Nervous anticipation

Surely the sexiest feeling there is.  Don’t you think?  No?  Try a vanilla blog with lots of pictures of naked women instead, then, because this just isn’t going to be your thing.

Mistress Hellena is magnificent
Well… as long as they’re housetrained.
The lady above is Mistress Hellena, web site as recorded on the bottom right of the picture.  She has lots of very creative videos on the site – not the usual stuff by any means.  At one point, a slave gets wrapped up in brown paper.  She is clearly a wonderfully commanding and creative domme and I’d love to session with her, but her voice sounds exactly like my mother’s and that freaks me out.  Poor old screwed up Servitor.
Will he go under or over the barbed wire, I wonder?

But hey, it’s what we do, right?

Don’t you hate it when women do this?  They say “Is there something you want to talk about?” when really they already know all about it?  And then they strap you across the whipping block and flog you mercilessly, halve your pocket money and ground you for six months?  Women, eh?

It’s sad, but there are just too many submissive men chasing too few dommes.  The pound is the only answer.  Don’t worry: they’re very humane there.


That’s me.

Pervert punishment
Of course he can.  He’d do anything for her.  Wouldn’t you?

Humiliation served cold
Well… OK.  This time.

SPH handjob
Hmmm.  An occasional sympathy fingerjob.  Well, that’s a pretty big win, right there.

Cruel therapist
It’s great when you’re confident your therapist understands the real you, isn’t it?

I don’t think she’s taking this seriously enough, you know.  I mean, a man’s been murdered here.  And more importantly, a quite valuable pen was stolen, too.

Words of discomfort

Honey blonde
And of course, you do.  It’s a question of how much you want it.  Or rather, how much she does.

Female led in the right direction
It’s good that he feels he can get these things out in the open.  And good, as well, that she feels she can beat the shit out of him if he does.

Lying slave
Who’d have guessed?

…and then?
You mustn’t assume from this that they cruelly starve all their slaves to death, because that’s just not true.  Some they fatten up for slaughter.

Some of them want to abuse you

and the rest don’t really, but they’ll probably have a go if there’s nothing else to do.

Anyway, you need to go to bed early so you can get up in time to do all your chores, right?

If you survive the mixing process, you’ll be encased in concrete forever.  What’s not to like?

Just routine.  Nothing to worry about.

Actually, I had a similar experience a year or so ago.  My doctor put me on a course of pain-killers, just before I was due to visit my Significant Other.  A bit pointless, really.

It’s partly that he doesn’t see new people very often, of course.


Yeah, it was a bit weird, actually.  I mean, I thought I’d enjoy it, but actually
I found it kind-of disturbing, you know?
I hadn’t told him what was going to
happen, of course, but he figured it out as soon as we got to the clinic, and
he was panicking and trying to get away. 
Honestly, if I hadn’t thought to have him on the leash, I think he really would
have run out onto the street.  Fortunately, the nurses
there are very good – I mean, they see this sort of thing a lot.  So they soon had him strapped down, but he
was still screaming hysterically and pleading – all “Oh God, Mistress, please
don’t do it, I’ll do anything!”  You
And then we had a long wait for the
doctor to get round to him, and it’s amazing, he was shrieking and crying the
whole time.  I had to step out and go for
a little walk in the fresh air.  He’d
calmed down a bit when I got back, but then the doctor arrived and started
getting the knives out, you know, and it all started up again.  Honestly, I think he made more fuss while he
was lying there waiting, then he did when she started cutting!  And you know what he’s like with pain.  Always has been – he screamed the place down
on our wedding night.
Anyway, all done eventually.
I hope this one’ll be easier when I take
him in.  I made him watch when I punished
the other one for embarrassing me in front of the doctor like that.  So he should be more co-operative.
But we’ll find out tomorrow, I suppose.
Do you fancy a cup of tea?

Abject bliss

Puppyplay financial domination
Puppywup gonna dieee-wie.
 This magnificant lady is of course from Planet Femdom.  The unimpressive boys were free gifts with her weekly magazine.

Birched male
Things always seem so simple after a birching, don’t you agree?  Hmm?  Yes – thought you would.

Femdom surprise
Actually, grammatically speaking it is you who are surprised.  She is amazed, startled: something like that.

(Incidentally: little tip if you ever session with a pro-domme.  Very few of them – perhaps even none – really appreciate grammatical pedantry from their slaves.  Just something I’ve learned (or is learnt?) over the years.)
 This is the lovely – if rather sarcastic and humiliating – Selena.  If you want to worship her, go to  Simple.  Or wickedheartsboutique or somewhere like that, you know?  Yes – I’ll bet you do.

Cruel girls
I expect the screaming will become rather irritating after a while.  Still, they could always turn the TV up.
  This picture will be from, I imagine.

Wedding cuckold oh dear
And if it doesn’t get you stiff, she’ll ask Manuel to stick around for a bit, and maybe the three of you could try something else.

(And this – finally – is the lovely but regretably only occasionally dominant Carla Brown.)

Tie me up, put me down

Lucky old bastard.
This image is from Femdom Planet.  Tall German dommes…and this bloke.

Stand by your man.


Looks like he did, too.  But I think he’s going to sober up very fast when they get started.
NB: Contemplating the Divine does not endorse (or particularly enjoy) getting good and drunk before a BDSM session.  Contemplating the Divine just likes writing silly captions, that’s all. 
It’s not real oppression if you’re forced to do it.  You have to beg to be allowed…

Actually, I’m experiencing some spike pain even looking at the picture.

Special pleading

…it’s her favourite sort.

Eleise de Lacy is God
It’s best to take it bit by bit.  Remember, Ladies, you can always have another go and take off a few more IQ points if he’s still uppity, but if you hold on too long and you’ve got a drooling idiot who’s too stupid to work the vacuum cleaner, you’ll regret it the next time you want the floor cleaned!
 I take it no one in my audience will fail to recognise these as the magnificent Eleise de Lacy and Domina Lisa, here in a Femme Fatale Films production?
Thought not – you bunch of perverts.

Henpecked slave
I think she’d better watch out.  He could turn – just like that.
 This is from Planet Femdom.  I have loads of stills from this shoot – it’s great, don’t you think?  He’s so small!  She’s so tall!  Brilliant! I’m just going to keep on putting essentially the same caption on all of them.  Love it!

Pet play special
And then of course there’s the pie still to eat.  Actually, it really wasn’t that great.  But you don’t want to tell her that.

Femdom control
Seems fair.  And if it doesn’t seem fair to you, I really wouldn’t recommend pointing that out to her.

Disgraceful objectified sexist trash
Best not to get high on your own supply, after all.  I personally never masturbate when creating or posting captioned images.  Nor do I ever tell lies.  And of course, I should be severely punished were I to break either of those rules….

Slap happy

You know what you deserve… but here are some pervy pictures instead.

Wearing wifes dresses
Oh I do hope I get to wear that one.

Painful perversions
And paying them for it.  And thanking them afterwards.  And then in a few months doing it all again.  Here, in my case.

And this?  I mean – do we have to put up with this sort of thing?  Yes.

Russian femdom petplay
Actually, slave-fighting’s illegal in most civilised countries. And he can definitely sue if he has his balls bitten off, so really he’s got nothing to worry about.
 This image from Tyrannized, like it says.  Very good if you like your femdom in bright, primary colours.

I think you’re about to find out how ridiculous you look.  And if I know Angie, so’s everyone else.

Dealing with feelings of sexual inadequacy

Here are some ladies who know exactly how to do that.

Small condom humiliation
I find it quite hard to find condoms in my size, actually. I used to think it was because I was so unusually small, but actually a kindly pharmacist once explained to me that there are quite a lot of men this small – it’s just that they never get to have any sex, so there’s not much of a market for condom makers.  That made me feel a lot better.

Actually, that sort of failure rarely happens to me.  I usually find I can make women laugh, one way or another.
 I wouldn’t recommend a visit to the Young Goddess site these days, unless you’re really into self-loathing, as the guy who ran it got religion and decided that all of this is sinful.  Which of course, it is.  Still…I guess that means he’s relinquished copyright on everything?

Sorry.  Too embarassing a memory to talk about.  Move on please, move on.

That Raoul.  I’m sure he’s cheating on her.  Last time, I bought eight condoms and when I came round the next day to clean up, I only found six that he’d used.  Men can be such beasts…I don’t know what she sees in him.

She had to have the last one put down.  He was just too yappy.  It wasn’t an easy decision, though, and she made the mistake of looking back and catching his eye when she left him at the vet for the last time.  A tear or two was shed that night, I can tell you, as she thought of him alone in his cage at the vet’s waiting for the lethal injection the next morning.  But she’s sure it was for the best.
Quite a combination, there, Mistress T of Vancouver to the left, Goddess Lexi Sindel to the right, and Mistress Mina Thorne in the middle.  [With thanks to commenters for one identification]

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