You made a life out of hurting me

Well, a career anyway.  (warning: link is DSFW*)

*Disappointingly safe for work.

Yeah, just do whatever comes naturally.  She doesn’t mind.

Apparently, onset of the male menopause can occur as early as your 20s.  You just have to marry the right woman.

And what’s Ioannis got that I haven’t, I’d like to know? 
In an emergency, she could always just use one of the hotel’s coathangers or something.

She only puts the big ones on her trophy wall.  Smaller ones she makes into into novelty hat or shoe racks and sells them on e-bay..

Fear and loving

Oh, no. Not Lucy.

They do furnish a room.

It’s a good idea to have it written there on the fridge, to remind you both that it’s overdue.  I’m sure she’ll get round to it, though – no need to nag.

Boring old politics.  Still, you’d better go along to look pretty on her arm.

You could kiss and make up.

Frankly, Mistress, spank me

The title of course, yet another attempt to gain a veneer of artistic respectability by quoting someone with talent, in this case The Smiths.

The song speaks to me, though, and especially this line:
                 I didn’t realise you wrote such bloody awful poetry

No poetry today, you’ll be pleased to hear.  Onward, with feeling:

Lesbian trap
I’m not sure what this caption is on about, to be honest.  All lesbian couples look like this, don’t they?  It must be true – the Internet sez so.

Keeps you fit.  Very good for your health.  Until she reaches five, anyway.

One day I’ll meet someone who appreciates me just for what I am – a pathetic, desperate and unattractive loser who’ll willingly hand over cash for a brief moment of pretence that I am otherwise.

The lovely Princess Kali, being lovely as ever.

Just another attempt to make some positive use of the flood of male-dom pictures swirling around and polluting our beloved Internet.

Beneath her gaze

…it’s where I like to be.

(I’ve made a small change to the blog, making it wider (less blank space on the left, more room for larger pictures. It works on my computer and on IE, but let me know if it doesn’t work for you.  I’ve made the pictures larger in a few of the posts below, and of course for all future ones, but I’m not going to go back over older posts, so in some of them the pictures look a bit small and lonely.  Still, you can’t have everything, as I am reminded on a daily basis.)

Dont pout for your domina
So, now you know.  Don’t pout after a beating.  Oh – and no smug little smiles either, you know how she hates that.  Just try to keep those rules in mind.

Humbler than ever
As if it wasn’t already embarassing enough being the only man at a lesbian wedding.

Fedom snuff oh dearie me
Try to think calm thoughts.  Getting all panicky and upset at the thought of imminent brain damage or death just doesn’t help anyone, OK?

Femdom carpet beater too
Actually, she’s going to hang it from the same rack as the tawse, the paddle and the cane anyway, so there’s a bit of a clue right there.

Dommes day out
Of course, the dogs are trained just to restrain the quarry, not to hurt him.  They seize his trouser legs hard, and they hold on until the ladies arrive at the scene.  Only then – and only when given the word – will they go for his throat. 

Her obedient servant

Whipping beauty
Hurry up, she wants you suspended and well flogged before going out – and the dinner reservation is for eight!

Hunting femdom
Dave season starts today!  Actually, that’s not true.  Every day is Dave season.

Hard day femdom
Just try to empathise.  Men aren’t very good at it, but women know that and often make a particular effort to make their feelings known.

He can’t tell Coke from Pepsi, but he can tell Paolo from Antonio.

Oh well, never mind.  You’d probably have been rubbish at it anyway.

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