first flowers are blooming and so the muse just couldn’t summon up the energy to strike me today*.  So rather than toss off** some captions, I just got my trusty old Hasselblad out and wandered around the lovely Notrealshire town of Notrealingham, where I don’t really live, taking pictures of some of my favourite spots that don’t really exist.  

Sometimes even this blog doesn’t have to be about femdom porn, OK? Let’s just take a moment to savour the pleasures of humdrum day-to-day life.

The old village green, at what is now the town centre.***  A lovely spot.  I can sit there for hours at a time: sometimes looking around at the scenery, sometimes, you know, just staring at the inside of a leather hood.  It’s where I do my thinking.

From the historic to the ultra-modern. This place opened up about two years ago and it’s really transformed the way the ladies of the town oppress their men.  It’s got the latest equipment, underground storage – even a coffee bar to relax in while waiting for the shorter treatments to be completed (they collect and deliver for longer-stay procedures).  I think it’s a shame in some ways: we used to have three discipline parlours run by old-fashioned governesses on the High Street but so many ladies bring their men here to be beaten now that there’s only one parlour left and even they’re trying to go modern with perspex canes and whatnot.  Still, I suppose that’s progress for you.  And small businesses can adapt: they just have to find a niche. We have an artisanal shackles shop operating out of the old blacksmith’s, for example. They can even do on-body welding, which you won’t find at a swanky outfit like Elsa Summers!

the male health clinic.  That’s Lisa and Debbie there: lovely girls.
They always had a dream of setting up their own clinic, even when they
were at school. I remember hiding behind the bins with the other boys
whenever we heard they wanted to play doctors and nurses. That’s them in
the picture on the wall behind them too, actually, with their dad. 
Well, their late dad I suppose I should say.  He died of complications
after some surgery went wrong. But you can’t let one little mistake put
you off, can you, so I’m glad to see they’ve stuck with their medical
vocation.  Bye Lisa, Debbie!  What’s that?  No, I don’t think I’ve
got an appointment next week…?  Oh, I see – my wife made it?  OK, I
expect she was going to tell me all about it in due course.  See you
next week, then.  Bye
Trying for an arty wide-angle shot here.  Signs outside the local newsagent.  I can’t help thinking the newspapers aren’t quite as interesting, now that men aren’t in charge any more.  We used to have wars, crime, stuff like that.  Still, I suppose I mustn’t complain.

And finishing off at our lovely municipal park, named in commemoration of a very lovely American lady.  Just the place to spend an Easter Sunday afternoon, so if you don’t mind I’ll leave you now and head off for the pony stables.  They have a bridleway that goes right around the lake, and there’s nothing better than clip-clopping along on a spring ride with your beloved: the wind in your hair, the smell of freshly-mown grass rising up from your nosebag and the flick-flick-flick of her whip against your buttocks. It’s been winter too long.  Don’t you agree?****

* Yes, I know I’ve made the ‘muse striking me’ joke several times before.  I like it, OK? 

** Yes, I know.  I like that one too.

*** Well, OK, if you want to quibble, that particular place does actually exist. 

**** What? Well, OK, unless you live in the Southern hemisphere I suppose. Do you have to be so pedantic all the time?  Just read the bloody blog, why can’t you?  I spent ages in Photoshop with most of these pictures and I don’t know why I bothered, as I know that you’ll hate them because there’s no pictures of women.  What do you want – porn?  (Don’t answer that).

The other side of BDSM

As the intro to this blog says, we don’t generally feature a lot of material here that will be of interest to the dominant male.  About a year ago, I ran an experimental ‘female submissive’ post, but it didn’t really take.  However, that’s not to say that Contemplating the Divine doesn’t recognise that there’s a whole side of BDSM almost uncovered here – the viewpoint of the male dom.

Sometimes it seems almost as though maledom and femdom are two separate worlds but there are many who are prepared to reach out across the divide and today we’ll be celebrating “We love our Maledom allies” day – featuring short introductions and profiles to some of the dominant men who’ve been prepared to learn a bit more about the femdom scene.  Maybe we’ll learn a bit more about what gets a bear or a bull’s rocks off as we do, eh?

So here we go.

First up, we have Master Eric, here!  Master Eric likes dressing in leather, considers himself a ‘bear’ and is very much into the whole Daddy/daughter scene.  Master Eric first got interested in femdom when he was picked up in a leather bar by two lovely ladies who told him they needed punishing for their uncontrollable lesbian lusts and he’s been with them ever since.

Say hello, Master Eric! 

OK, he’s a little shy.  Anyway, Master Eric’s favourite things are blowjobs and redheads in tight bondage and I’m told your least favourite things are hot-waxing and ironing, is that right Eric?

What’s that?  You actually love your hairless body and you’re grateful to Miss Erica and Miss Cindy for allowing you to do their ironing?  Oh, OK.  I must have been misinformed.  Great to meet you, anyway, Master Eric! 

Can you give us a curtsey, Master Eric?

Next up we have Sir Rodney.  Sir Rodney still goes along to those BDSM clubs where he used to hang out before he started to get interested in the femdom lifestyle.  He even spends a lot of time with some of his old dom friends when he does, although he likes to remain anonymous behind the gimp mask you can see him in below.  Unlike many doms, Sir Rodney says he really hates blow jobs!  See – and you thought all male doms were much the same.  Anyway, do say hello if you ever come across him.

Sir Rodney, the gallant knight, all suited up and ready to do his duty!

Now our third dominant guest is someone you might have heard of: ‘The Mountain Man’?  Mountain Man illustrates a little-remarked feature of the maledom lifestyle: without a woman’s touch, the lifestyle can get a bit unhealthy.  Mountain Man here used to eat nothing but steaks – as rare as he could get it – and let’s face it, that’s not going to give you the roughage you need as you get older.  But nowadays Mountain Man eats a vegetarian diet.  What’s that you’re eating Mountain Man?  Diced carrot with mashed turnip?  Mmmm.  Sounds good.  And stewed prune to follow too?  You’re a lucky guy, Mountain Man, you know that?

Mountain Man’s vegetarian diet helps keep his bowel movements regular and healthy, as do the twice-daily enemas.

Now our next guest has only recently started to get into the femdom scene – just two days ago, I believe.  Meet Headmaster George.  Headmaster George thinks nothing of taking an adult schoolgirl and bending her over his desk for six of the best with his cane.  A good swishing never did anyone any harm, eh Headmaster George?  Headmaster George?  

Obviously got something else on his mind.  He is just about to go off for yet another school roleplay session, after all.  Must be quite a treat, after all those years trying to find women desperate enough for cash to help satisfy his unpleasant urges.

George’s education in femdom is just beginning – but already he’s
learnt that there’s more than one way schoolgirls can be naughty, and
despite his many years of experience, I think he’s finding out new
things about the strap, the cane and the tawse as well.  That’s just the
spirit of independent inquiry – backed up by rote learning, obviously –
that this blog post is all about.  

Well done Headmaster George!

Headmaster George is curently in detention. Probably quite a long detention – but that’s OK, plenty of his former ‘schoolgirl’ playmates to keep him busy.

And finally, we have Derek!  Well, this lady below does, anyway.  Derek’s never been to a BDSM club, never smacked a girl’s bottom in his life.  Have you, Derek?  But his mother found a little stash of magazines full of bound-up bondage beauties and realised that this was something she didn’t know so much about but that her sister Agatha, who used to teach at a reformatory school, probably would.  Anyway, to cut a long story short, Agatha agreed to take over his upbringing and he’s been with her ever since.  Maybe one day he’ll get a chance to live his dreams of having a young woman helplessly bound at his disposal.  He’ll have to see what Agatha’s young friend Clarissa thinks, that’s all.  She’s going to marry him – but it’s a secret, OK?  They thought it would be more fun for him if the wedding came as a surprise.

Derek has a lovely cooling dip on a hot summer’s day. He also takes lovely cooling dips on cold winter days, but fortunately his Aunt Agatha knows lots of ways of warming him up.

And that’s that!  See – those big dominant males weren’t as macho and hardcore as we all thought, eh?  And it just goes to show how tolerant and welcoming the world of femdom truly is. And if any maledoms are reading this – why not give it a go? What’s the worst that could happen, after all?

There you go. Back to normal service – oh, when April’s properly under way I expect.  If for some reason there are no more blog posts it’s probably because I have gone off to invade Norway.  Do Norwegian soldiers ever abuse prisoners of war? Goodness, I hope so.


I have mentioned the ‘Slavr’ app a few times on this blog.  A number of
you (quite a small number) have written to ask about it.  To be honest, I
thought you’d all be on it already (“a bunch of lazy little sods who need
a good whipping, your readers” my SO commented).  Surely everyone
uses Slavr these days?  It has pretty much got rid of the old-fashioned
24/7 lifetime slavery contract approach for good, I’d have thought.

But, for the benefit of those who can’t be bothered to go off and just ask
Mistress Google*, here’s a brief summary.

Slavr, in brief, is a platform for slave service sharing.  It provides
useful and occasionally amusing services to ladies, while giving males some
meaning in their otherwise purposeless and absurd little lives.  Users can
register as a ‘taskmistress’ or a ‘slave user’ (‘sluser’, or often just
shortened to ‘loser’), with the former limited of course to female citizens**.
  Taskmistress registration is a simple operation, just involving
downloading an app but the sluser registration process is much slower, with a
117 page license agreement to be clicked through and 16 different pages of
forms to fill in, including all the necessary legal and medical
disclaimers.  The app frequently crashes during this process, requiring the
prospective user to begin again.  Despite this, there are presently more than forty times as many registered slusers as taskmistresses, which just goes to show how desperate men can get.

Once registered, a sluser is required to declare availability.  This is
the most important stage in the registration process (not least because almost
all of the other information that the prospective sluser laboriously types in
is simply discarded without even being sent to the Slavr servers).  Males
between the ages of 18 – 65 must declare minimum availability of at least three
evenings a week (three hour minimum availability period) plus at least one full
day (6 am to midnight) at weekends.  It is also possible simply to declare
unavailable times instead, such as
office working hours, with all other time presumed ‘available’.

spent hours scrubbing between tiles with a toothbrush? No? Get on Slavr and you’ll find out what you’ve been missing – it was the ninteenth most popular task from taskmistresses in 2016!

Slusers should also declare skills. 
Only consistently highly-rated slusers qualify to be assessed for sexual
services, so don’t bother looking for ‘cunnilingus’ and similar on the
menus.  Put housework down (and break it
down by task if possible – you’ll be rated for individual activities and a
five-star washing-up slave is unlikely to perform well in a really complex
ironing task).  Unskilled labour is
automatically checked, as is any amount of heavy lifting for slusers below the
age of 65.  During temporary periods of illness,
confirmed by a Slavr-certified female doctor, slusers may be ineligible for
hard physical labour, as may over-65 seniors not registered for the “Work me to
death” programme. Don’t forget about professional skills too.  Many taskmistresses are a lot more interested
in getting free labour from highly qualified professionals, than using them as footstools, oddly enough. A taskmistress trying to sort
out her financial affairs might be really pleased to find a highly-paid
accountant to do it for nothing, for example. 
Lawyers also seem to be much in demand, particularly for the more
demeaning and painful tasks.

Perhaps surprisingly for many slusers “having my shiny high-heeled boots licked clean” featured nowhere in the top 100 tasks commanded on Slavr in 2016.  Among the standard tasks, “Laundry and ironing” came top, followed by “Carry a heavy thing”. Time for a new fetish, perhaps?

The taskmistress basic interface is shown below.  Any taskmistress can see all available
slusers within her area, for immediate tasking. She can also book in advance,
which is particularly useful for taskmistresses living in remote
locations.  Unlike the evening slots,
full-day slots from 6am to midnight do not include travel time, so a sluser
might need to journey through the night to be ready and waiting at the
designated spot bright and early the next day. 
Taskmistresses can see all relevant details about any slusers, simply by
selecting them from the map or the full directory.  As specified by the sluser privacy agreement,
information such as name, age, home address, skills, availability, location, previous
ratings, bank balance and photo are all shared among all taskmistress users at
all times.

During a period of registered availability, a sluser’s phone must be
switched on and have an active data connection. Slavr regularly ‘pings’
users’ phones to check connectivity, so it’s advisable not to let the
battery run down. Many slusers maintain a dedicated smartphone just for
Slavr.  SlavrCorp is reportedly
developing its own-brand smartphone, that will only be capable of running the
Slavr app, can be conveniently attached to any part of the body and delivers
electric shocks when tasks arrive (or at any time, on the command of any
registered taskmistress, worldwide).You can register as a beta tester on the SlavrCorp web site, I believe.

Shopping with friends.  And a sluser or two carying the heavy stuff behind them.

For immediate tasking, the taskmistress simply selects her preferred sluser
and presses “Run!”. The sluser’s phone will ring, vibrate and (if fitted with
the Slavr ShockCaller) deliver an electric shock, terminate all ongoing phone
calls and apps and display a screen similar to the one below:

The sluser has the option of clicking on the “Yes Mistress, right away!”
button or… well, that’s it really.


Remember: the button she pressed is not marked ‘call’ or ‘request’ or ‘summon’.  The button she pressed is ‘Run’ and so you had better fucking run, hadn’t you boy?

The sluser must be kneeling in the location required before the counter
reaches zero.  Times to reach the
rendezvous point are calculated from Google Maps (with the time multiplied by
0.7, as Google Maps assumes the user is not running).   Many taskmistresses will automatically down-rate
any sluser who is not early.  Reminders
may be sent.

Sometimes the taskmistress will be waiting at the rendezvous point, more
usually she will take her own sweet time. Many taskmistresses use Slavr for
carrying shopping, for example, typically requesting a pick-up just before
entering the store, so they can be confident a sluser will be there on his
knees whenever they come out. 
Occasionally, taskmistresses will change their minds or simply forget
about their Slavr order.  They can cancel
but there’s really no reason to do so, so in those circumstances the sluser
will simply remain in the kneeling position. 
In the early days of Slavr, these ‘abandoned’ slusers caused some
problems and many taskmistresses reported slusers with bad knees almost unable
to walk or carry out the simplest tasks without whipping, due to kneeling too
long.  Slavr therefore now automatically
cancels a task after a sluser has been kneeling for two hours without pick-up,
checking first with the taskmistress whether she wishes to extend for a further
two hours***.  

Many slusers find the work quite hard at first. Don’t worry – even though they know you’re submissive, Slavr’s taskmistresses also realise that you’re just another lazy, feckless man without the right encouragement.  This sluser’s about to get some direct user feedback.

At the end of the tasking, of course the sluser is released (this will happen automatically after just 12 hours inactivity, so don’t worry your taskmistress forgets formally to end the task).  The taskmistress is prompted to rate the sluser’s service.  Feedback is very important indeed and the Slavr corporation ensures that all of its registered slusers receive a comprehensive feedback session at least once a week.  Ratings of two stars and below are dealt with wtithin 24 hours, after which will be given the opportunity to send a written apology, explaining how much you learnt from the experience.

If a sluser receives a
no-star rating, the taskmistress will be sent a video link to watch the feedback session if she wishes. Ladies of a kindly disposition are advised to consider carefully whether they actually want to see it.

Update!  There’s exciting news about Slavr’s new service – Slavr-Pay!  Here’s an advance copy of the pitch.  

Ladies!  Sign up with Slavr-Pay to make life easier at the checkout.  Just open up the app, select “Slavr-Pay” as an option and you’ll see all the local slusers and their available bank balances.  Select the one nearest to you who has enough for whatever it is you’re buying and select ‘Run!’.  Your sluser will come straight to the cash desk and settle everything.  He’s supposed to thank you for the privilege, so ding him when you rate him if he fails to do so.

*  That’s Google’s special search service for male subs.  You have
to ask very, very nicely for search results, then wait on your knees. 
What? You hadn’t heard of it? Honestly, am I the only here who actually uses a

** SlavrFem – purportedly a new service aimed at dominant males seeking
submissive females turned out to be a hoax operation, run by a group of female
supremacists.  Approximately 15,000 male users registered on the first
day. SlavrCorp moved rapidly to disown the hoax product and it is thought that
no more than a thousand males actually attempted to use the service to arrange
a rendezvous with a female slave.  A class action suit, seeking to pin the
blame for the castration these men experienced on SlavrCorp itself, was thrown
out by Justice Erica Braithwaite with the comment “These dumb men and
their genitals are much better separated anyway.”.

***  Of course, if a taskmistress
actually intends for a sluser to
kneel for any period of time, she can simply set it as a task, in which case no
limit is imposed, rather than going to the trouble of clicking for an extension
every two hours.

So a domme, her gimp and her money pig walk into a bar…

Yeah, I wanna report a 
missing sub.

You know – submissive? 
Like a slave?

Well of course consensual. 
Actually he begged.

OK, so he went missing this morning.  We kind of left him in the forest and then we
couldn’t find him, so – 

Yeah, sure we looked. Five minutes at least.  Maybe longer.

You need a description?  Right.

OK, so he’s about fifty years old, naked, shackled at hands
and ankles, with his cock locked in a spiked tube.  Er… recently lost a lot of weight, so his
skin kinda hangs off him in wrinkles, his back and ass are covered in whip
marks, he has cigarette burns all over his thighs and his mouth is forced wide open
with a serrated spreader gag, with a tongue clamp attached.  But he can
make a few sounds, and he answers to the name of 

What?  Did you say
‘Lucky’?  Why would he answer to the name
Well, why would you think I was going to say that? That’s not his name.  I was gonna tell you his name.

An old joke?  Is it? Oh, OK.  I guess.  I don’t
really get jokes, actually.  Never
had much of a sense of humour.  Just ask anyone… especially my subs.  
Yeah, no problem.  Answers
to the name of ‘Useless Fucktard’ anyway.

Sure.  OK, I’ll give
you my number and let me know if you find him, OK?  No, I don’t want regular updates. If you find
him, great, but if you don’t it’s no big deal.

OK, thanks.  Bye!

The photo that makes this otherwise pointless story, errr, pointful, is of course from American Mean Girls (they seem to have expanded out from Miami).  As I’ve said before, the ‘bratty’ teenage humiliatrix thing usually doesn’t do it for me, but maybe that’s because it’s normally done very badly.  I think this site is really very good indeed and it definitely does do it for me, so I recommend a visit.

And all I do is kiss you through the bars of a cage

… well I would if you put your boot a little closer, anyway.


About that which we cannot speak, we must remain silent.
Dommes.. they’re all about rules.
 This is the delightful Domina Liza.  I think I’d be happy in her cage forever, if I could see her dressed in green, setting off that stunning auburn hair, from time to time.
Regrets? He’s had a few.  And he’ll have plenty of time for a few more.

Well, he does need a new companion. Some might say the adventures would be a little dull, if he’s never allowed out.  But I’d watch it.
If you know what this caption is about, you might also enjoy this.  Or you might not.

What do you mean, this one doesn’t fit today’s ‘cage’ theme?  Of course it does.  The cage isn’t actually in the picture, because it hasn’t been delivered yet.  But it’ll be ready for you when you get back from honeymoon.

Female submission month

You know, although it has been going for over five years, there’s one topic in the big toybox that is BDSM that this blog has never covered: female submission.  I think it’s time Contemplating the Divine bit the ball-gag, so to speak, and sought to depict this excitingly weird practice, in several posts over this month.   

I have found some images of female submission and tried my hand at a few captions. Obviously, it’s not really my thing so these might be a bit hit-and-miss at first, but I’m sure I’ll get there.

I hope that my core readership with femdom interests won’t abandon the blog completely during this time.  It’s just a matter of numbers, really: I have noticed that sites featuring female submission seem to be much more common, so I think there must be many more readers for this sort of material.  But we’ll just try it out during April and see.  Around the end of the month, I’ll have a look at the readership figures and take a view on whether to continue.  If there’s a big increase in traffic, I might turn the blog into one focusing on female submission, perhaps with an emphasis on school scenes and suchlike. But more likely, the future of the blog is as a mix of male and female sub imagery.

So here are some sexy servitor-captioned images of females on the submissive side of BDSM play.  Yay!

Trigger warning: contains images of ladies being treated with less than their due respect.  Male submissives should not look at these pictures.  I certainly didn’t when I posted them, so I warn you now that some might be upside down.

Well, that’s that. April fool obviously, but you knew that, right?  Course you did.

Except for the lovely picture of Madame Sarka being her lovely self, I found that a sickening display of perversion.  I hope all you dominant males feel suitably disgusted with yourselves and turn to something more wholesome and natural, like sissy maid laundry service, pegging or penis sounding.  You’ll feel so much better about yourselves, believe me.

Back to normal next time, if I can get these atrocious images out of my head enough to continue this blog.

The true Scotch

these days, there are Scottish-sounding brands available everywhere, the true
connoisseur knows that nothing can match the genuine product of the
Highlands.  Lochgelly (some insist on “The Lochgelly”), is a
name known to connoisseurs the world over, with good reason.

The dark
hue, redolent of the rich Scottish peat, the way the upper surface catches the
light… The glorious blend of smells diffusing from the slightly smoky well-cured leather
tinged with a subtle oil, that harmonises perfectly with the inevitable scents of
sweat and fear.
And the
taste!  Oh, the taste.  Many have tried to describe it,
none with true success. ‘Like an explosion across all five senses’.  ‘When you first experience it you think this
can has to be the end – an unrepeatable, once in a lifetime experience.  But then it comes again, and again, and
again…’  The sharp sting from the initial
contact with the surface of the skin is soon overwhelmed by a glow of pain that
penetrates deep into the body.  The
aftertaste can still be experienced days later. 
One of our young interns recently spent a day at Lochgelly, tasting one tawse after
another, and was almost incapable of speech by the end of the day. ‘A truly
humbling experience’ he eventually confessed.

holding a Lochgelly in my hand makes me smile’, declares Miss Evangeline
Porter, of the Porter Reform School for young gentlemen. ‘Whether it’s the start of a full
day’s work with a class of 20 unruly pupils, or just a quiet evening in with my
husband, there’s a moment of silence when I first pick up the Lochgelly. I
like to savour that peaceful moment, taking my time so I can more fully
appreciate the pleasure I know is to come. And I always raise the Lochgelly in
a silent tribute to its makers, before I begin.’

Whether it’s
the classic single-tail cracking across the palms of the hands, a two-tail delivering a quick lesson in obedience or a more modern
three-tail being used to deliver a bruising in conjunction with a whipping bench, a Lochgelly will
always deliver the perfect end to a hard day – or the beginning of a night to
remember! So treat yourself.  There are
some luxuries you can’t afford to be without.

More advice to a novice sub – jargon busting

No, not ball busting.  Jargon busting!  As an experienced visitor of pro-dommes I am always happy to share my wisdom with nervous young subs seeking their first taste of the forbidden fruit that is a femdom session.  So I wrote two posts a while ago, trying to provide some of the most important tips. They went down very well, with several readers contacting me to let me know that they had tried my suggestions and survived. 

But, you know, there’s a lot more as well. Like any specialised subject, the world of BDSM is rife with its own phrases and acronyms and they can leave novices hopelessly confused. So here is Servitor’s jargon buster – all those puzzling terms explained. 

Write to me in the comments and let me know how you get on, newbies!

MILF. This is an acronym for “Mistress I’ve Lately Found”,
so it’s a perfect way to address any new domme you approach.  It can be particularly effective with more
mature ladies, though, as they are less familiar with the Internet, so these
acronyms are fresher to them.

Scat. This is a form of puppy play.  The puppy should lie on his back, paws
waggling in happy adoration of his goddess. 
She will stand menacingly over him for a while, then later order him to ‘scat!’
– meaning go away.  You don’t even need to arrange this in advance – just lie there, look up at her with those big puppy eyes, and say “Scat please, Mistress!”.  She’ll know what to do.
 Some dommes like to put newspaper down before a scat session, or even plastic sheeting, to make the puppy play more realistic – but don’t take this as a licence to do anything disgusting! 
I am afraid that I am not allowed to post upskirt pictures on this blog (because I am not allowed to look at them), so I can’t show the actual scat moment.  But I think it’s clear that it’ll be arriving soon, in this session!  Mmmm.  Puppy play is so cute.

Humbler.  This is a
complex and subtle form of psychological BDSM, in which the sub is given a
small token of his Mistress’s regard – used panties, quite often – and left
alone to contemplate them and his relationship to Her, for a few hours before a
session.  Even the strictest Mistresses
will usually allow unlimited masturbation during this time, as the point is to arrive
at the session sexually relaxed, to spend it in peaceful adoration.  Mistresses enjoy these quieter sessions
occasionally, so don’t be afraid to ask to arrive early – or even the night before
– to be put in a humbler.
Asking for an overnight humbler experience before tomorrow’s session.  She’s just warning him that his balls might be quite sore in the morning.  Obviously an experienced mistress who knows just many times he’s likely to bring himself to orgasm!

Forced bi.  A
double-domme session, in which one of the ladies only arrives after the sub is placed
in strict bondage.
This boy’s particularly lucky, because his Mistress not only agreed to arrange a forced bi session, she even asked him if he was up for a blow job!  I mean, duh – who isn’t, eh?!  Let’s hope her friend is pretty.

Sound.  Many subs
prefer their sessions to be carried out in total silence, so if you don’t want
this ask your domme whether she does ‘sounds’.
This sub asked for a double-domme medical session with lot of ‘sounds’. Just the thing for those who prefer their BDSM to be gently psychologically menacing rather than truly painful.  After all, sounds can’t really hurt you. Sticks and stones, and all that…

Bitch play.  Almost all dommes like to finish a puppy play session by making
love – doggie style! When you’re ready for this, show you want her to switch
into the animal role by calling her a ‘bitch’ – or, if you think
she might not realise you’re ready for sex, ‘fucking bitch’ just so she knows what’s expected of her.

You know what you want.  She wants it too – but you have to ask!

Judicial caning.  This
is the CP session to go for if you are new and nervous. Many men actually have
little idea of their real tolerance for pain, so if you ask for a ‘judicial
session’, she will carefully (‘judiciously’ – you see?) monitor how much she is inflicting
and will stop when you’ve had enough, so no safeword is required.

Remember, the world of BDSM is really quite playful.  You’d be surprised how many of the fiercest disciplinarians will accede to a humble request for the caning to be applied ‘judicial’ style, especially if you show them how much you trust them by requesting restraints and a gag.

Advice to a novice sub – Part 2

Many readers of this blog ask me questions, and not all of them are of the “Why don’t you just fuck off and die, Servitor?” form, either.  I know you regard me as a kind of wise old man of femdom, and after I published a blog post last year with a few choice tips for submissives less experienced than I am in visiting professional dominant ladies, the response was overwhelming and – in a few cases – not entirely contemptuous.

So, mindful of the fact that you don’t know my real name or address, and so you can’t sue me for any consequences, here is another batch of Servitor’s tips for any subs considering a visit to a pro-domme.

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