Thank Goddess it’s Friday!

It’s always such a relief to get home on a Friday evening after a tough week at work, when there’s still a few hours to make an early start on the weekend chores.

It’s a bit disappointing that they started without you, actually.  Maybe you should say something? Marriages should be founded on mutual respect.

What a lot of canes she has. One would be quite enough to reduce me to total obedience.  Women, eh?  Can’t control those shopping instincts.  Bless ’em.

Some time it really has to be my turn to serve. Surely.

Most blokes only play at 10, you see, and where can you go from there?

A very good point.  Sexual identity can be complicated.  Best to have someone else in charge of it, I say.
The lovely Mistress Akella, there.  But I forgot!  You’re gay (now) – so I don’t suppose you’re that interested in her?

Incidentally, readers, have any of you noticed that the new British Prime Minister has the same name as a rather splendid British domme?  Well, there’s an ‘h’ of difference but that’s all.  I can’t see the coincidence doing either of their careers any good at all, to be honest, but I wish both well.

Her husband; her rules

It’s only fair, right?

She can certainly make you less happy in the days and years to come, should she choose to do so. Thoroughly miserable, in fact.  So in that sense, today is indeed the high point.

Sounds exciting!  Some sort of wet ‘n’ messy play, I imagine?

Yes, you really must stay to comfort her. It can’t have been easy for her, losing three husbands in a row like that.
 I don’t usually link to tumblrs but I will give a shout-out to Strict Widow, as I love the concept and I’m using it quite a lot for material!
Ah – a caption turning on the finer points of English grammar.  One for the Editor Domme, there.
 While we’re on the subject of tumblrs…  Just remember you’re apostrophe’s if you comment on her site, for gods sake, OK?
Dominant males quite often feature in this blog, actually.  You can’t always tell the difference between them and the subs, but believe me, when I post a picture of some male under female control, with hands secured and cock firmly locked away or absent, it’s often a male dom formerly known as “Master Roger” or some such.

…and here‘s an extra one, without words.  

There’s something she forgot to say to you

Celebrate the conscious liberation of the female state!

The company has a very strict policy agaimst sexual harassment too.  So don’t worry about that. If you’re groped, or propositioned or demeaned in any way, you can complain to your boss, right then and there.

Hmm.  Looks like he’s going to be spending a lot of time bent over the the engine, today.

She might have her own list of course.
Nope.  No hangups there.  None whatsoever. I have five years of blog postings to prove it.


Female liberation. Quite the best sort.


A word used mainly with “love” or “surrender”.  Or – best of all – both.

Never seen her scrubbing her back with the bath brush, though. 

Still, he’ll have a unique souvenir of what looks to have been a memorable session.

Yes, M’m, thankee M’m.

And so does everyone else.  Not that they care.

Yeah, that would be awful.  Let me know if you see anyone like that reading the blog, OK?  I’ll kick them right off.


One day you’ll laugh about it. Everyone else does, after all.
Mmm… that does sound humiliating!




Actually, he’s lucky.  The bricks are  little bit irregular.  If it wasn’t for that to engage his interest…well, he’d have had a pretty boring time of it over the years, I can tell you.


She’s trying to make this work – why aren’t you?


Actually, you can make a fuss if you want.  It doesn’t really matter.

Stop your sobbing

She’s very particular about the gardening – that’s why she has them whipped so often.  She’s very particular about sex too, but then as her husband you know that already don’t you?


It must be very difficult for her, being trapped in a sexless marriage like that.  Still, she could probably play around a bit.  I mean, it’s only fair.  And who knows – maybe one day they’ll find the key.
She did make a particular point of how cruel and heartless she was in the advert, to be fair.


Women, eh?  There’s always one more thing, isn’t there?


Pesky Geneva Convention. 

So bandwagon!  Much out-of-date meme.  Many comic sans (sorry Steve!).


It’s a strangely self-defeating exercise, because we love it.

Sympathy porn
That’s kind of her.  Not exactly a sympathy fuck… more of a pitiful wank.  But the principle’s the same.

Castration lit again
Kinda scary.  Yeah.


I hold that truth to be self-evident.

Accidental scene
OK, now that would be humiliating.  And not in a good way.  Well…maybe a little bit good…mmmm.
Creepy Servitor
It’s uncanny.  It’s almost as if she knows me.  Do you think I should go and hang around her house in Beverly Hills… see if fate somehow brings us together?

New year, same old…

Actually, in most conversations it’s good to have a hairbrush handy.  Just in case.

Quite right.  What’s the worst that can happen?
 I don’t know who this lady is, but if anyone does, please let me know and I will crawl to her in person to beg forgiveness… and also credit the picture.

Actually, all her dungeon equipment is.

 This is Mistress Bella, presumably to be found at  I wonder what that site’s about?

Philosophy.  It’s a girl thing.
  And these lovelies are from a video by popular musical group White Flame. Easy enough to find. Harder to like.


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