Commanding respect

Or the one before that.


I like to leave these details to my wife too.  She’s better at that sort of thing.


Return of an old friend.


On the plus side, they do get  lots of great shots of dommes looking really pissed-off.  On the minus, a lot of expensive cameras have been smashed.  Oh – and the photographer’s been hospitalised once or twice too.


Kind of a once-in-a-lifetime experience, huh?

Heavenly torment

Horsey horsey don’t you dare stop.


In case you’re thinking the judge was a little unfair – apparently the man in this sorry little tale had been masturbating to pictures on the Internet.  I think we can all agree that’s a good reason for him to lose everything, can’t we?  Disgusting habit.  Just ask Google.


It’s odd, isn’t it?  Some of us would bend over backwards to be in that situation.  Forwards, too.


Try to be brave. Think of her feelings, after all.


I would.

No means no

There’s been a lot of news lately about the need for men always to seek a woman’s consent before any sexual activity.  And I think that’s exactly right.  If she says no – that’s it.  You’ll just have to wait until next month.


Finally found something you’re good at!  Well done.


The selection process is quite rigorous.  Some don’t survive.  But there’s plenty of them, so that’s really not a problem.


Well, if being told off and humiliated by an attractive lady in a sharp business suit doesn’t take his mind off sexy things, I don’t know what will!


They’re more kind of… snaily, if you know what I mean.  You don’t?  Oh.  Well – kind of like a cockroach that’s been squished under a boot most of the day – and I expect you know how bad that tastes!
Awww… sweet.

Dommestic violence

More of the usual kind of thing follows this short announcement.

Femdom bride is ready
Just go along with it.  In a few hours, you’ll be married and then I expect we’ll find out who’s really in charge!

Savage femdom beatings
Try hard.  Think of plastic ducks and teddie bears.  And next time – if you survive – try to click the right fucking box, OK?

Femdom games
He’s losing.

Literary pretensions
Normally, I want to make clear, I write all the captions featured on this site.  But this is by someone else.  There’s actually quite a lot of his work featured on the web, if you like it.

I’m sure you do.  Or you will.

Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains

…and isn’t that great?

Femdom abduction fantasy
No.  You’re not going far.

Princess Kali is pretty mean
It’s useful to understand your partner’s hard limits.  For example, my Significant Other is OK with most forms of play, but ‘disobedience’ and ‘answering back’ are real hard limits for her.
 The lady is of course the divine Princess Kali, who manages to look sweet, and mean, and sweetly mean, all at the same time.

OTher world kingdom scene
Czech has almost twenty different ways of saying “sorry”, you know.  Which actually turns out to be quite useful.

Caned weight loss
Two OWK captions in one posting.  Goodness. Servitor must be feeling in need of harsh treatment.

Hairbrushing femdom wife
It’s a nice gesture, but what’s the betting she’ll decide she wants to use the belt this time?  Women – eh?


Oh hi!  You’re Paul, right?  From IT?  I’m Jane.  I guess I’m the “boss” in this part of the company!  Oh, but just call me Jane – we’re very informal around here!

Look – we’re really grateful that you’ve come to help us out, OK?  I mean I know you’re all so busy down there, with that…computer stuff.  Fixing things… brilliant!

But we’ve got such an important meeting tomorrow – really important clients, right? – and I saw you give that presentation in Head Office last month and I just knew you’d be perfect for it!  So I asked Karen, and –

Which one?  Do you give a lot of presentations?  Oh!  Well, you have to send me invites to them.  I only saw the one – but you were great.  It was the one about computers.  Something about a… network, was it?  It was brilliant, anyway!  And I just thought – that’s what we need for next Wednesday!  The clients will love it.  And Wednesday’s tomorrow now… and here you are!  Brilliant

Hmmm?  Yes, yes that topic would be fine.  Computers…networks…all that.  They’re very interested in that stuff.  They’ve got lots of computers. I mean, it’s a bank so they’re bound to, aren’t they?

Oh!  One little thing.  Silly really.  Erm… you were wearing these, mmmm, white trousers?  Not quite sure what sort…I’d recognise them again if I see them.  They were…quite tight.  Really tight actually!  Anyway, I thought that was very effective.  Really helped to…well, the audience could see you very clearly.  I certainly could.  Do you think you could, erm…wear them tomorrow?  Hmm?  That be OK?

No…not quite sure what brand they were.  Do you have a lot of pairs of tight white trousers?  Oh.  Well, that’s good, isn’t it?  Tell you what – bring all three pairs in tomorrow morning and we’ll see which works best, OK?  Great!  We can have a little fashion show!  Right here.

Slides?  What do you mean, slides?  Oh PowerPoint slides!  Yes, definitely.  Got to have slides.  PowerPoint’s brilliant, isn’t it?  And then we can darken the rest of the room, so it’s like you’re just there in a spotlight…all in white.

No, I know.  Not all in white.  But the trousers are.

Oh…there was a little thing you did.  At one point you dropped all your notes, and you sort of bent over and picked them up for a bit?  And you looked kind of humiliated and embarassed as you did it?  That was quite effective too, I thought.  Really got the audience’s attention.  Put them at ease… An accident?  Was it really?  Oh.  Well, you know if you were to do it ‘by accident’ tomorrow, I’m sure the client would like it.  Possibly several times.

Great.  Well, I think we’re all set, then.  The client arrives at about 4pm, and we’ll go straight into the meeting.  No you don’t have to be there for that bit – that’s the serious business of the day.  Then we’ll talk to her a bit about the joint venture (you don’t need to worry about all that – boring old financy things!)  then when that’s all agreed we’ll have your presentation at the end of the afternoon!  Deal all done, down go the lights, onto the stage goes Paul and it’s all about…internet protocols for the rest of the afternoon!  Great!

Oh, is ‘internet protocols’ different from ‘networks’?  OK, well either really.  Gosh aren’t you clever – knowing about both!

Anyway, I expect we’ll all go off for a drink or something afterwards.  You should come along.  She’d like that.

Brilliant.  Look – tell Karen I owe her one for this, all right?

Oh wow.  You really call her “Miss Oldfield”?  Oh, that is cute!  Look – forget what I said about calling me Jane, OK?  You can just call me Miss Summers tomorrow, OK?  In front of the client.  I’d like that.  I’d really like that!  Or…you could call me “Boss”.

Go on – just for me.  Say “OK, boss!”


Premature ejaculation

That’s what you call it when you come before she’s given you permission.  It can be quite painful.

On with the show:

The fabulous Miss Hunter
Days with a “y” in them, for example.

Dual key chastity
Now two men aren’t having sex with her.

Ballbusting party no less
But in the event she decided the next morning not to marry him.  Wanted a man who still had his testicles, apparently.  Women!  Eh?  You just can’t please them.

Femdom image caption caption caption and so on
It’s very kind of Sarah to do this while she’s away.  After all, she really doesn’t like men – quite the man-hating lesbian, really.

Consent.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: it’s the most important word in BDSM.

Gently does it

Let me just – ouch – try to settle myself back in this – oooh! – chair, and I’ll just see if I can get some pictures to put up.  Sorry.  With you in a moment.  Just a bit battered and bruised.  Thank you, Miss Black.

Ouch.  Right then.  Got some captioned images here somewhere, lovely fresh ones, ah here we go:

Get the pain with the strain
It’s actually a rhetorical question.  I’m not even sure there is a right answer, but believe me “Because they’ll be ripped right off and I’ll be left castrated in agony you evil bitch!” isn’t it.

Injection of humour
Just for Paltego.  He da man.

Orgasms are just vulgar anyway
Isn’t that special?

Occasionally I wonder whether anyone reads these bits wibble wibble lampost
Phobias are funny things, aren’t they?

Yo ho yo ho
Kindly humiliation – an underserved niche in the femdom market, I’ve often thought.

Unforced labour

Actually humane killing is the best thing that ever happens to an OWK pony slave
They were so distracted they shot the wrong one first time – a perfectly healthy human pony.  Madame Sarka was cross, as I expect you can imagine.

When your wife puts you in a ball gag theres only one thing to say
Mmmphh pppmmpphh arvvnnnng ggrgh!

Femdom wife submissive husband and two forms of healthy exercise
The exericse bike is good for his legs, carrying the concrete block around is good for his arms and getting the cane is good for his obedience.

Beautiful dominatrices
If you like, you can pace about nervously.  The time’ll go quicker than you think – you’ll see.

Leather dress high heels whats not to like
She hasn’t looked round, either.  Don’t worry.  She knows you’ll be there.

Remedial work

I do apologise for not posting yesterday.  And I see the stats for pageviews are way down on the day. I suppose that means many of you visit every time it is updated.  Goodness.  Hello there.  Some time soon, I’m going to try to find out more about you: which posts you like, which you don’t so much, and which you’d like me to be spanked for putting up.  That sort of thing. 

I was unable to post anything yesterday, because I was too busy trying to open a portal to the future to obtain a magazine subscription for Lady Grey.  Unsuccessfully, so now I’d better produce some extra work rather quickly, or I expect I will really be in trouble.  Also, for lying, because this is just not true.

I’ll get out of the way now, and let you at a few more than usual (wait for it, search engines): captioned images of female domination.

Beautiful woman is ever so nice about your small penis - mainly because youre paying her
Sometimes, pity can be more humiliating than contempt, don’t you agree?

I wish I got really turned on by ‘small dick humiliation’.  Then all my dates as a teenager would have been wildly exciting.  Of course, there’d have to be a ‘don’t quite know what to do with it anyway humiliation’ fetish too.

Captioned image of a classic femdom milking scenario
At least she hasn’t branded him.  That happens just before the drive into winter pastures, I understand.
Captioned image of beautiful eastern bloc soldiers in the Other World Kingdom
Aren’t they great?  Wouldn’t you just love to be running naked from them, ducking and weaving in blind terror to avoid the high-velocity rounds from their automatic weapons?  You wouldn’t?  Boy, you’re really weird, aren’t you?

Femdom wife wants you to lick it up
Raoul’s back – actually, I could tell because I’m the one who has to wash his underwear.

Captioned image of beautiful wife about to spank you for impertinence
I’ve a feeling I’ve used this picture before (but with a different caption).  If not, it’s been sitting on my computer without being captioned and posted, which seems quite implausible, considering.
Captioned image of something really most unpleasant about to happen
I think what we have here might be a cultural misunderstanding. It’s important to let her express her annoyance the way she wants to, without rushing to judgment or culturally insensitive condemnation.
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